Nuclear war survival guide.

I've been looking around a lot of this stuff lately - unfortunately for me I live a few short miles away from 'Menwith Hill' in Yorkshire, the largest US spy station in Europe - every phone call in the United Kingdom goes through there so chances are its a nice little target. Oh, and the ironic part? They've got a missile defense system set up, so if there's a nuke passing over on the way to the US, Menwith Hill shoots it down and lets us lads in Yorkshire take on for the team. Sucks huh?

I found this link useful - a definitive survival guide as outlined by the government around the cold war time:
haha i going to become the dictator of costa rica :farmer: :farmer: :bounce: :bounce:
Fat Tony! said:
Cool police have a right to shoot at you, therefore logically you can shoot back! you can go on a cop killing spree just like in GTA :)


omg that was good :upstare: :D :naughty: :naughty:
man that advice just managed to survive the burning glare of the explosion, managed to survive the shockwave, managed to run around the house putting out fires , survived the firestorm, and then it expects you to get into a van?? What van is going to be standing there once you leave the house?? Just run damnit runnnnnnnnnnnn.
Sgt.Igneri said:
Nice, lol. if it really happened i wouldnt waste time doing all this. Id just go out on my street with a lawn chair and a hott chick and just wait for the blast.
id say goodbye to all u guys on i quickly drive down to kirkland washington and go loot
Here Here is an interesting and in-depth read about how a nuclear attack on Washington DC with one missile at 300-kilotons would pan out. Very interesting article focusing more on the damage caused by the firestorm phases and the physics behind them, but still mentions the other phases as well. Quite awful stuff. After reading this about a 300-kiloton bomb, imagine a 20 Megaton bomb in action...
A 50-megaton thermonuclear device fusing highly concentrated isotopes of deuterium and tritium can result in an immediate increase in surrounding temperature, up to 1 billion ºC. Almost anything within a 10-mile blast radius will be instantaneously vapourised. Unless you're staying a good few miles beneath the earth surface within this area, there's no hope of even surviving the first second.

If you stay between 10-25 miles away from ground zero, you'll be affected by blast shockwaves in the form a major earthquake registering around 8-9 on the Richter scale, accompanied by winds travelling at 400 mph. That's the speed of a blazing tornado, only on a much larger scale. The devastation is swift, and nearly unequivocal. I don't think any bomb shelter will be of much use under these circumstances; you'll survive only if you're really lucky.

Between 25-40 miles away from the epicenter is a region sort of a transitional zone, where the energy of the shockwaves gradually depletes. Hiding in a underground bunker encased with thick steel and lead walls would be the best solution if you manage to come this far from the blast.

Beyond the 40-mile radius, about the only thing you need to worry about is the nuclear radioactivity and subsequent fallout. There are suggestions from previous posts regarding the methods of dealing with this.

Well, that's a brief summary of what I know. The distances and severity of the effects given above are just mere estimates. Of course, modern nuclear warheads are much less destructive, as they're mainly designed to emphasise accuracy, instead of power.
Isn't the interent great? Now when armageddon comes, we'll all know what to do. And they said I'd never amount to nothing...well, they won't be laughing when their dying of vaporiation or possibly radiation poisoning and I'm out of the country! Ha!

EDIT: Where's Ark One? :rolling: And is there one in Britain?
Pauly said:

see the clump of 6 possible strikes in northeast ohio.....yea thats great ....right where i live

Heh, I live in western North Carolina near Asheville. Which is basically right in the path of any fallout that would occur as a result of a nuclear weapon hitting Oakridge in TN.

If WW3 breaks out, I would assume that Oakridge would be a primary target for anyone firing nuclear missles at the U.S.

I guess I'll just haul ass north or south if a war breaks out, don't know which way. I'll flip a coin.

[/l337 nuclear survival skills]
panaticus said:
man that advice just managed to survive the burning glare of the explosion, managed to survive the shockwave, managed to run around the house putting out fires , survived the firestorm, and then it expects you to get into a van?? What van is going to be standing there once you leave the house?? Just run damnit runnnnnnnnnnnn.

Any vehicle that was standing wouldn't work. Nor would cell phones, computers, or anything electronic.

Unless you can swipe a really old car, you'd be walking...
Maybe a diesel, but even with that, fuel solenoids, alternator diodes, etc. would probably be fried.

With all the sensitive electronic systems in most modern vehicles, controlling ignition, fuel pumps, fuel injection, braking, et al., I don't think they'd survive the EMP, even with the semi-Faraday cage properties of a metal body...
Baal said:
I live in Canada so I'm not too worried about this kind of stuff.

Unless New York gets bombed or something...I guess we could get rocked pretty good if it was a big enough bomb...(I'm on the East York is the closest target to me i guess)

Anyways, I am kind of worried about North Korea...Kim, the president is very old and when he is on his death bed...what does he have to lose?


Lets hope that never happens.

ps: 24 DOES own.

I'm also worried about north korea, but I don't think Kim would do an act so cowardly as to nuke innocent civilians. Koreans are very big on honor and respect and to nuke the innocent civilians would bring such dishonor to korea. Well I dunno but I just hope Kim doesn't do that because it would bring much dishonor to a country that is very big on honor.

Trust me, I go to a place that teaches Korean karate and they are big on honor there. Very big.
Zeus said:
Well I dunno but I just hope Kim doesn't do that because it would bring much dishonor to a country that is very big on honor.

and for no other reason than that.
Well after looking at the prevailing winds map on this page and then at the Oregon survival map , it seems like Orgeon would be the best state to be in.

Besides Alaska and Hawaii I guess (Hawaii doesn't have a map on this website).

This site is depressing. There is around 15-20 "nuclear attack" icons per state, some cities such as New York have 15 or so all by themselves.