Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I really want to get this game , but i dont want to be dissapointed because i've heard that it has really bad bugs and a boring storyline. Is all this true or are some people being to harsh ?
Most of the reviews are true.

I thoroughly enjoyed the SP demo, but I guess the rest of the game's pretty lackluster and buggy.

The MP is terrible.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/darkmessiahofmightmagic/index.html?q=messiah of might and magic


There's two reviews to get your started...

Reviews are a great way to get professional opinions from various companies, as well as the players that post reviews on the same pages(like gamespot user reviews)

Then of course there are the responses of people who have played the game which will post.

I haven't played it myself. I heard it was a fairly mediocre game, which went against my expectations... so I didn't buy it.
There is a patch that removes most of Dark Messiah's annoyances and there's another on the way, so I think you shouldn't worry about bugs and stability issues. As for the game itself, can't say much, because my computer sucks :p
I've played and beaten it. To be honest, the game isn't deep enough to really keep you interested throughout the whole thing. The combat gets boring pretty quickly, especially considering that rather than fighting orcs or knights you fight enemies such as spiders (which are incredibly annoying) and zombies. The orcs and other sword-wielders don't provide much of a challenge though, even on hard. Most of the spells aren't that interesting and stealth seems pretty useless. If you played the singleplayer demo and unlocked the skills there is little more for you to discover in the full game (there is one special ability you gain later on in the game but it is pretty pointless).

The story is completely flat, some of the voice acting makes me want to tear my ears off, and that annoying Leanna woman and Xana are nigh intolerable. I haven't played multiplayer.

I didn't experience any bugs or performance issues. The game looks and sounds pretty decent for the most part.
I was looking forward to this :/
I have yet to experience any bugs yet. Ive played it through twice only though. Its a great game, no contemplating that. But you always feel that just a LITTLE bit more would have made it excellent. Just a bit more attention, just a bit better storyline, just a bit more...reason. You jump from place to place and sometimes you think 'why am i here again?'.

The fighting is just superb though. Kicking an orc off a high ledge and then chopping the head off of the one behind you always makes you cackle with laughter or just break a smile/grin.

And throwing someone/thing down stairs and watching the guards fall with it is always a good laugh.

It is sometimes TOO hard in some places compared to the others that make you go 'oh f***, how am i supposed to get out of this?!?!'. The packs of 'Golums' are THE most annoying creatures in any game ive played i think, or maybe the spiders. So many and they just never seem to die lol! Compare it to the last boss fight...hahahaha oh deary me. Come on Ubisoft!

Get it though. Its a good laugh, really cool in some places, just dont expect to melt over it..
It's a pretty bad game, you'll spend a big chunk of time running around boring levels killing the same enemies over and over with no real payoff except some boring skills that do little to make your character better
I really want to get this game , but i dont want to be dissapointed because i've heard that it has really bad bugs and a boring storyline. Is all this true or are some people being to harsh ?

First, I'd like to say that even though the game is not perfect, and certainly has more crashes than I would like, I still love it.

That said, let's look at this rationally:

1. The full game is very similar to the demo. If you like the demo then you _should_ like the game.
2. You can look at the reviews (especially that one-pager that gives the game 40% for no apparent reason) and think that this game sucks. OR you can look at the more positive reviews and try to make out whether what they like about the game is something you would also like (also you could look at the 180+ usercomments on metacritic that puts the game at 8.2.)
3. Yes, the game crashes a little too often, and allthough one patch has been released there are still some crashes. If you can't handle a crash now and then you need to stay away from this game.
4. When it comes to multiplayer it is actually playable. Not many players, though, so depending on where you live finding one with decent ping could be challenging (Europe is no problem).

The game is decent but it's not worth $50. I'd say wait a while for a price drop
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/darkmessiahofmightmagic/index.html?q=messiah of might and magic


There's two reviews to get your started...

Reviews are a great way to get professional opinions from various companies, as well as the players that post reviews on the same pages(like gamespot user reviews)

Then of course there are the responses of people who have played the game which will post.

I haven't played it myself. I heard it was a fairly mediocre game, which went against my expectations... so I didn't buy it.

If you call Gamespot or IGN "professional" reviews i dont know what to think. Have your own opinions not some idiot that can barely speak on camera.

(Not defending the game) Its so buggy i cant get 2 min without a crash every time.

90% of reviewers are BULLSHIT. Full grade horse shit.
...and that annoying Leanna woman and Xana are nigh intolerable...
first things first. i am most definitely kinda not a little bit completely annoying. second, it seems to me valve really loves/hates me. when i heard my name is that of a female character in a valve game, i was so happy/upset with them.
I liked the sp demo...the multiplayer beta sucked donkey balls(and it didn't seem like something they could fix without re-doing the whole thing).

conclusion I didn't buy the game...not least because for some reason the price is ridicolous...might give it a spin if the price goes down.
first things first. i am most definitely kinda not a little bit completely annoying. second, it seems to me valve really loves/hates me. when i heard my name is that of a female character in a valve game, i was so happy/upset with them.
VALVe has nothing to do with Dark Messiah.
Dark Messiah is a Ubisoft product (think the Rainbow Six series, and anything else to do with Tom Clancy - Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon series etc).

Valve just allowed Ubisoft to sell through Steam and therefore (probably) got a share of the profits.
I think the best reviews for any game are the aggregrate ones, whether they be "professional" or user submitted. When your rating a game, no matter how objective you are, it will come down to your opinion of it. Someone else might come along, play the exact same game and love it while you hated it. There is just too much room for deviation and opinions in the score. However, when you get more and more people rating the game, the number will get more and more accurate to the "real" value. After all, what more is a game supposed to do then satisfy its demographic?

As for Dark Messiah, it was a decent game. It crashed several, several times and frustrated me unbelievably but obviously, the fighting system is the most advanced i have seen and very fun. If you can get past the bugs, you'll definitely enjoy it, although i will say the game can get pretty repetitive.