Dark Sector


Sep 9, 2003
Reaction score

Just watch it.

The Sector Engine is probably the best thing I've ever seen (although the DOOM3 engine doesn't stays too far back)

Everyone was tellign how DOOM3 was so near that.....IT FECKIN BLOWED MY MIND!!!
I was waiting for someone else to happen the same thing...THX PENDRAGON!!

It was just so weird that it had so much impact on me and all the others were just "mehhh"....
It's in-game engine....if u mean that the animations are like "unique" and specially done for the teaser...the walk animation and the helmet aniamtion are pretty cool and probalby used in-game.
I read in gamespot thats is the first next-generacion console game
so I beleived that is in game pics
meh, it was ok, textures looked a little blurry to me :|

yeah I'm joking :D Very, very nice little engine if it's really the real thing (I believe you Sprafa, I don't totally believe those you are quoting).
Yeah, it's the first announced game for the next consoles. Just think how good the games will look at launch or even better a couple years into the console :D
I'm not very impressed. Render the same quality graphics in a larger area, then I will be impressed.
It's pretty, but it's no Unreal 3.0.

Plus I get the feeling that it's not ingame footage.
:eek: This is for next consoles!?!? So INSANE!! It's as if graphics technology took a 10 year leap ahead, my god it looks nice.
No way is it that good. It's not ingame footage, although I may well be wrong.
It looks very clean but it's not very impressive. We could do with seeing a basic gameplay video or something like the Doom 3 trailer to see just how good it really looks.

Although I don't like console games I am interested in the architecture of consoles so it would be nice to see what the next gen consoles can and can't do.
Badger, it is in-game footage . No doubt about it.
I've asked the devs... They said that they weren't even using more than hlf of the next-gen consoles abilities.
ComradeBadger said:
No way is it that good. It's not ingame footage, although I may well be wrong.

I see no reason why that shouldn't be in game footage.
They're close to the ppl that made the Unreal Engine 3.0

the Unreal Engine 3.0 beats the crap out of the Sector engine. So how can't u believe it's im-game?
ComradeBadger said:
It just doesn't look it, no matter :)

This isn't 1998 anymore. I'm not overly impressed with the Dark Sector trailer.. although, sure, it's WIP and a first generation game (for the next round of consoles), it looks pretty good.
also in the page under the Dark sector logo say
"a digital extreme game"
but the name of the developers is digital extreme
but that sound like a movie productor anouncing something amazing so maybe is true about the in-game trailer
and I dont think they made a trailer were they dont show they in-game technology