Darkest of Days Brings the Light To Halflife2.net


Sep 4, 2004
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[br]Thanks to our pals at 8monkey Labs the creators of the fun game Darkest of Days. We bring you again 5 chances to win a version of the game on Steam. Darkest of Days players travel back and forth through the annals of time to relive some of mankind’s most dire hours, when human society was at its lowest points. Players can even play "The Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest conflict of the Civil War" along with other aspects of war.[br]

[br]As for the contest you must tell us what war you would of wanted to travel back to along with what weapons you would of used to win the war and why.  Use your imagination to explain, and you just might win.  I will hand out the 5 keys on September 19th randomly.  Again I will be awarding them to you via our forums with a private message. Make sure you are also in our Community Reviewers Program as Glenn will be picking someone to do a review for us.[br]
I don't see why any other weapons besides nukes would be my weapon of choice. Applied to any war.
Thats why I said use imagination cause if everyone keeps saying nukes no one will win.
A manual on tactics, written in Persian. I'd give it to Darius III.
Let's see how well he does against Alexander with strategies of Hannibal, Caesar, Napoleon and the like.
Ok, then, I'll use the landshark gun and topsy turvy bomb on the vietnamese for my amusement. (You didn't say real weapons.)
I would bring the UAV to WW2 including laser guided missles (US AGM-65 Maverick) and as for small arms, the M4 Carbine with Grenade Launcher attachment, and various sights and of course night vision goggles. This of and course the latest Kevlar vest (and groin protection) + helmet but it would look ordinary for the time. You don't want to stand out in the firefight because then you add lots of unwanted attention. I also think the best med packs money can buy that can close wounds with glue and I would also bring a small motorized robot for those tough fights when I can't shoot around a corner.
I would definitely want to go to the Vietnam War. I would bring back a radar similar to that of the one on CoD, so when the Vietnamese tried to use their guerrilla tactics, I would know where they were and destroy their advantage of surprise. I would also bring a tranquilizer gun, so I wouldn't have to worry about killing the innocent children that were brought into the war to lower moral. Instead, I could just knock them out, give 'em a good night kiss, and then continue on my way.

The tactical 12-gauge and the M16 Assault Rifle would be my primary weapons of choice, with nice firepower and accuracy. Lastly, I would bring along some Laser Trip-Mines. Place them around the large forest and enjoy the echo of the explosion while the birds of the jungle fly away, lay back and grin in triumph as more of my enemies have been slain. I'd buy my squad and myself a nice beer (that I would bring with me via backpack), and enjoy.
Oh but taking any flashy weapon to a primitive war with the intention of using it would be sadistic. I'd bring a shipment of Super-Soakers to the medieval crusades and announce (via godly sounding megaphone), that the lord almighty will smite the heathens only if the righteous use the aforementioned water pistols in battle.
Laser trip mines don't sound ideal for a jungle, wouldn't they be set off too easily by random shit?
I would go back to fight in the Roman's war against the Gauls. I would bring with my my trusty Gladius, because its is the most badass, deadly weapon ever invented. More people died from it than any other single weapon in history. Romans knew their swords. Its a genius plan, because I wouldnt draw attention to myself because everyone would see me as just another grunt with the average sword, but I would be much more than that. With my knowledge of the war, and how the tactics of each battle played out, I would become the greatest general in Caesar's army. Me and Caesar would become quick friends, and I would be there to stop that maggot Marcus Brutus from assassinating him. We would consolidate and strengthen the Roman Empire so that it will exist even to this very day. Technology will jump by centuries under our rule and eventually the Roman Empire will unite the world under one roof and by the 1900s all of humanity will have charge forward into space, colonizing new planets millennia before we ever could ever do in this timeline.

Plus, this way Hitler would never have gotten into power, because Germany wouldnt exist by then. Think of the Jews.

*shifty eyes*
From the history of our world I would choose The Hussite Wars that took place in Bohemia (currently Czech republic) in 1420 to 1434. I would take gatling gun with me. Hussites have something called Wagenburg tactics (more) which was mainly a fort created with wagons. With enough gatling guns they would be unstoppable. Europe shall fall under our rule. Great change in religion would stop stupid witch hunt and religion wars (maybe I'm lying because technical Hussite Wars was all about religion ;P as most of wars).
Technology will jump by centuries under our rule and eventually the Roman Empire will unite the world under one roof and by the 1900s all of humanity will have charge forward into space, colonizing new planets millennia before we ever could ever do in this timeline.

You would die someday and technology would die with you ;D So no space travel for us.
Laser trip mines don't sound ideal for a jungle, wouldn't they be set off too easily by random shit?

This is true. However, I still would be able to benefit from them. 1. It may scare the ba-jesus out of the enemies, hearing the many powerful sounding explosions. It'll lower moral, make them less careful, and then hopefully run into one of the extras. Or 2. I could always use the animal body parts that are left over to make a nice stew, and have a nice and enjoyable meal along with the beer to lift our spirits! =D
I'd go back to the "Battle of Thermopylae" and seriously pwn both sides by using modern weapons such as RPGs and the like. Why? Because

1) It's an epic battle
2) Their weapons at that time were primitive ( see 3) )
3) I'd have tremendous fun!

Fun is the reason I want to play this game anyway! :cheers:
I would travel back to World War II, Darwin, Australia. and bring with me advanced radar technology and anti aircraft weapons to prevent the town from being destroyed. I would do the same in pearl harbour.
War: World War II
Weapon: A zombifying serum to administer to the German Soldier's via their hospitals.
Why: So my friends and I could hide out in a shack, killing Nazi Zombies.
I would give Ghengis Khan Ak-47s and lots of motor boats, then sit back and watch him rape the world. Muahahaha! :devil:
Id go back to the US revolutionary war with fully automatic guns like the near invincible AK-47 and kick the britishs' asses way faster, saving many Americans by decreasing the length of the war by years. Id do this because I would then be praised and remembered forever and get all the girls I want.
I'd travel back to the French and Indian war with tamed tyrannosauruses armed with howitzers to support the Indians. (Hey I have a time machine, why the hell not?)

That would certainly kick both the frenchies and brits out and Saskatchewan time would become standard. It would make Canada's history a heck of a lot more awesome.
Personally, I would take a Fletchers class destroyer and a light aircraft carrier to a major naval battle around 1800 or so. My engagment stratagy would consist of the Aircraft Carrier launching the planes, who would commence a bombing run, then strafting runs along each ship; finally returning to the carrier. Thats when the destroyer would come in to clean up the remaining forces. If I was feeling a bit more wreckless, I'd just drive right into a fleet with cannons blasting and AA guns about 30 degrees lower than normal.
I'd take back the designs for tanks to the start of WW1, as well as a decent semi-automatic rifle. Even if it was only to rid the war of the horror and evil of the trenches.
Hmm... this is tough...
I would go to WWII and take a super Neuralyzer from Men in Black and make everyone forget they are even fighting a war. That or go back to WWII specifically D-day, and take a bubble shield and sniper rifle and kill all the germans.
With a decent sniper rifle(& Training), ghillie suit & time specific maps, I could change any pre-modern(No guns) warfare situation with a few well placed shots on the guys on horse back. Also I don't think I'll survive too long in the past, those ancient bacteria would quickly tear me a new one.
I would go back to the first caveman fistfight and destroy the world with time paradox.

also congratulations this news post was better than usual.
I would go back to World War II with a Gravity Gun to throw nazi soldiers to the moon.
I'd bring a truckload of Twinkies to the Battle of Waterloo.

You know how many people die a year at the hands of obesity? Twinkies are a weapon.
I would go back to the 2nd World War. I would probably take just basic modern weapons for protection (such as a Glock, MP5, Flashbang, Armour, Ammo etc.) as well as useful technology such night vision goggles (btw people who are saying GPS and Radar, how would that work without the satellite in the sky?). My “mission” would be to capture the master war criminals that to this day have still evaded capture, namely Dr. Death for the simple fact (if you have watched the “Hunt for Dr. Death”) what a sick and twisted person he was and how he needs to be brought to justice (ironically he is a bit like the Medic in the sense he loved to see how far he could push his “patients”)
I’d probably also go to the front line and show off my toys, completely re-writing the course of history…

On another note I do think it would be “fun” to go back into a war with someone like the Romans. They can be marching along with their heads high thinking they are unstoppable but then suddenly !BAM! meet modern technology you pussy ass Spartans! :D

(Just noticed how nearly everyone has mentioned World War 2 :))

Quick note on the game. I couldn’t actually get the demo to run at all. I have more than a required PC to run it and I even tried the Steam and general download demo, both crashed when it got to the load screen. Did anyone else experience this?
I'd go back to the time when Caesar was pursuing Pompey into Egypt. I'd of course be on Pompey's side armed with nothing more than a modern firetruck. But since the whole Library of Alexandria wasn't destroyed by Caesar, I'd fast forward a bit to about AD 400 where the more popular story suggests that riots ultimately destroyed the library (again by fire). My firetruck and I would save the library.

For those who don't know what I am talking about, history tells us that it is Caesar who set his ships on fire in the harbor of Alexandria. However, the fire spread from the ships and into the city. From there it went on to destroy the Library of Alexandria, which at the time (48 BC) housed over an estimated 1,000,000 books and documents. My history teacher told me at the time that historians speculate there were drawings for a modern plumbing system and many other inventions that are relatively new in today's world. We can only speculate what life would be like today if those inventions were invented over 2,000 years ago.

P.S. I'm trying to remember all of this from sophomore world history class.

For ease of discussion, I'd bring my giant modern firetruck and stop the burning of the Library.
I would go back to the Vietnam War. I would take with me body armour, a flamethrower and a M249 Machine Gun. This way, I would be able to burn down all the trees and foliage which were used for cover by the Vietcong and NVA. The body armour would protect me from the enemy fire and then the M249 (due to it's great fire rate) would mow down the enemy troops as they would no longer be able to ambush the Americans and so the Americans would be victorious.
You guys do realise machine guns and flamethrowers existed during WW2 and the Vietnam war, right?
As choice of a war, I'd probably say World War II. As you go further back in time, ways of acting and doing things change, and it'd be much more familiar to talk to others and whatnot in comparison to say, turning up on a Roman battlefield. That said, I wouldn't want to give 'Nam a go. I'm too jumpy for that.

The weapon choice would be the watch from Bernard's Watch. That guy seriously underused it. He used it to go back and get the homework he'd left at home during class. But to be able to stop time in a war would be powerful, even just as a non-lethal victory method (e.g. stop time, steal enemies' weapons, force them to surrender).

And of course, stopping time would provide many more amusements outside of the warzone.
I'd go back to a siege some time in the crusades with a shit load of AT-ATs and AT-STs
War: The Korean War
Why: Because hardly anyone remembers the Korean War.

Weapons: Only the one from Painkiller that shoots shurikens and lightning.
Why: Because it shoots shurikens and lightning.

This way everyone would remember the Korean War.
I would go back to the Persian Wars.
I would present myself to the Greeks with a beard and Tesla Coil.

Come to Zeus, ladies.

Nuh-uh Greek ladies only like Zeus when he's in the form of a swan, or a vase of chrysanthemums or whatever.