Darkseid chews gum and it's GROSS. No really, he told me.


The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score

What the ****? Honestly, what the ****? Why does every one my age (and many people in their 20's) have to chew gum all the goddamn time? It's disgusting, unattractive, pointless, and costs money. AND EVERYBODY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. My friends, my enemies, even Jim.
Really? Because it says you chew it in the thread title.

Chewing gum isn't as bad as you seem to make it out to be. I chew for the oral health benefits. Gum chewing produces saliva which in turn reduces plaque buildup, cavities, and reduces or prevents stains. Not to mention it can even help some to focus and acts as a great stress reliever.
Well, as representitive of all gum chewers, could you please tell them to stop chewing ALL THE TIME?
Im chewing 14 pieces right now. EAT IT SHERPO!

But in actuality I havent chewed a single piece of gum in months. I think i'll stop by the gas station before work tomorrow and pick some up. Thanks for the suggestion Sheapo.
I chew gum maybe 2 or 3 times a week and thats it. i like life savers, sweedish fish, and sometimes titties
It's so cute when you when you intentionally spell my name wrong, Kryyn.
Soon it will become second nature and i wont even have to try.
I chew gum sometimes. I think it's the sugar.
That's funny Krynnn, because for me it was always first nature. I was all like "Should I spell Krry's name right?" and then I was like "Oh, yeah, I don't know how" so whatever bitch. It's kind of sad.
My friend chews it all the time. She claims that it improves focus, and uses that excuse every time I scold her about chewing it during class. I disagree.

What the ****? Honestly, what the ****? Why does every one my age (and many people in their 20's) have to chew gum all the goddamn time? It's disgusting, unattractive, pointless, and costs money. AND EVERYBODY DOES IT ALL THE TIME. My friends, my enemies, even Jim.

Well, as representitive of all gum chewers, could you please tell them to stop chewing ALL THE TIME?

I like chewing gum because I like the sound it makes. Sounds like someone is sucking dick. So awesome.
Well it's either chewing gum or chewing your nails.

When you get nervous, stressed or you start to think a lot, some of us like to bite our nails. I like to bite my nails for no reason at all when I'm sitting around waiting for something. Gum is a healthier alternative to biting your nails so I'm fine with gum.
Well it's either chewing gum or chewing your nails.

When you get nervous, stressed or you start to think a lot, some of us like to bite our nails. I like to bite my nails for no reason at all when I'm sitting around waiting for something. Gum is a healthier alternative to biting your nails so I'm fine with gum.

What are you, eight?
Actually yeah, I think so. Or six. It was when he was a kid. They had to open his stomach and everything.

My cousins and I grew up with that story; it kept us from biting our nails.
Yeah, I'm sure he knows to spit it out before swallowing it.
I'm not quite sure how this hasn't been posted but this is me and porkins.


joule is the explosion.
Yeah, I'm sure he knows to spit it out before swallowing it.

I actually didn't know that you were suppose to spit gum when the flavor was gone until I was about ten or eleven...

I only chew gum when I'm at home, rarely out in public.
This thread is lacking in brofist.
Im chewing 14 pieces right now. EAT IT SHERPO!

But in actuality I havent chewed a single piece of gum in months. I think i'll stop by the gas station before work tomorrow and pick some up. Thanks for the suggestion Sheapo.
