
From the screenshots and videos that I've seen, I really like the style used. The character models all look blocky and it seems the environments can be quite colorful. Really have to commend Madureira for his work.
I haven't been able to put this game down. It keeps getting better too. Combat really gets interesting as you gain more items/abilities.
I haven't been able to put this game down. It keeps getting better too. Combat really gets interesting as you gain more items/abilities.

so rent or buy?? i found another $50 from christmas money in my wallet in the form of checks i still need to cash out immediately before i forget
so rent or buy?? i found another $50 from christmas money in my wallet in the form of checks i still need to cash out immediately before i forget

Well, it feels like it's going to be lengthy, and there's quite a bit of exploration. I'd say it depends if you are into replaying these types of games. It's most definitely worth playing though.

Gotta love Penny Arcade:


They also addressed Luke from Kotaku's review, which I also thought was horribly incorrect:

Gabe said:
Luke Plunkett over at Kotaku called Darksiders a "Creative Mess" In his review and laments Joe Madureira's input. This statement alone is enough to make me think that he should probably never write game reviews again. Perhaps he should be relegated to stories about cakes that look like 1up mushrooms or cufflinks shaped like the Triforce.

He doesn't like the designs in Darksiders, which in my book says more about Luke Plunkett than it does about Joe Mad. In reality the designs are fantastic. Joe's work is energetic, iconic and just plain solid. The guy can ****ing DRAW for real and Darksiders is overflowing with really inspiring visuals.

If you weren't sure about the game, I highly recommend giving it a go. For my part I've had more fun with Darksiders than Bayonetta.
I'd go for Darksiders over Dark void.