Darth Vader knows everything (almost)

He didn't read my mind when I though of a rectum :(
I beat the bastard! He couldn't even figure out an elephant!
He correctly guessed "a hemorrhoid" on his second try. His first guess was "a belly button." He's good.
why does he keep on thinking its different types of Saxophones?
All this is, is http://www.20q.net/ mixed with some star wars and flash, still fun though. It is impressive how it guesses almost everything that your thinking.
I got him to list everything he thought every time, but it was on the list.
well i've had 4 guesses and 30 questions, including "is it a mechanical pencil" - and so far the dark lord has failed to recognise a screw:D

edit: oops, i think i crashed him:upstare:
It got Moose in 28 questions, some of the questions were completely irrelevant...like, for an animal, he asked was it made of metal...
Couldn't even guess Shens. I am a specific object goddamnit.
25 questions to get to potato, when he guessed 'baked potato' I gave it to him.
He guessed parrot in 27, and mobile phone in about 35.

Any real Vader would have mockingly asked me one question and killed me where I stood :(
It gets a bit boring when your choices are yes, maybe, who know, sometimes or irrelevant.

Also Burger King bones him from behind if you continue after 20 questions.
Kangy said:
He guessed parrot in 27, and mobile phone in about 35.

Any real Vader would have mockingly asked me one question and killed me where I stood :(

[Darthvoice] I find your lack of faith disturbing... [/Darthvoice]
It guessed elephant for me in under 20 q's i think.
I crashed him, it wouldn't let me answer "can it be washed". :D
kirovman said:
Also Burger King bones him from behind if you continue after 20 questions.

Umm, I think he is whispering something in his ears. Although you may very well be right, he was there for quite a while.
i kept choosing "irrelevant" and then finally he had a brain camp and never answered back :laugh:
I was thinking vagina and He goes, "I sense the dark side in you". He got it BTW.
Ok, someone straighten this out.
Do I just ask dumb questions, or is Darth Vader stupid?

... because I was thinking Mountain Lion, and Vader said I was thinking Cougar, now can someone... ohhh :|...
SupremePain said:
I thought of penis, the closest he got was "Is it a butt?" :laugh:
Well...it does relate to the penis in some ways. :naughty:
He's not bad. I thought of 'computer' and he answered me in 18 questions.
He guessed Wolf in 20 questions. He guessed were-wolf on over 20 questions.
Tr0n said:
Well...it does relate to the penis in some ways. :naughty:
rawr :naughty: and so does Wolf.... :O

This website is awesome, darth asked me to join the sith! I r teh l33t! :D
SupremePain said:
rawr :naughty: and so does Wolf.... :O

This website is awesome, darth asked me to join the sith! I r teh l33t! :D

[Yoda] I sense much fear in you...fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. [/Yoda]
he never guessed lesbians in 30 questions but I gave it to him when he said girlfriend