Darwinia. Steam. Orgasm.


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
For those that don't already know, Introversion Software's wonderful Darwinia will soon be appearing on Steam for $19.95 from December 14th. From the super awesome indie developer dudes who brought you Uplink, Darwinia is a sci-fi retro arcade-puzzle action-RTS set in a world stitched together from fragments of old computer games by a scientist with too much time on his hands. The Darwinians are under attack from evil red virii and in typical videogame fashion, only you can save them. Shoot lasers at glowing red centipedes! Command armies of little green crucifix-men! Call in airstrikes from squadrons of Space Invaders! All this and more is comking to the Steam Platform for easy (and cheap) download.[br]

[br]Once again, Steam shines out as a force for good rather than evil. It's the best sci-fi retro arcade-puzzle action-RTS ever made, I tell you. Buy it, or you're a slave to The Man.[br]</br>More information, screenshots and cool stuff can be found at the Darwinia website, including these videos.
PS. News is old. I know. I thought someone had already posted it (don't ask me how the hell I made that mistake). But it doesn't matter. Know why? Because Darwinia is SEHR TOLL and SUPER-GOOD. Oh yesh.
Do you have a link to this Uplink game? I'd like to try it :)


EDIT: Bollocks, beat to it.

I already have the retail version of Darwinia (and the soundtrack), but I'm going to buy the Steam version. Going to keep supporting Introversion as long as I can, especially since they almost died just the other month
Darwinia is brilliant, so much so that I'm going to recommend everybody buy the boxed copy now instead of waiting for the Steam release. Don't let the Counter-Strike kiddies put you off!
Played the Darwinia demo today, awesome stuff. Recommend everyone gives it a go.

Devvo: Uplink link here: http://www.uplink.co.uk/

EDIT: lol, 3rd to say the same thing :)
I love how the game looks. The pixelation effect, the sky, the lightbloom... I would definitely buy this game if I had the money, I played the demo a while ago and loved it.
Oh, and long live Steam (And Valve)
Is it out in the states yet? My coworker bought it for me when he was across the pond, and I think it is great. It is an extremely unique game experience that you probably don't want to miss out on.
Veotax said:
Going to keep supporting Introversion as long as I can, especially since they almost died just the other month

Ooh what happened?

Agreed...buy this if you don't have the box already...and uplink...they are both great games :D
Unlike Rag Doll Kung Fu, this game actually looks intriguing to me. I still think they should consider marketing these games at a $14.95 pricepoint seeing as how they don't have to invest in marketing or packaging but I may still get this game.
I was very interested in this when I read about it awhile back. I was dissapointed when I realized I would have a hell of a time finding a place to buy it. This is a pleasant surprise indeed. Or was, since this is old news and I just assumed I missed the newpost.
Kadayi Polokov said:
Ooh what happened?
Nothing really much, Darwinia wasn't selling well and Introversion had trouble supporting themselves. They posted about this on the Darwinia website and the Darwinia community and PC Gamer UK did a little unofficial advertising and boosted sales (not enough to make the game a best seller, but enough to support Introversion)
wasnt the kung fu puppet show enough?
now this!?
are they that desperate?
This game is ****ing awesome.

If you're buying at least one game now, buy this, if not for it's sheer brilliance, at least fact to support it or we'll probably never see developers come up with innovative ideas.
I think this will be my 1st purchase on Steam. Alas, when I can spare the cash (yes, I'm that poor).
lol TwwIX, you dont know what you are talking about.
If you want a CS clone with uber graphics go for it, but Im buyng this game because of the gameplay and Ill have more fun then you.
Uplink was extremely cool and innoviated IMO, can't wait for this.
What Betelgeuze said.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. Incase you haven't noticed, a large majority of the people here love the game. Desperate? What do you mean desperate? Valve isn't doing this for their benefit. They are helping games that can't get good publishers.
Does this have any relation to Source/Valve?

In any case it looks awesome. very nice look & extremely refreshing. We need more games that do things differently like this. It reminds me of when I first got into home computer & video games when I was a kid. I got my first home computer (A Commodore 64) when I was 11 & some of the first games I got were from Jeff minter's Llamasoft. This game looks like something he would have come up with. I'm very excited about this.
dogboy73 said:
Does this have any relation to Source/Valve?
Other than being released on Steam? No. The game has been on retail release in the UK since March 4th 2005
Ok, you guys tricked me into downloading the demo :p This better be good with all the praising and chanting going on in here ^^
TwwIX said:
wasnt the kung fu puppet show enough?
now this!?
are they that desperate?

Steam is a games distribution system, why are you surprised to see Valve hooking up with Indie developers to get their games distributed over Steam?

Desperate isn't what they are, "pushing the envelope and opening up a new way to purchase games that removes the costly over heads of putting a box on a retail shelf" is what they're doing.

Steam is allowing what were previously "niche market" games, access to a larger customer base. This is a good thing, as the costs involved with taking a game to retail via the traditional publishing system stifles innovation and leads to the current situation we face in the gaming market where we see nothing but clones and sequels.

Get this, you don't have to buy it.
Betelgeuze said:
lol TwwIX, you dont know what you are talking about.
If you want a CS clone with uber graphics go for it, but Im buyng this game because of the gameplay and Ill have more fun then you.

plz,if there's anything i despise even more then it's CS.
Why does everybody think if you don't like games with "innovative" ideas such as this that you're automatically a CS fan boy?
I like my games to be simple,fun,have a engaging storyline and actually have non blocky graphics.That game doesn't contain neither one of these factors.
Now,if this was something as revolutionary as the upcoming "Spore" title,i'd be a lot more optimistic about.
well, as revolutionary as the HYPE would lead us to believe- I mean, have you played it? No. However, this game looks excellent, unique, and pretty (despite what you say about the graphics) and everyone here who's played it loves it.
I am very intrigued, and may purchase it next month for something to play over Xmas (I hate Xmas :flame: ). Needed something other than FPS games to play, and this could fill that void. Will get the demo in the meantime ;)