
Honestly Alan, I think you need a videogame-ectomy. I'm dead serious. You're 25, and you know nothing at all about socializing. So here's what you should do:

Turn off the PS3. Turn off the Xbox 360. Turn off the PC, the monitors, the soundsystem- shit, even disconnect your internet cable.

Then, GO OUTSIDE. At about 9:00 PM, head down to the bustling center of town, and find a bar. Go inside it, and drink yourself silly. Then hit on the next girl you see. It doesn't matter if you have no feelings for her whatsoever- you clearly need the practice. Then, bring her home and f*ck her till your schlong bleeds joy.

After this, start hanging out with people more. Go to concerts, go pubbing, shit, I dunno, whatever other people want to do. Just get outside.

Seriously, do it.
Look, it's simple:

She thinks you're too nice. You want to prove you're not nice. Now, what's not a nice thing to do? Well, robbing a bank. That's right, rob a bank. It's a sure win, this plan CANT FAIL!
So, if you're indeed 25 years old....and the girl broke up with you, and now wants to date again, I personally don't think it's worth the heartache to try again. From personal experience, if they broke up with you before, they WILL do it again.

But to be on topic, Usually when you're dating, you get intimate. You go out on dinners together, get close, obviously kiss, and eventually sex. That's what dating is all about. Reaching that intimate level, and deciding if you enjoy that side of them to that extent, to where you want to push to the next level.
I got a little teak from that post too, but I would have taken it further.

Honestly, at the very least, I would have included an ice cube in the "Don't make a sound" ordeal.
Plain and simple...don't be nice. Girls don't date guys because they open doors and tell them they look pretty. They date guys because they want the attention of an attractive funny person and they also want that attention back so to say. Don't be nice because you just seem parthetic and desperate.

When with a girl just laugh with her and have a good time. Act like she is a good friend of yours and spend time with her. Also make sure you act really confident, even if your not. It will make her want you that much more. Remember you have to be worth her dating you and you don't want to have to worry about being good enough for her so just act that much more confident and turn it around on her so she wants to prove she is worth it to you. Your dating will be much more successful if your not a nice guy.
Honestly Alan, I think you need a videogame-ectomy. I'm dead serious. You're 25, and you know nothing at all about socializing. So here's what you should do:

Turn off the PS3. Turn off the Xbox 360. Turn off the PC, the monitors, the soundsystem- shit, even disconnect your internet cable.

Then, GO OUTSIDE. At about 9:00 PM, head down to the bustling center of town, and find a bar. Go inside it, and drink yourself silly. Then hit on the next girl you see. It doesn't matter if you have no feelings for her whatsoever- you clearly need the practice. Then, bring her home and f*ck her till your schlong bleeds joy.

After this, start hanging out with people more. Go to concerts, go pubbing, shit, I dunno, whatever other people want to do. Just get outside.

That was nice.

I mean... the guy is getting/trying to get out more, hence the dating. Even if you're right, you don't have to rub it in his face like that when he comes here asking for advice on dating. Not that much, at least.
Honestly Alan, I think you need a videogame-ectomy. I'm dead serious. You're 25, and you know nothing at all about socializing. So here's what you should do:

Turn off the PS3. Turn off the Xbox 360. Turn off the PC, the monitors, the soundsystem- shit, even disconnect your internet cable.

Then, GO OUTSIDE. At about 9:00 PM, head down to the bustling center of town, and find a bar. Go inside it, and drink yourself silly. Then hit on the next girl you see. It doesn't matter if you have no feelings for her whatsoever- you clearly need the practice. Then, bring her home and f*ck her till your schlong bleeds joy.

After this, start hanging out with people more. Go to concerts, go pubbing, shit, I dunno, whatever other people want to do. Just get outside.

100% agreed.
The gammon goes into the gammon-washer. ;)
Listen, she's beautiful, they're all beautiful, until they come snarling at your trust funds like a pack of wolves. Do what you need with her, and then drop her fast.
This girl that i use to work with liked me so we became boyfriend girlfriend like 3 months ago , then she broke up with me like last month cause i was to nice of a guy, but she still loves me she says and wants to be with me. just last night we were texting each other and she says shes been thinking about me alot latlely and wants to start dating agian. Im really glad she wants too cause i love her too.

My question is what does dating involve cause when we were boyfriend and girlfriend i was able to kiss her and all that good stuff. This is my first girl ive ever dated and i really like her allot.

What comes along with this "Dating" ??

Plus any tips would be appreciated.

my magic cyrstal ball says she's going to stomp on your heart ..and you dont love her like her lots ..oh and no one dumps someone because "they're too nice" ..more like " I like someone else but I'm just testing him out, if it doesnt work out I'll come back" ..sorry but in my experience that's usually the case (I've used that line myself, meanwhile I was sleeping with her friend)

imho, kick in the ass and find someone else ..try to sleep with her before dumping her = win win
All that coming from the closest thing has to a father figure... :p

The only advice I can give is have fun and be yourself.
take it from a lady, she doesn't love you, if she did she certainly wouldn't mind you being "too nice", what a load of crap
Wait, I understand sex being one of some two things in this world...

But squid?


Dear god... you dont...

Somebody watched too much hentai as a child... :p
Honestly Alan, I think you need a videogame-ectomy. I'm dead serious. You're 25, and you know nothing at all about socializing. So here's what you should do:

Turn off the PS3. Turn off the Xbox 360. Turn off the PC, the monitors, the soundsystem- shit, even disconnect your internet cable.

Then, GO OUTSIDE. At about 9:00 PM, head down to the bustling center of town, and find a bar. Go inside it, and drink yourself silly. Then hit on the next girl you see. It doesn't matter if you have no feelings for her whatsoever- you clearly need the practice. Then, bring her home and f*ck her till your schlong bleeds joy.

After this, start hanging out with people more. Go to concerts, go pubbing, shit, I dunno, whatever other people want to do. Just get outside.

Nah its just the images that have been burned into my retinas after too much lurking over at 4chan.
Haha yeah. The first thing I thought of was tentacle pr0n from japanland. Mmm.... squid...

*licks Bull Squid Sally*
I wish I had a basement. I would breed a load of huge clock spiders and place a clock on their backs for protection, then I would send them into battle against the evil cockroaches and Dr.Robotnik.
You're 25 years old and live in your parents' basement? Oh man...