David Hodgson Interview

cliffe said:
The book actually fills in a lot of the gaps between HL1 and HL2 and explains HL2, rather than spoiling a la "this is what happens at part x in HL2."


That's good because I just went mad a few seconds ago and preordered it.

For anyone in the UK: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=743585&postcount=57

I got that e-mail this morning. Apparently you can only get it from Game, which I find a bit strange.
smacky said:
why would anyone buy a book about a game.. they are just trying to get more money out of us by retelling the shit we all experienced by valve for a year now. i dont give a shit how it was made, its a damn video game ffs.

NAH DUDE!!! retelling the shit we've all experienced from the past 7 1/2 YEARS!!!!!!

I don't need to hear about Day of Defeat beta 1.1 or ESPECIALLY COUNTERCRAP ! :flame:
poofyfinger said:
NAH DUDE!!! retelling the shit we've all experienced from the past 7 1/2 YEARS!!!!!!

I don't need to hear about Day of Defeat beta 1.1 or ESPECIALLY COUNTERCRAP ! :flame:

Don't buy the book then. Some people are interested in the story of Valve. I know that I am.

I take an interest in Game development.
aren't we supposed to have a release candidate today fellas?
Quite possibly - but when a game reaches RC stage, it isn't a major priority for the devs to tell us. Even if it does RC today, there's still no indication of when it will release. It depends on how many RCs they have to send through to Vivendi before it gets accepted.
poofyfinger said:
NAH DUDE!!! retelling the shit we've all experienced from the past 7 1/2 YEARS!!!!!!

I don't need to hear about Day of Defeat beta 1.1 or ESPECIALLY COUNTERCRAP ! :flame:

LOL, what a cock.
If you don't want it, don't buy it. It's an not essential purchase, or a requirement of the game to have it. It's for people who want to know more about the company and how they develop their games (which is a fair few on this forum).

Seriously you and the other retard need to review your flaming policy. Try tying in your half baked reasons to whine with actual aspects of the game rather than irrelevant side issues. Hell, there would be more cause to rant about HL² not being entirely mauve throughout than there is about this shit TBFH. :dozey:
Kadayi Polokov said:
LOL, what a cock.

Seriously you and the other retard need to review your flaming policy. Try tying in your half baked reasons to whine with actual aspects of the game rather than irrelevant side issues. Hell, there would be more cause to rant about HL² not being entirely mauve throughout than there is about this shit TBFH. :dozey:

HOW OLD ARE YOU?!??! Please do not call me a COCK or a RETARD or being HALF-BAKED and that I whine a lot.

I am not a retarded half-baked whiny cock thank you very much.

So, with that said, I am entitled to my opinion aren't I ? If you do not like it, keep it to yourself and stop wasting forum space. Heck, I guess that can apply to me typing this eh ?!?!
you post whore
It seems that the UK title is the rather misleading "Half Life 2 - Behind the Game: Official Strategy Guide" according to www.Amazon.co.uk as they are selling "Half Life 2: Official Strategy Guide" as well (and the "Half Life 2 - Mod Maker's Guide: Official Strategy Guide").

poofyfinger said:
Yadda Yadda Yadda whimper.....
Well, I guess the book can be something to think about if you are interested in the history of one of the greatest (although slowest) independant software companies in the world.

Kadayi Polokov said:
After years of hiding in the closet.... THERE I AM! I HIDE NO MORE!

poofyfinger said:
Well, I guess the book can be something to think about if you are interested in the history of one of the greatest (although slowest) independant software companies in the world.

Valve operate a cabal system to design their games, you can read about it here:-


It is an interesting and novel approach to take to game design, and hopefully this new book will expand upon the principles outlined in that article and cover some of the more detailed design decisions for all of the games.

Oh and I'm definitely out of the closet, hell I'm past the finishing line, the question is when are you going to be? :imu:
poofyfinger said:
HOW OLD ARE YOU?!??! Please do not call me a COCK or a RETARD or being HALF-BAKED and that I whine a lot.

I am not a retarded half-baked whiny cock thank you very much.

So, with that said, I am entitled to my opinion aren't I ? If you do not like it, keep it to yourself and stop wasting forum space. Heck, I guess that can apply to me typing this eh ?!?!
you post whore

Kadayi Polokov said:
It seems that the UK title is the rather misleading "Half Life 2 - Behind the Game: Official Strategy Guide" according to www.Amazon.co.uk as they are selling "Half Life 2: Official Strategy Guide" as well (and the "Half Life 2 - Mod Maker's Guide: Official Strategy Guide").


Accord to an e-mail I got from Prima Games, it's being sold excluisively in Game. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=743585&postcount=57

Game lists the right title. http://shop.game.net/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=2&mid=323253
Kadayi Polokov said:
Seems odd that Game also list the modmakers guide and the strategy guide but not the 'behind the game' title that amazon do. I've emailed Prima for some clarification. :hmph:

I think that Amazon just haven't updated their datebase. We didn't know the title of the book until recently, but Raising the Bar is the real title.
Feath said:
I think that Amazon just haven't updated their datebase. We didn't know the title of the book until recently, but Raising the Bar is the real title.

Well my concern is that Game are saying that the title is exclusive to them only. I've ordered all 3 books from Amazon (because I'm that much of a whore), but if 'Behind the game' isn't the same as 'Raising the bar' then I want to A) Know what the difference is, and B) get the right book ordered.
Feath said:
I think that Amazon just haven't updated their datebase. We didn't know the title of the book until recently, but Raising the Bar is the real title.

I got a response back from Prima:-

Amazon.co.uk has on old title listed for this book. The correct title is Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar. The same book is being distributed to both stores. However, for any particular book (not necessarily this title) each store might offer a special purchase incentive, such as a bonus poster or a special collectors book cover. You should contact the store in question to determine what specials they might have planned.

It's all good :cheers:
Kadayi Polokov said:
I got a response back from Prima:-

Amazon.co.uk has on old title listed for this book. The correct title is Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar. The same book is being distributed to both stores. However, for any particular book (not necessarily this title) each store might offer a special purchase incentive, such as a bonus poster or a special collectors book cover. You should contact the store in question to determine what specials they might have planned.

It's all good :cheers:

Can you tell me the contact address?