Dawn of the Dead: A HL2 Mod


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys, firstly can I just say that it's great to have HL2.net up again, and be able to read mature and intelligent discussions again! I've been waiting for ages to announce this on the only official HL2 site (for me anyway) and now I can!

Now my site is up to a reasonable standard, I would like to announce my plans to make a mod based on George A. Romero's original screenplay 'Dawn of the Dead' for HL2.

much more information on my plans for this mod in the coming week which will outline the gameplay style, levels/missions etc.

Initally i want to make a SP mod, but i think this has the opportunity to make a great Multiplayer mod also.

the forums are now open to discuss anything you want to know about the mod and post your ideas and suggestions on wheat you would like to see in it. Im also looking for some coders and artists to join me, so if you are interested post some of your work on my forums and let me know who you are

Watch this space!

Site now open (but still under construction)


judging by the models and site design/graphics id say this is a mod i will be looking forward to. Goodluck on the mod :)
HL2 will suit this sort of game so much (physics wise). Crowbaring HL1 zombies was so funny and i look forward to hitting more detailed, better looking ZOMBIES!

May be you can consider working with the sven co-op/they hunger team to produce a very good co-operative MP game
I saw the original dawn of the dead movie the other day and i have to say it was hiliarious.

As for this mod; the weapon renders look good and the idea isn't a bad one, I think it'll do pretty well as long as Source can handle alot of enemys on screen at once.
Doing a mod on the original movie would be muuch better, getting in all that 70's cheese would be fantastic.
Weapons? Multiplayer? Vehicles? So far so CW:MP. Dawn of the Dead. Nice film, but is the mod going to be proper zombie-killing mayhem, or is it going to be an excuse to do WW3?
By the looks of it the only thing the fans of DOTD will recognise from it is the name. It had a chance of being the greatest mod ever (if it was based on the original completely) but now its just gonna be another one of those mods people don't play :(

kinda like the original DOTD film is a classic, the remake is simply one of those films people will forget in a few years. Apart from the poor gits who saw it first and will stupidly think its the definitive version, mostly the kind of people on imdb heh ;)
taken from the site
Mission ideas

These are some of the first mission ideas I have pulled out of my head, but if you have any suggestions please post them here as your input is greatly appreciated.

·Find power generator and turn on all systems

·Gather supplies and take back to hideout so user will be able to continuously re-gain health if needed

·Gain access to the gun store so that player can gather weapons and ammo and return to hideout

·Block all entrances by traveling to truck yard and driving trucks and parking them in front of all three main entrances

·Lock the entrances from inside to prevent more zombies entering the mall - For this mission the car will become available if needed, although it will take time to hotwire it.

·Kill all remaining zombies in mall (could just be on-going but once all exits have been blocked no more zombies will spawn)

·Return to base to rest, and listen to the raiders on the radio

·Close off all stores' gates and pick a sniper point to take out raiders (could be timed)

·On the entrance of raiders, take out as many as possible, leaving the zombies as they will also attack the raiders and make things more difficult for them

·Cut the power and escape to duct away from zombies who are now everywhere and heading for the hideout

·Return to hideout to escape, to find that the Helicopter has already gone.

·Make one last stand on the Mall rooftop and hope that the helicoper returns in time


so where does that tank thing come in?
I was wondering that too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but DotD is about survival? Small group against zombie hordes, without much in the way of weaponry.

That tank just strikes me as a case of "I've got this here tank model, now where can I use it...?"
PiMuRho said:
I was wondering that too. Correct me if I'm wrong, but DotD is about survival? Small group against zombie hordes, without much in the way of weaponry.

That tank just strikes me as a case of "I've got this here tank model, now where can I use it...?"
Yup, it just doesn't fit in. Even in the film the only actual military hardware seen are a few large guns but mostly army supply trucks. There wouldn't be the man power to make use of big weapons, or the need for them either, can't go firing off tank shells in the middle of a city just cause there's some zombies about. For a start the only way to kill them is to shoot them in the head, larger weapons aren't exactly things you'd use for that heh. Pi's right, seems like a case of having a model knocking about so stick it in for the sake of it.

The only weapons there seems to be an abundance of are pistols, shotguns and rifles, not a lot else, or a need for much else.
Glad to see that my ideas aren't the only ones getting ripped apart. :)

Best of luck Brisck1
KrazyKlown said:
Glad to see that my ideas aren't the only ones getting ripped apart. :)

Best of luck Brisck1
On the contrary KrazyKlown. Had you actually read this thread, and the previous one about it some months ago you'd know we're not bashing his mod, just don't see the point in having a tank in it for the sake of it, if he stays faithful to the original film he'll be sorted. Please don't make out that his mod is on the same level as yours, we're actually looking forward to brisck's, if he keeps it faithful.
KrazyKlown said:
Glad to see that my ideas aren't the only ones getting ripped apart. :)

Best of luck Brisck1
We don't victimise. Ever. We just pull everything apart and poke around.

It would actually be cool to play with a group of friends in the middle of a city, surrounded by zombies, with havok physics, so you could set up traps in the abscense of weapons, and improvise things.. hmmm.
Hi Guys,
Dont worry about the SA-8, it was a model I had already done, and if you read the news forums, I was only considering it as a kind of easter egg, something that could be unlocked if you complete the game just for a bit of fun. Imagine plowing through the Mall car park firing missisle at hundereds of zombies. As for authenticity, I am a complete Hardcore fan of Romero's trilogy of zombie films and want to base the game very much around the 1970's original. As you will see in some of the up and coming models the I have almost completed, everything in this game will be completely true to the original, right down to the actual stores and even the artwork displayed on the walls.

One of the main goals of this mod is to have more zombies on screen than ever seen before. Preperation for this is already being applied to every model and optimisation is the key here.
Whether or not HL2's engine will be able to handle the kind of carnage I want I guess only time will tell, but I can let you in on some inside info, that im also planning on creating a Zombie mod for far cry. (one thing at a time though :p )

There will be a big update this week, with a detailed description of the overall game concept including vehicles, weapons, characters, missions (this is where I need feedback and ideas from you guys!) and story.

One thing I must say though is that without a coder, most of the multiplayer side of it will be non-existent. I want to create co-op, and team based mutliplayer, but unfortunately I lack the relevant skills to do this.

I also want to say thanks for the feedback, and if you really have an interest in the mod, please sign up and show your support on the forums, as your thoughts and comments are much appreciated!

Cheers again
hmmm.....tbh. I never really liked mods like this. Someone gets an idea from a new film, that in its self always happens a good example is The Matrix and LOTR. The other bad news is that none of them ever get anywhere. The fact that your basing it on a film is kinda pointless especially saying its multiplayer as well. I am not trying to bring u down or say your crap but so many other people do this kind of thing but they have missed totally the point:

1. Which ever multiplayer game made any sense at all? I mean... come on. It doesn't even need to. The fact that your using the dawn of the dead as it is pritty much pointless because at the end of the day its not going to even matter. When your playing a game you play it because its good. Not because its called dawn of the dad. All you are doing by making a mod based on the film is just limiting your self and limiting your self around the film. Then you end up realising a film is a film and a game is a game. There is not much point at all limiting your self just to call your mod 'Dawn of the Dead'

2. The single player game, yet again all you are doing is limiting your self to the storyline of the film. You may say stuff like "Well I am going to add parts" wouldn't it just be common sense to just totally get rid of the name Dawn of The dead (infact I don't think you would even have to do that) and just make up your own storyline and concept that is actually fit for a game?

3. Judging on your modelling you actually have some skills unlike some of these "wow lets make a matrix mod thats mmorpg with 200weapons and you can fly around the streets in post boxes" Which is kinda anoying because it looks like you could be making a good mod. Infact this mod could actually be good. But from first hand experiance of watching mods fall apart because they do the same thing as you and try to make a mod out of a film. In my opinion you would get a lot more respect and actually have a better chance of making a good mod if it was your mod idea and your storyline. You seem to respect George A. Romero's films and all of his concepts so why not try to play the part of George A. Romero but at the same time copy some ideas from a widder range of films and games them self. In my opinion this would make your idea of this mod a lot better.

Sorry if I have burst anyone bubble or been the meaney... but stuff like this happens way to offen when some of the people actually making the mod actually have talent.

I could be compeltely wrong with what I have just said. But going from your site and the information I have seen then it seems to be going that way. Sorry to offend anyone if I am wrong...
Don't worry, you haven't burst anyones bubble, or been the meany. In fact, I doubt very much that anyone can get enough sense out of that post to be offended ;)

As for the mod, when I saw the tank I must admit that I didn't like where this mod seemed to be heading, but if you say you're going to stick to the original movie, then fair enough. If you pull it off it could be a very enjoyable mod.
Ichi, im sure you do have some kind of valid point in there, and although it's not very clear to me, I welcome the different point of view, although I have to say I dont think I agree with it.
There are some very good mods based on LOTR for NWN, I don't think any of them follow the Books or movies storyline and instead are based on stories from the appedices. Which works very well as it gives the mod developer enough freedom to make a practicle gameing enviroment but also allows them to stay true to the universe there makeing the mod for.

I suppose you could still set the mod's storyline in a shopping centre and whatever, but tell a different story to the movies in the same universe. That seems to work best for movie to game conversions.

BTW I'v eaten too much and have been too lazy to read other people's posts in full.
brisck1 said:
Ichi, im sure you do have some kind of valid point in there, and although it's not very clear to me, I welcome the different point of view, although I have to say I dont think I agree with it.
stay as faithful as possible to the original, forget the remake existed. Heck be as anal as you can, even down to duplicating every possible zombie in the film that you can. Do that and you could have a real classic on your hands. The die hard fans will love you forever for it too, but change anything just even a tiny bit and they'd probably lynch you for daring to call it by the same name :)
I don't really agree with Ichi.. A large part of a mod based on the movie is that you get to experience it on another level yourself, as opposed to just seeing the movie over and over.
And while I agree that adding stuff that would fit logically into the movie is a good idea, I don't agree with taking inspiration from lots of other movies and things.

So yeah, the fact that it IS a DOTD game slaving after the movie /makes/ the game.
So to speak.

Brisck I can't wait to see how this develops :)
stay as faithful as possible to the original, forget the remake existed. Heck be as anal as you can, even down to duplicating every possible zombie in the film that you can. Do that and you could have a real classic on your hands. The die hard fans will love you forever for it too, but change anything just even a tiny bit and they'd probably lynch you for daring to call it by the same name
Lol Dont I just know it! But I wouldnt want it any other way! :thumbs: Still, it might be fun to slip a few homages in there from some of the other films Romero has done, easter eggs if you will.
At the end of the day, I dont really care if people just think im ripping off a film title. Its just something i've really wanted to do since I first saw the film all those years ago, and like coax said, its about the experience of being in the movie that I really want to create!

P.s. Fenric I sent you a PM did you get it ok?
brisck1 said:
Lol Dont I just know it! But I wouldnt want it any other way! :thumbs: Still, it might be fun to slip a few homages in there from some of the other films Romero has done, easter eggs if you will.
At the end of the day, I dont really care if people just think im ripping off a film title. Its just something i've really wanted to do since I first saw the film all those years ago, and like coax said, its about the experience of being in the movie that I really want to create!

P.s. Fenric I sent you a PM did you get it ok?
I've not recieved any PM's
Pendragon said:
PMs are down for me--I can't even see a PM link in my profile. What's up with that?
no idea, must have only just gone back up or something, i've still got all my old PM's, give it time, will prolly sort itself eventually
UPDATE: Well its taken me the best part of three weeks of tweaking, and although it isn't completely finalised, I am now happy enough with it to put The Complete (but not finalised) gameplay concept up on the site. The Concept basically outlines the whole idea for the mod, including story, gameplay styles, characters, weapons and interactivity. So if you want to find out more about what this mod is likey to become when it's finished, head over to the Gameplay Concepts section to find out more
I want to be your texture artist. I don't have samples on this computer.... but perhaps I can find something, or make something for you.
Hello Glo,
really have to see some work mate, how far do your texturing skills go? at the moment I really need good human/zombie texture artists who are experienced in photo realistic style textures...

If you dont have any work on you how about mocking something up? Could be any thing from a crate to a zombie texture.

Sorry about being picky, but I want to mod to have a consistant look and feel to it.

you should post the results on my forums or send them to me via email.

ComradeBadger said:
And with slow zombies ;)
of course with slow zombies! there is no other kind, as far as I'm concerned anyway :D.. besides, he knows what I'd do to him if he dared have a fast zombie in it ;) lol
well there has been a change of plan now, the zombies are being changed to Rage infected monkies ;)
brisck1 said:
well there has been a change of plan now, the zombies are being changed to Rage infected monkies ;)
/me kills brisck1 sloooooowly :p

oh well, I'll just have to go do a DOTD mod then myself ;)
Fenric said:
/me kills brisck1 sloooooowly :p

oh well, I'll just have to go do a DOTD mod then myself ;)

Or join the project to make sure I dont put in 'the rage' ;)