Dawn of the Dead: A HL2 Mod

Okay, someone PM me about details. First of all, for the zombies, should I start with a base photograph, or just do everything from scratch... I'm a graphics man and I intend to provide you with some of the best graphics possible. To be honest, I haven't textured anything in a few months, but with a few hours, i should be be good as new.

Cheers! ;-)
Actually this sounds really really cool, both multiplayer and single-player, cause if you can pull off all the characters from the movie right, it would be interesting and entertaining with all the zombie killing.

And with the multi-player you could have a team of survivors versus one or two zombies, and as the zombies kill their team grows bigger. The survivors could hold a position for a certain amount of time and they'd win. If you could pull that off right then it would be awesome
actually, i loved it also! but i dont like to compare it to the original as they (for me) are two very different films
i havent seen the first one yet, (hollywood video doesnt have it...) but i saw the remake and thought it was excellent (of course i cant compare it to the first cuz i havent seen it =p) i thought the running zombies was a good idea actually. If all they could do was walk, i think it would make a game too easy... you would have too much time to reload while they take a stroll over to your location. If they ran, it would get your adrenaline pumping faster and force you to use some strategy along with rambo attacks. But you could just make an option when you create a server to have them run or walk to suit the preference of everyone.
Magmanta said:
i havent seen the first one yet, (hollywood video doesnt have it...) but i saw the remake and thought it was excellent (of course i cant compare it to the first cuz i havent seen it =p) i thought the running zombies was a good idea actually. If all they could do was walk, i think it would make a game too easy... you would have too much time to reload while they take a stroll over to your location. If they ran, it would get your adrenaline pumping faster and force you to use some strategy along with rambo attacks. But you could just make an option when you create a server to have them run or walk to suit the preference of everyone.
you can only reload so many times before you run out of ammo and find yourself surrounded by zombies, thats why their better slow. Runnings zombies add nothing and are just a half arsed way out of doing a good job.
I think it should be either bursts of running they have, or a happy medium.... like they can walk pretty fast and stumble over

But about the textures.... I need to talk to someone in charge - brisck1?

PM me with details please - am I going to start with photographs for the zombie faces or completely by scratch or what
Glo-Boy said:
I think it should be either bursts of running they have, or a happy medium.... like they can walk pretty fast and stumble over

But about the textures.... I need to talk to someone in charge - brisck1?

PM me with details please - am I going to start with photographs for the zombie faces or completely by scratch or what

The Dead do not run, they do not sprint, they shamble, shuffle, groan and moan. Much like Onions

Point is. 28 days later had no zombies, it had people infected with rage, Zombies don't run, they are reanimated dead flesh with the most basic brain functions active, which does not include "oh i must run to catch food"


Edit: Why don't you show us some of your older work too. Draw me a picture of a zombie. :)
Well, if you need some music I'm definetely interested in providing, now that I got some reliable hosting (...long story). BTW Shawn of the Dead is required viewing for any zombie fans, it's great fun. The soundtrack is amazing too (any soundtrack with 4 new Ash tracks is great anyway) ;)

Pop along to: http://robp.dmusic.com/

The two tracks there aren't exactly zombie or I guess HL2 material really (unless someone's making anime/Final Fantasy orientated stuff), but I'll be putting some more varied stuff on this weekend.

I guess a zombie FPS soundtrack would either go down the NIN route, or personally more appropriate would be the scary string section, like the great tune near the end of 28 Days Later(see HL2 Song 3, for the quality of strings I currently possess - I'm currently saving up for more pro sounding orchestral stuff BTW).

BTW you could do a great Shaun of the Dead bonus level, or even a full on mod from the models you would have produced. For the bonus level idea, you would just need the layout of the pub, say have zombies attacking from outside in increasingly more aggressive waves (the HL2 AI would be great, as u could barricade the doors, but they would break the glass and try and force there way in etc). The only weapons you would need would be the Winchester rifle hung above the bar, some playing darts (there's a great moment in the film, when Shaun pulls a dart out of his head), definetely some snooker cues and the most important weapon of all...a cricket bat. :)
Firstly, Glo, there will be no running zombies in this at all... It will be staying as true to the original as possible, and I think Fenric a good explanation as to why. Its all about the feeling of being completely outnumbered and not a mad rocket-launching zombie gib fest (maybe as a bonus level). Anyway, as for music spinkitten, I will have a listen to your stuff tonight when I get home from work. I will be using all of the original music throughout the game for authenticity (much thanks to a fan of the mod) as I now have all of the original tracks on CD. What I was thinking of doing though, was to Remix a kind of 'compilation' of the the best tracks to a single 1 min track as a trailer and intro track. If your music is up to a reasonable level then I will be happy to tke you on board for this task. I have already started it myself in Making Waves, but Im having trouble right now finding the time to finish it.

As for a Shaun of he dead level, well yeah that would be pretty funny, but maybe in my next mod!

Anyway...here's hoping for the SDK SOON!!!
just out of interest, where do mods stand when they use original soundtrack material, I've seen a few film game mods with lots of source material so I know it's been done before, but the RIAA have been changing a whole lot of laws lately in relation to copyright (some which are downright ugly).
spinkitten said:
just out of interest, where do mods stand when they use original soundtrack material, I've seen a few film game mods with lots of source material so I know it's been done before, but the RIAA have been changing a whole lot of laws lately in relation to copyright (some which are downright ugly).
Use original music, or contact the copyright holders and ask for permission. Which is easier if you'll never intend to make a propfit from it of course. If you ask nicely and can show them your not going to abuse it or waste their time, many are ok with it. Just don't use it after you've asked and they said no.

Best bet is to complete your mod entirely. Then show them what you have, course your using copyrighted material just doing the mod so they can always tell you to stop, in which case you have to.
hmm, well the whole franchise is quite popular at the moment with both the remake and Shawn, but I read an interview with Romero where he was really happy with both projects, which shows he is pro-active towards other projects taking place (as opposed to the "oh my god look what they did to my masterpiece" perspective), and the likelyhood that a commerical company will take the game on is pretty low, so personally, I think brisck1 has a pretty clear run for getting a green light on the project with the original soundtrack. The mod shows great promise, that it would never damage the franchise at all, probably it would be all the stronger for it.

Great fun. :bounce:
I guess all we need now is an Evil Dead mod. :E

"I know I'm bad, but I feel good" :rolling:
Fenric, that's exactly what I was thinking... At the moment im rtying to keep stuff like music and all copyrighted imagery under wraps so as to avoid as much misery as possible. Im hoping that when I eventually contact Romero (and I have possible contact info now) the mod will be looking the shiznay. But until I think it will knock people's sock off, its just not worth it.
Im not really bothered at the end of the day, even if every bigwig comes down on as hard as Opera on a mcdonalds seat, I can easily just change names, places etc slightly and avoid a whole heap of hassel. The fans will still know what the mod is influeced on at the end of the day :)

P.S. Romero actually rang Simon Pegg to congratulate him on such a good film!
Just don't forget Romero may not still own exclusive rights to various parts of it. Some studio could, and it could be now split up among others too. Getting permission to use copyrighted work can be a headache larger than the one I have right now.
Again dont worry, I have already made precautions in case the worst happens. And anyway, even if everything goes fine I wont be claiming onorship over anything, George R. and the appropriate people behind the original can take ownorship over everything if they like, but with or without copyright material, this will still be the most authentic zombie mod out there!