Dawn of War 2


Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
I didn't even realise this had been released, but apparently it's been out for months.

Is it good? Is it popular? I don't really follow these things anymore but I used to spend many a long night playing the original. I might just have to pick it up if it has a following.
It was very, very, meh.

Wasn't like the first at all, lots of flaws, and they got a lot of shit for it. I enjoyed single player, but that's really all I could take. I went back to the original.
picked it up recently where the 50% off sale was going on....
can't say much in comparison to the first games because i never played them

but, so far, i'm having alot of fun playing the campaign in co-op
each of 2 players get to control 2 squads (sometimes 3)
the 2nd to hardest difficulty is providing a nice challenge for us and i really like how you acquire items and gain experience (points)

my only complaint so far is that the cover system, unlike COH, seems to serve no purpose at all. i mean it seems as though a squad in the open loses health at the same rate as one that's in full cover (green)
also, a little more mission variety would be nice

gonna try online matches tonight
I would have played it more if I had more people I knew to play it with, but as it turned out, I was the only one in my neighbourhood that bought it. I was a bit surprised seeing as me and my friends have been playing the previous DoW game plus its' expansions. (Winter Assault, Dark Crusade, Soulstorm).
Hmm. Do people still play the original? I never picked up Soulstorm, I actually haven't played any games at all in over a year, but that's more out of apathy than anything else. My PC is probably shit by today's standards, the internet connection here is beyond hopeless and I basically can't be arsed to set everything up.

I fondly remember many marathon sessions of Dark Crusade, however!
I have DoW 2, although I haven't touched it since I put it down about halfway through the campaign. I never tried MP outside of the demo, as I wanted to get a feel for the game first. I'm thinking about going back and doing some MP to get my money's worth, but I'm currently enthralled by Red Faction Guerrilla
Do people still play the original?!

Oh yes, I do. The original is well balanced and very funny. Dawn Of War 2 is an average game without personality. They stripped a lot of good gameplay elements and left us with a dumbed down version, in my humble opinion. Is it a trend, to remove the base building elements and to turn the game into a real time tactical combat? (C&C4, I'm looking at you) Well, it doesn't work for me.
No base building? Sounds a bit cack...

I remember the online community always being fairly small for the most part, have a lot of people come back to the game?

Used to love playing 2v2v2v2. Sometimes the game would go on for over four hours and it was just epic. :E
for those of you that bought the game early on and gave up on it, a HUGE update was released recently with a bunch of balance changes and the like
worth taking another look

Hey guess what. All the guys who worked on DoW1? None of them made DoW2.

And zing, Relic dies.
Horrible game, huge disappointment.

Pretty much a simplified squad based version of Company of Heroes with fairly heavy RPG elements.
Awful game. Gives the original DoW a bad name.

Play that or CoH instead.
I bought it this weekend and I liked the single-player, but as others have said, multiplayer was a huge collect of BLEUGH.
Hmm I won't bother with that one then.

I remember there used to be loads of good games, 5-10 yrs ago, but then there became less and less of them. The singleplayer games started becoming more uninteresting and then the style of multiplayer game I like went from being what it was all about to obscurity (Quake 3 and ultra-competitive games like that...).

I might have to check out Soulstorm though.
DOWII is actually quite a good game, but doesn't have a very good MP community and suffers from being a little too simple. It does feel like a smaller, dumbed down version of COH mixed with Warcraft 3 in the future with a lot more RPG elements like upgrading items for your hero etc. I haven't really been able to have much fun onlnine but single player and skirmish against AI are both pretty enjoyable in my opinion.

I would rate it as worse than DOW or COH but still enjoyable. Probably not worth $50 though. On that note do any of you HL2netters want to play some MP DOW2 at some point? I'm probably total rubbish against a human but it'd be nice to play a real game of it.
Soulstorm is pretty shit too.
Pointless and boring new races/units and the new campaign is just a rehash of DC's.

But, if you can find it cheap enough, I'd say go for it if you're a completionist.
I played Soulstorm less than Winter Assault even. IMO the only truly worthwhile expansion was DC. I still love vanilla DOW too.
Yeah, DC is the best DOW expansion, easily.