Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta


May 27, 2004
Reaction score
2/22/2005 14:54 PST | Day of Defeat | by Pratt
Can it be? This just in from Doug Lombardi:

Day of Defeat: Source, Valve's World War II-themed multiplayer action game, is approaching beta and will be available early this spring via Steam. A team-based multiplayer game that cast players in the Axis vs. Allies battles of Western Europe circa 1944, Day of Defeat: Source leverages the power of the Source engine to introduce integrated physics simulation technology, all new audio, updated maps, enhanced effects and more. More information about Day of Defeat: Source will be released in the coming weeks. For more information on Steam, please visit

Planet half

Looks like they're still using the old DoD models...:\

edit: Any one getting a 403 Forbidden message: add a '?' to the end of the url.

edit2: or visit the front page...
The first screen-shot doesnt look so great, still, should make a change from CS
did anyone notice that on the second screenshot the scope of the guy reloading his gun looks wierd?
Killing2Live said:
did anyone notice that on the second screenshot the scope of the guy reloading his gun looks wierd?

Old DoD animations and models.
so, what all did they change again other than some hi-res textures on the maps?
GG valve /sarcasm

Well it's really easy for modders to make new models for something like DOD so hopefully they will.

Well they didnt say they would upgrade the models so :|
The real test is actually what it looks like in motion, but they have stated that what they want to do is release it as soon as possible and just keep building on it over time, like modders do.
Direwolf said:
The real test is actually what it looks like in motion, but they have stated that what they want to do is release it as soon as possible and just keep building on it over time, like modders do.
But why has it taken them so long to even get to this phase? CS:Source was out before HL2 and they had all the models and everything updated, this just seems kinda cheap
lol, i cant imagine them making people pay for a game like that
H47tr!ck said:
lol, i cant imagine them making people pay for a game like that

What, 5 bucks or whatever they said they would allow people with bronze packages to get it.
H47tr!ck said:
lol, i cant imagine them making people pay for a game like that

Which is why it costs only a few bucks.

edit: beaten.
Killing2Live said:
What, 5 bucks or whatever they said they would allow people with bronze packages to get it.

You got a quote on that amount figure. I heard that they will charge for DoD:S as a sperate game (Around $30) and upgrading accounts... we never heard anything about those.
Well it's beta so perhaps they will give us new models in the beta.

I dunno, hopefully the valve update will clear this up(you reading this valve)
Icarusintel said:
But why has it taken them so long to even get to this phase? CS:Source was out before HL2 and they had all the models and everything updated, this just seems kinda cheap

This is because CS:S was being worked on well before HL2's release. DoD:S was only started roughly about the time CS:S was being finished. If you really look at it, they've both been worked on for about the same amount of time.
hahaha i didn't buy DOD: Source, and i thought i'd be kicking myself for that in a few weeks, but hey....i don't really care now. Ahhh C'est la vie....
Icarusintel said:
But why has it taken them so long to even get to this phase? CS:Source was out before HL2 and they had all the models and everything updated, this just seems kinda cheap

The team is basically made up out of 4 people and those are tied up into other projects as well? CSS clearly has a much higher priority.

Reply from other thread:
People, it does NOT look like DoD 1.3, only the player models and weapons are clearly still from 1.3!

Which isn't too bad and I'm sure it will get updated, either before release or after. But it's a pretty big contrast with the rest of the environment. Which is also the reason HLS didn't use HL2 models; it would be a huge contrast between new and old and would look out of place. So while the improvement over DoD is really big, the player models are too out of contrast imo.
They shouldn't have said anything...

Ignorance was bliss in this case. At least it was compared to what we have now...
Of course they'll update the player models...

One of the DOD guys worked on CS:Source animations. I'm pretty sure their whole team was brought over to get CS:Source ready for launch, which meant the entire time they worked on that they didn't get to work on DOD:S. I remember him commenting how excited he was to get started on working on new DOD player animations after making the ones for CS:S.
I guess we can expect it to be like any beta: sucky.

Having played a lot of CS:S I would find it hard to play DoD:S with those models. You get spoiled, you know, and it's hard to go back. Just last week I threw CS (non Source) on my system and I was like 'Holy crap!!! Was it really ever this bad???'. Thing is there were still people playing it..... poor suckers.

Actually it might not be that bad. I played DoD a few weeks back as well (I must have been having a nostalgia moment) and having seen it and CS... DoD is quite a bit better even if it can't hold a candle to the fire that is CS:S. DoD sure has a nice gameplay feel though. If they can have that in DoD:S it will be good. The sniper rifle is the way a sniper should be for one. None of this 'jump in the air - spin - shoot - headshot' stuff we have in CS:S right now.

I guess like everyone else who is waiting for DoD:S I will give it a try and if it blows too bad I will wait for a couple of updates and try again.

I remember when CS came out and I played in the beta and it was terrible. Then within a few months I couldn't play it enough.

If DoD doesn't get it's act together there is always Insurgency to look forwards to as well. That is a sweet looking mod.
Big deal about the models. Someone will make awesome new ones anyway like for CS:S