Day of Defeat: Source Free Weekend!

I'll be trying it. I didn't get HL2 Silver for some strange reason, and haven't been sure if I wanted DoD:S enough to buy it seperately.

The Guild Wars Free PvP Weekend caused me to buy it, this may well do the same... if it's good enough.
Great idea, I belong to a small clan and we really enjoy CS:S together. I've bought DOD:S recently and I think it's great. This way my friends can try DOD also and perhaps they'll buy it too.

Now, before you start, I haven't played the original CS or DOD. I'm just happy with the Source versions. I do think DOD needs more maps though.
john3571000 said:
screw that -
nearly a full gig of game!!!! for 3 days!!! for 4-5 maps!!! with no offline mode!!!!

i'll pass :|

Six maps.

DOD FTW !!1!

I wouldnt have used the word "lynching" either, maybe leeching would have been better. I dont think you would lynch your friends.
already have dod source but looking forward to kicking lots of newbie butts
It seems they need something like this to help sagging sales :(
i really don't understand the community's intransigence
i mean c'mon there are other and far better games other than the frankly poor counterstrike 1.6
the above info is just frightening - just short of double the number of people playing cs versus EVERY OTHER STEAM GAME IN EXISTANCE

Day of Defeat is far more fun
HL2DM is a blast and requires alot of skills to master
Dystopia is new and shiny
Any number of other Halflife mods/games are available

who are these people who are holding the whole damn industry back, i mean whiskey tango foxtrot - go play some of the other excellent mods, valve games etc. - not only will it be more fun but it will actually create innovation
You know, complaining about DoD: S is one thing, but I can't stand the little whiners who are like "OMG TEH RECOIL NO!!!" "I WANTED THE EXACT SAME AGAIN FED TO ME, BUT PRETTIER!"

What the hell is wrong with you?

Honestly, I'd love to see a lot of the whiners about DoD: Source play Red Orchestra.

Now that'd be a hoot.
john3571000, shut it seriously. Just because you don't like 1.6 doesn't mean others think the same way. People aren't holding the industry back because they keep on playing 1.6 get it out of your head.
I hope there'll be lots of non-pro's. I'm ganna be a n00b. Yay!

Lerning how to type properly FTL!
Took me ages to type just that.
OMG, just my luck.

I'm in the process of switching ISP so I have no Internet at home ATM. I'm gonna miss out... ;(

*Wishes he could go back in time and hold of cancelling for a week*
they do it with all bad games :O~~~ and after i post this a bunch of fat pale kids are gunna be like OMG YOU ARE SO WRONG!!!! because there pub terribles :O~
john3571000 said:
Day of Defeat is far more fun
HL2DM is a blast and requires alot of skills to master
Dystopia is new and shiny
Any number of other Halflife mods/games are available

who are these people who are holding the whole damn industry back, i mean whiskey tango foxtrot - go play some of the other excellent mods, valve games etc. - not only will it be more fun but it will actually create innovation
Different strokes for different blokes.

I dont see how people liking CS means they are holding the industry back, and ALOT of them will be avid players of other games, just perhaps not source ones. Also gamers of any discripture are more likely to be spending more on beefy PC's and thus giving incentive for PC publishers and hardware manufacturers alike the incentive to push out beefire products.
Could we please have all times as GMT, or at least with GMT as well, as its world standard and what the hell is PST? It doesn't even show up on my windows timezone changing thing.
Argh...says 00:00:00 (etc) but when I press "launch game" the window disappears and it won't launch :(
Darksabre said:
Argh...says 00:00:00 (etc) but when I press "launch game" the window disappears and it won't launch :(

Same here. Dang. =(
I have the same. But is it working for other people. Are we the exeption or the rule.
Grey Fox said:
I have the same. But is it working for other people. Are we the exeption or the rule.

I tried restarting Steam. No dice.
Apparently Valve hasn't heard of a thing called timezones, because they made the clock count down to 12:00 PM on the user's computer, instead of 12:00 PM PST, which is when the free weekend is supposed to begin... (right?)
Mith' said:
Worked for me, try now, and press "install" in the news.

I did. Still nope.

EDIT: Now Steam doesn't even start. Oh joy. =/
This is a pretty good game and there's no morons like in CS:S, I'd buy it if I wasn't saving my thirty bucks for Aftermath.