Day Of Defeat Source Update - Click The Image

Anybody know any other hl2 news sites? This one is circling the drain, I've noticed a distinct lack of journalistic self-respect and integrity of information, anything would have to be better than this.
it's just for fun, quick bitchin' why should they rehash when you can just click the link anyway? because that's exactly what i'll be doing
Anybody know any other hl2 news sites? This one is circling the drain, I've noticed a distinct lack of journalistic self-respect and integrity of information, anything would have to be better than this.
Stfu n00b, this news post owns you.
Anybody know any other hl2 news sites? This one is circling the drain, I've noticed a distinct lack of journalistic self-respect and integrity of information, anything would have to be better than this. Has all the illegal needs you'd ever need.
I must agree though, while the pictures are occasionally funny, they'd be better in it's own comic thread. For news is going a bit downhill, it's not being very informative which is what people want in a news site. Sure the locals are amused by the pictures but all the other users wont like it too much. I generally stick with hlfallout but they're really slow with news, so hmm. no definitive hl2 news site around at the moment...
I must agree though, while the pictures are occasionally funny, they'd be better in it's own comic thread. For news is going a bit downhill, it's not being very informative which is what people want in a news site. Sure the locals are amused by the pictures but all the other users wont like it too much. I generally stick with hlfallout but they're really slow with news, so hmm. no definitive hl2 news site around at the moment...
We've been quite busy, doing stuff that will make everybody happy! "Soon..."
I must agree though, while the pictures are occasionally funny, they'd be better in it's own comic thread. For news is going a bit downhill, it's not being very informative which is what people want in a news site. Sure the locals are amused by the pictures but all the other users wont like it too much. I generally stick with hlfallout but they're really slow with news, so hmm. no definitive hl2 news site around at the moment...

I must agree though, while the pictures are occasionally funny, they'd be better in it's own comic thread. For news is going a bit downhill, it's not being very informative which is what people want in a news site. Sure the locals are amused by the pictures but all the other users wont like it too much. I generally stick with hlfallout but they're really slow with news, so hmm. no definitive hl2 news site around at the moment...
Nah I do agree. The updates are appreciated although I did prefer it when the front page news was kept serious and of a more informative tone. I mean yeah, the infos at the links but whats the point in comming here to read the news if I have to go to steam powered to actually get it?

The updates are certainly better than no updates but and I do coommend Sui on the artwork, it's extremly good just in the wrong place I feel. On a related not the artwork also takes away from the actual content of the news post. Several (basically all) of the post lately have had more replies commenting on the artwork than the actual content it was supposed to be presenting (and I'm aware my post hasnt helped that). Also half of them seem to be about "sex" or "boobs", if comics are to be used perhaps something with a bit more thought than ninjas or sexual comments can be used?

We've been quite busy, doing stuff that will make everybody happy! "Soon..."
:) sweet
Sui you're acting like a 13 year old, grow up and stop being a douche just because it's the internet and a site with 0 activity has let you post some crap to fill in the spaces. Either do it right or don't do it at all - you aren't GIVING us anything but false hope for a worthwhile post sometime in the future.

In short, you're the placeholder gimmick they put in place because they had absolutely nothing else going on. Instead of accepting the opportunity and doing something useful with it, you've decided to let this 'temporary foisting of duty' get to your dumbarse head and spam the news posts with self-important webcomic bullshit. By the way, they're not actually funny.
Sui you're acting like a 13 year old, grow up and stop being a douche just because it's the internet and a site with 0 activity has let you post some crap to fill in the spaces. Either do it right or don't do it at all - you aren't GIVING us anything but false hope for a worthwhile post sometime in the future.

In short, you're the placeholder gimmick they put in place because they had absolutely nothing else going on. Instead of accepting the opportunity and doing something useful with it, you've decided to let this 'temporary foisting of duty' get to your dumbarse head and spam the news posts with self-important webcomic bullshit. By the way, they're not actually funny.

haha, this is ****ing i said before, considering you click the links to find out whats going on anyway, a small comic linked to an article is a cool change, course im sure it will wear off at some point but as sui said there was barely any new's posts until he started his awesome antics :cheers:
Anybody know any other hl2 news sites? This one is circling the drain, I've noticed a distinct lack of journalistic self-respect and integrity of information, anything would have to be better than this.

well at least he post alot better than what is on your crap ass blog.
and you say sui acts like a 12 year old.

seroiusly, get the **** out of here, you were better off when you stopped posting 8 months ago.
I like the new comic postd, but it might be better to be more context sensitive. I thought dod:s just added a nazi zombie class D:
well at least he post alot better than what is on your crap ass blog.
and you say sui acts like a 12 year old.

seroiusly, get the **** out of here, you were better off when you stopped posting 8 months ago.

waa waa

my site is for my purposes, i'm pretty sure isnt a shitty webcomic site though, although recently you'd be surprised. i'm sure sui is loving the ego-fellatio though, way to encourage an idiot
waa waa indeed.

The site staff don't have a problem with Sui's news posts. I don't have a problem with Sui's news posts. The site director doesn't have a problem with Sui's news posts. The majority of the site readers don't have a problem with Sui's newsposts.

Come back when you've got over it.
waa waa

my site is for my purposes, i'm pretty sure isnt a shitty webcomic site though, although recently you'd be surprised. i'm sure sui is loving the ego-fellatio though, way to encourage an eediot

Oh the irony...
For ****'s sake, does no one know what irony means?
nice one eediot - changing the image on your site so that it displays ******* here. Classy. See you in a few weeks.
Anybody know any other hl2 news sites? This one is circling the drain, I've noticed a distinct lack of journalistic self-respect and integrity of information, anything would have to be better than this.

'Look, I'm a BANNED attention whore!'
Sui you're acting like a 13 year old, grow up and stop being a douche just because it's the internet and a site with 0 activity has let you post some crap to fill in the spaces. Either do it right or don't do it at all - you aren't GIVING us anything but false hope for a worthwhile post sometime in the future.

In short, you're the placeholder gimmick they put in place because they had absolutely nothing else going on. Instead of accepting the opportunity and doing something useful with it, you've decided to let this 'temporary foisting of duty' get to your dumbarse head and spam the news posts with self-important webcomic bullshit. By the way, they're not actually funny.

Mate, reading your website... you just embarrassed yourself in a major way. Go update your "hilarious" comics or something.
You know, i truely feel the anger in that post.

Sui, I think your comics are a great way of overcoming an obstacle such as a broken keyboard. Others would've just got someone else to post 'Sui keyboard is screwed, so he cant post till he gets a new one'.

Keep up the good work, nice to see a humour filled front page.
Fix the swastika on the helmet- you put it the wrong way.


If top left corner = ("L shape") then its a nazi swastika.