Day of Defeat: Source Update Details


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
As was discussed in last weeks Steam news update, this June 28 will be a huge day for Day of Defeat: Source fans. The long-awaited maps Colmar & Jadg as well as the new gameplay mode Detonation will be making their debut appearances. But a few things that were not covered were some technological and gameplay enhancements such as film grain, color correction and a bit of weapon balancing.
The Map Pack, which arrives just before DoD: Source's 1st birthday, introduces a new gameplay style, Detonation, in two brand new missions (Jagd, Colmar). In addition to the new missions and gameplay style, the Summer 2006 Update also introduces new technical features and gameplay enhancements to Day of Defeat: Source. Some of the new gameplay enhancements - such as spawn clip adjustments, improved hit location detection, and weapon balancing - were made after reviewing the player statistics gathered since the stats feature was added to DoD: Source earlier this year...[br]Colmar (June 2006) -- Set in Northern France, Colmar introduces Day of Defeat's Detonation style of gameplay. Marred with cold weather conditions, Colmar's Detonation objectives drive successful teams to attack target areas in unison.[br]Jagd (June 2006) - Jagd challenges teams to a more advanced urban Detonation mission, one that must be completed in a limited amount of time and is therefore unforgiving to unorganized offensive attacks...
To see all of the information that was released today, Valve has published the PR sheet at the Steam Games website.
Anyone here know what "Light Warping" is?

/EDIT: Woo... Found out:

'Light warping is a way to make materials look colored and shadow in
different colors than black. An example is the blueish look on the
cobbestone/snow blend in dod_kalt. It has a blue-ish tint that is
appropriate for snow. Take it away and the scene looks wrong."
I am wondering about this "Spawn Clip adjustments"

Paging Pi, if you know please answer, thanks! ;)
So... all the new effects, maps, weapon balancing, class balancing and new objectives are going to be in 5 days?


RP. said:
A steam news update was released, and they intreduced this awsome site:

Less than 7% played the game in Hard difficulty. WTF? I thought like everyone would like play on Hard. Gah.
What is "Phong Shading"? I know what Rim Lighting is, are they somehow related?
ElFuhrer said:
What is "Phong Shading"? I know what Rim Lighting is, are they somehow related?
Googleh has teh answers.

Edit: Arrgh Smash! I'll get you for this.

I would have beaten you but I was trying to find out what Spawn Clip is. Perhaps something to do with when you spawn inside another player?
I hope we see the phong shading in CS:S in the next update, that would be awesome.
I thought the shading already was smooth... I don't remember blocky per-poly shading 0_o
Or am I missing something?
vegeta897 said:
I thought the shading already was smooth... I don't remember blocky per-poly shading 0_o
Or am I missing something?

It happens on textures with specular highlights. Usually look close to the center of the texture and you will notice a bit of colour banding or blockiness. It is hard to spot (especially in motion) but it is there.
Film grain sort of seems cool... accept if the idea is realism, then it sorta seems weird. My grandfather assures me that when he fought in WW2, there was no "film grain" effect on his eyes. :)
Apos said:
Film grain sort of seems cool... accept if the idea is realism, then it sorta seems weird. My grandfather assures me that when he fought in WW2, there was no "film grain" effect on his eyes. :)
Game developers are ultimately going for "photorealism" - Trying to bring the movie feel into videogames.
Apos said:
Film grain sort of seems cool... accept if the idea is realism, then it sorta seems weird. My grandfather assures me that when he fought in WW2, there was no "film grain" effect on his eyes. :)
Actually, the preview I read says that film grain is only used when waiting to respawn, so when you are spectating your teamates it will be like you're watching them on 1940s film but when you are alive it will be more realistic.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I am wondering about this "Spawn Clip adjustments"

Paging Pi, if you know please answer, thanks! ;)

I'm pretty sure they're talking about how many ammo clips you get at spawn. That's something they could really balance things with using the stats.
^ Where'd you hear that?
Taking ammo clips away doesn't seem like a very good balancing tool to me...
john3571000 said:
still no bot support :(

ARE YOU SURE? Just because it wasn't in the announcement doesn't mean they haven't done so...
well I live in hope :)
it is afterall the main reason I haven't purchased the game
Since there is no way to get more ammo aside from stealing another gun (which isn't actually all that hard or uncommon), it does seem like sort of a waste.

However, if their stats show, as I assume they must from my experience, that virtually every player is dying long before they exhaust their ammo, and they want ammo scrounging to be a part of the game, then it does sort of make sense to reduce the clips to a more realistic number.

I still think its weird that ammo boxes are still in for machine guns. It's a feature most vanilla players aren't made aware of, and seems to belong to a more complex version of the game (the one that had bleeding, bandanging, and so on) that was scrapped for this more streamlined version.
TonicBH said:
Now I wonder if CS:S will ever get a new game mode...
There are loads:
theGreenBunny said:
I'm pretty sure they're talking about how many ammo clips you get at spawn. That's something they could really balance things with using the stats.

Alright I looked around a bit and got some kind of an answer...

amking said:
basically that would mean they added 'player clips' to certain places on the maps where people jump up to get into spawns. this player clip is something that is done in the hammer editor where you can basically prevent people from getting up to a certain place (even tho it looks like they should be able to).

That was on the DoD forums, I hope this answer is correct, we need this!