Day of Defeat: Source Update is Here!

You mean Detonation maps? :p

I used to realy like dod_escape...has anyone redone that map for source yet? It would be way more fun than jagd or colmar imo, if they remade it properly anyway...
Pfft, detonation, whatever. Same thing.
Ennui said:
I have to say I like Destruction much more, because it's so different from what I'm used to.

I just wish there were more maps... I love jagd right now, but I bet it'll get old pretty quickly, because the lack of team playing in public servers makes it absolutely HORRENDOUSLY annoying to play sometimes, when your team just doesn't DO WHAT IT OUGHT.

Hmmm...there has to be a formula somewhere to make a game more team based even in public servers. I don't know what but a style of game that keeps players working for the objectives even if they are not grouped to do so. Well...maybe I'm dreaming :sleep:

I tried colour correction last night in CSS and God that looked so sexy. I turned militia and dust into an afternoon painting. I then loaded my favourite server and the settings were still there. Really really nice addition! :imu:
Asus said:
What did ya fix? Didn't notice any difference.

I know, I know! "Go blow shit up" below "You picked up some TNT." seems so natural it may be hard to even notice :)
Ennui said:
What problem is that?

I was referring to autozoom after you shoot, however, after taking off my blindfold, I saw that you need to manually set it to 0 for it to take effect.

*Slaps myself in face*
I like the update, but Jagd is insanely difficult... but probably due to my teammates anyway. :laugh:
The update was very fun until for some reason my game started crashing after being 1min in-game. I never had this problem before with source games.

I also dont think its a hardware prob, I just upgraden a mont ago and I could play dods on max(with hdr).
I love the new game mode.
The film grain effect would be better in black & white imo.

And it'd be awesome if you could play with the effect on.

just as DOD was getting stale they made it fun again :)

at first i hated it when i played Jagdar (on a 24/7 server) and everyone on my team(axis) was complaining because we were losing so badly (only one or no bombs most rounds)

then by some miracle everyone started coordinating attacks over VOIP and we won the next 5 rounds!! :)

colmer also started out poorly for me untill of course my team started using some teamwork, going on missions with 5+ people is fun :D but i would like it if the map was a little bigger...

after all that my rating of dods goes from 7/10 (when there were 4 maps) to 9/10
How much is it in pounds sterling for DoD? And is it credit card only to buy on steam?
^Ben said:
About £15 that's including tax aswell.

Cheers, got it off play (and muse's new album) cos steam wouldn't take a debit card. AWESOME, LOOK OUT WW2 - HERE I COME.

lololololololololol needs a DOD:S server.
Does HL2net still have those CSS ones?
Mixed feelings from everyone's favourite asshole-developer.

They added a new entity to keep you from going into enemy spawn zones--func_team_wall. Have you tried going into enemy spawn zones? THE ENTITY DOES NOT FUNCTION LIKE A WALL. If anything, it's a macro for an effect any sane mapper had already thought of: a team-filtered trigger_push. The trigger has the same effect and requires less coding.

A new .ent file system has been added as well. In a full implementation of a .ent system, you would be able to add entities to any map via a text file named mapname.ent. The game reads entities from the .ent file and inserts them into the game. Evidently this isn't good enough for DOD:S, though, because the only entity that can be added in this manner is func_team_wall--which, as aforementioned, is a useless macro for an effect we could already achieve. The .ent system as it stands looks more like a time-saving effort to ensure that Valve didn't have to recompile all the old maps to include team wall entities than a genuine attempt at giving developers something new to work with.

And now the happy side.

There's a new input included just for DOD:S called SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset. This allows mappers to parent to attachment points as usual, but it doesn't teleport the child to the attachment point like SetParentAttachment does. Useful, but only insofar as anyone used SetParentAttachment in the first place. (In most non-SP implementations, it is admittedly not a useful input.)

The static effect is added on all DOD:S maps regardless of entity setups. This might annoy a few mappers, but it saves effort on the whole. Also, you can bet I would complain if they added a new entity just for the static effect ;)

I haven't tried making a map with the detonation entities yet, but my immediate impression from looking at the entity info is that the new scenario is implemented so flawlessly that it doesn't even seem like Valve's work. The detonation entities seem like modified flag entities, even using the same control point system and scenario control entities. This makes me think that it may even be possible to have a map with both territorial control and detonation elements at the same time. Cool.
Raeven0 said:
Mixed feelings from everyone's favourite asshole-developer.
?? :|

it doesn't even seem like Valve's work. The detonation entities seem like modified flag entities
Would anyone other than Valve have bothered about us, lowly minions?