Day of Defeat!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
is anyone here a harcore DoD player?
if so, contact me and kick some ass via steam!
what are your fave maps/weapons ect?

best weapons are: the greasegun, either bolt action rifle, any sniper rifle, carbine and MP40
I used to play DoD a lot, and I still do from time to time. Add me to your Steam friends. Same name: Letters.
theres like 15 people with the same name apparantly -_-
DOD was awesome back in the beta days.. with maps like hill and the original omaha.
yea dod 1.3b was great, stopped playing it after it got all realistic
My favorite was 1.2b, where they had the music for flag captures instead of speech.
My favorite version was the one where it had maps like hill and another one I think called snow town. This was when the game was fairly new.
Is that the map with a brush bug? And snipers get on top of this little hill and pretty much wtfpwn anything that came around the corner?
yeah I play DoD alot still cant wait for DoD source, name is Agent.M
Although I haven't really had a chance to play with the 1337 or the 1337 in DoD, I do pretty well in most games. I'm usually top or at least in the top 5 (of both teams)

My best weapons really vary, it depends on the map and the other team. I can play any weapon fairly well. I can sometimes kick butt with an mg 42 beleive it or not. Not necessarily deployed all the time, but deploy, move up, deploy...
I started playing DoD when I got broadband about 2 weeks ago and while I took a while to adjust to its game style and rather shitty recoil system it turned out to be rather satisfying if not incredibly frustrating at times. Either from a Grenade you never knew was there as they make bugger all sound or from a sniper 10 miles away, in a dark window with a tree infront of it. Die, spawn, run all the way back, die, repeat.

But when it is actually fun I usually play as a Grenadier for Axis. The Kar owns everything. And Riflemen / Master Sergeant as Allies. I only tend to play Avalanche and a few others, though.