DBZ live action movie

OMG this has some potential. Though it will likely be crap.
But come on, it's DBZ!
Dragonball Z is adapted from the manga created by Akira Toriyama; the work was also turned into a Japanese anime series that played all over the world. It tells the story of an alien sent to destroy Earth, who has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys.
I wonder if by "change of heart" they mean "dropped on some rocks" (or whatever happened at the start).

Christ, I'll be curious to see how they pull this one off... or don't.
the special effects as in getting thrown into mountains, powering up, blasting balls of energy will be easy enough..the only thing that worries me is how they're going to pull off that wacky hair design lol.
They've probably run up a bigger budget on hair gel than they do on special effects.
I will SERIOUSLY watch this..bad or good. I hope they don't take 10 minutes to power up, or this movie will just be a regular 2 hour episode... \=

Honestly, I think ANYBODY who enjoyed watching the series a little bit always had in the back of their head, that one day it would be put into the movies, live action with awesome special effects abound. I, for one, can't wait.
This has been in the works for years. They put it on ice for so long most people figured it cancelled. More's the pity.

This movie will be terrible.
I might be content with normal hair, I mean that stuff wouldn't look right...
I might be content with normal hair, I mean that stuff wouldn't look right...

yea i see what you mean..no matter how convincing the hair actually looks, seeing it placed on a human being would look like a big joke ahaha

but aside from that...just imagine the crazy fighting, energy attacks, explosions...it;s gonna be sweet.
I loved DBZ!


*many episodes later*


You'll have to admit the time space continuum was oddly distorted in DBZ.
I will SERIOUSLY watch this..bad or good. I hope they don't take 10 minutes to power up, or this movie will just be a regular 2 hour episode... \=

Honestly, I think ANYBODY who enjoyed watching the series a little bit always had in the back of their head, that one day it would be put into the movies, live action with awesome special effects abound. I, for one, can't wait.
Very true, I enjoyed the series a lot (still do) and I've always been wondering what a powered up super saiyan would look like in real life.

I loved DBZ!


*many episodes later*


You'll have to admit the time space continuum was oddly distorted in DBZ.

This is only really the case with Freeza on Namek. If you watch the show again with these memories like that it takes 3 episodes of screaming for cell to evolve, then you'll be surprised by how it's actually not that bad. And it won't be as cool as you always imagined it to be either.
Shaolin Soccer was like the prototype for this movie. Immense success. See it if you haven't.

All they need to do is not craptaculate the story. NEeds great special effects with people hitting things and people. No short cuts.
How many Dragonball Z characters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Just one, but it'll take him 30 episodes.

I'll never get tired of that joke :D
This movie is going to suck massive donkey balls but it might still be kind of fun to watch.
Kammmmmmme ha-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeee HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Kammmmmmme ha-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeee HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


/huge ball of energy
the special effects as in getting thrown into mountains, powering up, blasting balls of energy will be easy enough..the only thing that worries me is how they're going to pull off that wacky hair design lol.
Consult Conan O'Brien?
This has been in works for years and iv been waiting for even longer!!!!!!!!!!!
thats it, im going to watch some DBZ episodes NOW.
As long as they include the "over nine thousand" scene, it'll be an instant win.
Damn them dubbers! *shakes fist*
If you watched the show in your childhood, then watch it again 10 years later, it's lamer than you remembered it.
Um..thats exactly what I did, still not old :|
Don't really care about others opinions though, can't appreciate, don't care.
I remember watching it when I was in middle school, not liking it that much, and then during junior year in high school, I loved it. \=
For me there was a great mystery behind DBZ. In the early 90s when it was fairly new, I would read my EGM magazines and see the fan art of these mysterious, awesome-looking muscley guys with pointy hair. I saw a few screenshots of the JDM games, but beyond that I didn't know anything about it. It wasn't until many years later when Toonami teased us with a single action shot of SSJ1 Goku. My excitement was near uncontainable. I eventually watch the entire series, and loved every minute of it.
I don't hold any fanboyish love for the show, but it was executed on me in such a way as to leave a great fondness. The character develpment is beyond almost anything out there. The premise of the show may be absolutely rdiculous and defy all logic, but this is what makes it great.
I have a soft spot for DBZ. Even though I can't stand the english dubs, and I'm usually a dub person.

This movie will be...interesting.
What's the big deal, there's plenty of movies already with two guys grunting at each other for 30 minutes. It's called: gay porn.
Am I the only one that thought DBZ sucked huge balls from the beginning?

I watched DBZ begining, the Freeza and the Android/Cell seasons, but it stop being interesting during the boo saga tbh.
The story was originally supposed to end with the Freeza saga, Toriyama said that somewhere and that when Namek blew up that was supposed to be the end (I guess Goku and Freeza were supposed to die). But fans made him keep going...obviously a long time.
He wrote a bunch of stuff for GT too, because despite the fact that he didn't want to be involved with it, he didn't want to see it messed up too badly. So he handed the studio a stack full of papers with a bunch of stuff, and they ignored all of it. Which is why GT sucks.

Just like this movie is going to suck because I can almost guarantee they're going to swing the story a different way.
He wrote a bunch of stuff for GT too, because despite the fact that he didn't want to be involved with it, he didn't want to see it messed up too badly. So he handed the studio a stack full of papers with a bunch of stuff, and they ignored all of it. Which is why GT sucks.

Just like this movie is going to suck because I can almost guarantee they're going to swing the story a different way.

meh, i wouldn;t mind that much...as long as the action/special effects are good and they portray the characters well, ill be happy