DC .6 is out


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
in case you live under a rock.... desertcombat .6 was released this morning(my time).

this mod is the counterstrike of bf42.

www.desertcombat.com -look at the screenies.....then go buy bf42 :)
I wondered when it was going to be released...
Time to download it and have some good fun.
for foks sake.......

94% done and the damn download crapped out on me....
Someone tell me if the loading times have been optimized :D, if so, i'm so there!
is the mod better than the original game? The videos i've seen look pretty sweet with the tank busters and stuff.
Ooh this should be fun.

In my opinion the mod is much better than the game. Although, to be honest, they are both different. I still enjoy the original but play it less and less.
Installing now :D

edit: WTF! Stupid-ass decompression error WTF!!!
Its at 50%

I love this mod. And yes I do think this mod is better then the original game.
It r0x0rz
We should get a hl2.net server.
That would be sweet
Farrowlesparrow said:
Yes...Yes it would. We should have a halflfie2.net clan as well :)

YES. That would be sweet.
We all could spit some cash in and rent us a server. It could work.
Or maybe its a stupid idea.
I liked it!! *runs out crying with arm waiving over his head*

ps. hl2.net should put up a bf1942:DC server.
To be honest, if we get a server, it would be in halflife(2) not bf1942. Unless this site grows to become a gaming network, we probably wont have a dedicated server anytime soon. However, a clan would be entirely possible.
yeah already got it, the littlebirds are the sweetest things ever, 2 miniguns, 2 rocket pods, amazing manuverability=ownage.
wowyouareacow said:
Yea a hl2.net clan would be fun.
Whos up for it?

Before this goes any further, I'm going to forward the idea to the "top brass", so to speak. If we are going to have a halflfie2.net caln, it needs to be done properly and officially.

Im waiting in line at fileplanet for the thing to download :(
Ive just tested the patch.
Very good. New copter that r0x0rz and everything.
I found 1 new gun. I think there is one more.
Probably alot of new thing that I did not see. Im tierd. Leave me alone.

About the clan thing. Yea I think its best to run it by the top "brass"
You know...i just timed the Fileplanet queue and it took 2 minutes to go from 4 to 3 minutes. I hate it when that happens. Because most of the time it means that when it reaches the end, it will do the crazy thing where it either resets or starts jumping around the queue.
Farrowlesparrow said:
You know...i just timed the Fileplanet queue and it took 2 minutes to go from 4 to 3 minutes. I hate it when that happens. Because most of the time it means that when it reaches the end, it will do the crazy thing where it either resets or starts jumping around the queue.

Yea it sucks. I had to wait for 80 freaking minutes.
Then, after about 30 minutes of downloading. The thing it just halted. And I had to start all over again with new 65 minutes in line.
Good times.
nw909 said:
Installing now :D

edit: WTF! Stupid-ass decompression error WTF!!!

first time.....my download stopped at 95%.... 2nd time i had 1 corrupt map.........
Love the improved aircraft carrier and the new maps.
Now I gotta find time to play online. ;
Yea the aircraft carrier was awsome.
I need to find some time to play online to. Im all hyped up.
The only hing that migth be a little down about DC is that you have to find server with alot of people on. like 64 players or something to really get the game going.
But when it gets going it r0x0rz big time.
I downloaded mine this morning, didnt have to wait, and it went at 200 kb/sec. didnt get it from fileplanet. The littlebirds are extremly fun, especialy on sea rigs. cause you do barrelrolls and go under them and whatnot. an 64 players is too much i think, its really laggy and there is gauranteed to be someone who teamkills or blows up team vehicles, which i hate. so i find 15-30 players on a sever, then its fun. doing strafing runs in the littlebird :):):):)