DDR pad for the computer?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I'm looking for the awesome quality metal DDR pads for $200ish. They seem to be fore the PS2/Xbox. I wonder, is there one that works as USB? Or is there a PS2 to USB converter out there? Just wondering, because I'd rather have the pad for the computer, since you can download custom content, but for the PS2 you have whats on the disk..though that shouldn't be too horrible.
You plan on playing much Battlefield with this pad? :P

Joking aside, you can just use a converter like Vegeta linked. I use my Xbox one on my computer occasionally.
DDR Pad for BF2? Hmmm....Sounds great!

Wanna reach that jet at the end of the airfield on Wake Island 2007? Gotta use that DDR Pad and work that body out, fat ass!
Holy shit, how did I put this in BF2 forum? Wow...lmfao. I guess I was that tired last night.

But hell, you wanna run from Hotel to Factory on Karkand? Shit, best get you're running shoes on... :D
Don't ever get a soft DDR pad.

They suck.

The ones with the dense foam inserts aren't THAT bad considering prices, even on carpet.

I think I would rather save up and buy a good metal one anyway....just because it's quality.