de_central - Images & Logs Inside






Based on the smaller part of the underground sydney train system, my map is set right in the heart of Sydney at townhall station. Still very low in detail, i have added/removed other things in the area shown but i have just not updated the pic. it is a defusal map, with ct's starting up the top near the entrance, and the terrorist starting down within the train tunnels.


Currently in need of a texture artist, if interested msg me on #SourceMapping (GameSurge)

Layout: (12/11)

Please give me feedback on this layout as it is only a guide line, the more suggestions the better. It was a really quick job done in adobe so no comments on the quality please :)

Images: (8/11) (8/11) (8/11) (8/11) (9/11) (9/11) (9/11) (9/11) (10/11) (10/11) (10/11) (10/11)

Progress / Change Log

- Added Lighting to Platform 2 (9/11)
- Removed market store and replaced with a cending machine and crates (9/11)
- Added a small generator room at the end of the platform (9/11)
- env_shake added to the entrance of the platform (9/11)
- Added exit signs to platform 2 (9/11)

- Adjusted lighting in pipe room on Platform 2 - changed it's brightness from 50 to 10 (10/11)
- Removed bins because they weren't showing up (10/11)
- Adjusted steam properties on P2 (10/11)
- Added texture lighting for exit signs (10/11)

- env_shake removed from the entrance of the Platform 2 (12/11)
- Added random decals around P2, these included newspapers and spraypaint images (12/11)
- Started work on making the station entrance, so far i have made:
+- A ticket booth caontaining a person & active sounds when approached (12/11)
+- An old run down room containing a floodlight showing an entrance to a secret passage (12/11)
+- Stairs which lead the the city streets (can't acess) (12/11)
+- Platform 1 added (copied P2) (12/11)
+- Overhead glass used in roofs to bring in more natual light (12/11)
+- Two Pillars used for these windows (12/11)

Future Additions:

- Ticket Machines (Model)
- Trains (Model)
- Garbage cans (Model)


- Ran map with a full compile, total compile time was roughly 50 minutes which was quite long for just a small area (10/11)

Release Date:

Not certain yet, but aiming for a December release, maybe even earlier. Things seem to being going really well currently. Over half the map is done. Still need to design the train tunnels and do some final tweaking.


Hmm, personally I think it looks pretty ugly.
azz0r said:
Hmm, personally I think it looks pretty ugly.

why? Don't crit a guys map and not give him, specifics. If you see a problem, point it out so he can look at them and see if he wants to change them.
Not bad at all. Keep up the good work.
It looks good, the blue benches look a little weird in contrast to the white/ light brown textures around them.
SidewinderX said:
why? Don't crit a guys map and not give him, specifics. If you see a problem, point it out so he can look at them and see if he wants to change them.

The dust floor is over used - can you not make your own? The blue benches look totally out of place in whatever enviroment its meant to be. The pillars texturing looks ugly too.
Yeah, good map but the details need a little work. You've got the bulk of it complete and it looks good. Just touch up some textures and make the whole thing come together. The attention to detail is what sets good maps apart from bland ones.
I have to agree the blue benches look terrible. Also the texture on the top part of the pillers doesn't look to good.
Ok thanks for the feedback guys. In regards to some questions:

- The are the only benches, so i would rather use them and try to use the light to change how they affect rather then having no benches.
- No i don't know how to make my own textures
- I know alot of the textures don't go but im only working off what is already there and because there are no train like textures just yet, it makes it hard. Im waiting for the train level from hl2 before i actually go more in depth with texturing.
Geometry is great, looks like its gonna be a cool map, the lighting could be a little less intense in some places, maybe more spot lights instead of normal lights, maybe with the right textures it will look fine.