De_Inferno Remake Released *screenshots*


Sep 18, 2003
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Hello Everybody, I am posting my brothers remake of de_inferno for you all to take a look and and play if you so please. Below are some links for download and some screenshots with comparisons shots of the original de_inferno. It was not just a simple decompile and retexture be a complete work from scratch going off a few screenshots took flying around the original. Although the look may not be the same, that's what he was going for so I hope you
enjoy it...while your waiting for Valve's official release that is ;)



Will add a fileplanet link as soon as it is hosted.

Thanks for checking it out!! :)

P.S. Yes well my brother was definetly dissapointed when valve announced it as he was so close to release of this map anyway, but theres no point in not releasing it. Comments would be much appreciated anyway :)
um, wow, great job. who knows you might win over on valve with this one ;)
For some reason that has a feeling of DoD in it, I dunno what it is, maybe the ground and buildings? But its still very good looking, good job :)
Looks really good, it actually looks like a town now hehe.
thanks for checking out the map everyone and for the comments, although my brother was dissapointed when valve announced the release of de_inferno there was no reason not to release this anyway, as such it was a little more rushed than he would have liked
hmm... sorry man, I don't like it. It seems to dark, I was hoping more for a de_dust kinda feel, really bright and dusty, kinda of a barren land... great if you wanna tweak it and make it into another map!! very nice, but not de_inferno.
Rafa 5.0 said:
hmm... sorry man, I don't like it. It seems to dark, I was hoping more for a de_dust kinda feel, really bright and dusty, kinda of a barren land... great if you wanna tweak it and make it into another map!! very nice, but not de_inferno.

yeah, i know its a big change, its bascially just the layout, and the rest is changed but that's ok, im sure valve wont fail you...with custom textures and all :thumbs:
It's a great map but I'm sad that you released it just as Valve is remaking the map themselves.
It's not yer typical remake, but i like it.
Will add mirror at LanmaniaX.
I like it. The original's colors were way too blah, but then again, everyone stood out against the background and it added an extra dynamic to it. But good job, I hope it gets added to the official maps some day.
i like it too.. but i think that steams edition will be better..

But of cource.. this is a remake.. ;)

Thanks for the great comments guys, i hope someone plays it...i was actually thinking of renaming it from the de_inferno_tt to something else, maybe a change in layout a bit and then re-releasing so its not put down because of the official map :thumbs:
The problem is that Valve is releasing there own version which will be on far more servers.

I would advise you to make a DODS version of this when it comes out, you'll get far more exposure and players.
thats a really good idea azz0r, nobody has mentioned that and it didnt even enter my mind, thanks for the idea! :)
I have to say its really well made too, I just had a run around and you've gave it some real character.

The only area I didnt like was the indoors, the dust floor is vile and it looks like you've scaled it too high too.
yeah there was much work done on the inside unfortunately...kinda rushed after the announcement of the official release, but it will be redone for dod source almost for sure, there'll be changes of course but all the same....a nice retexturing and new props from dod and it should be pretty nice
If anybody has a server that they wouldnt mind running the map it would be appreciated, and please send me the ip because i would like to play it with a good amount of people...Thanks!
Its in the rotation at the wooden nickel crcss server also, one prob with it though, well actually two, there is a missing texture on one of the balconies where there are two shade umbrelas, this area is missing the floor, second thing the spawn pointa are two close together the timing is off, makes the mao seem very small, if you ever do another version the spawns need to be moved farther away from each other.
Beautifull looking map though.

Sumone replied at another forum

Btw rotation of a server wif yer map:

I also put this map into rotation in both PAF CSS Servers.
Its in the rotation at the wooden nickel crcss server also
i like how you remade the map with a more european kinda style...CS and desert gets tiring.
I would rather play the CS 1.6 version than that. Sorry, but I can't get into a huge remake like that. I mean at least the official dusts were nearly the same with moderate changes. That is just too big of a remake. It does look very nice. No doubt about it, but I like the oldies rather than complete remakes.
I say get over it shamrock, some of the old looks of maps get tired.

It would hardly be exciting to make the remakes 'always' almost exactly the same.

[9]Kannabis said:
very very bad remake...
Please say why you think this, if you dont your not helping him and just putting him down for using hours and hours of his life trying to please you..

Jeasus Christ!
It's a classy remake !
I like it alot and it would defenately get played alot if valve did not remake it themselves.

so. somebody mentioned releasing it for DoD:S later on, which I think is a brilliant idea. you could even perfect it more and decide if you want to add more devastation. (not everything in WW2 was bombed down)