De_Tomb (WIP)


Nov 11, 2003
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Hello everyone. This is the map that I’ve been working on for the last while. When I complete it, it will be my first released map, but definitely not the first I’ve ever made.

The Basics… The map is based on an ancient tomb/temple in the side of a mountain.
The terrorist start outside the tomb and have to infiltrate the tomb and place the bomb. The Counter-Terrorist start inside and have to stop the Terrorist.. (obviously) The map is 95% inside, the terrorist’s base is the only outside part.

The general atmosphere and mood of the map is supposed to be, dark and scary. I really want people to take advantage of the flashlight and night vision. However, it is bright enough not to use it. There is rain, as you can see. I have added thunder, rain, wind, and scary/eerie howling sounds to give that scary haunted effect. So those are the basics on my map.

Things that are completed; Terrorist Spawn and 50% of the interior. 60% complete.

What I am currently working on, is Bomb Point B. It is a 2 story room sort of thing. I am currently thinking that you will be able to plant the bomb on either level. There are 2 holes in the floor/ceiling. This allows you to jump down to the bottom level, or up to the top level without taking the longer paths. After that, I’ll work on the Counter Terrorist spawn point and Bomb Point A.
I also need to work on “populating” the map with objects, and stuff to hide behind. As you can probably see, the map is really filled with boxes, and not much else. I need some ideas on other objects that I can use to fill up the map with, to add some variation.

NOTE: I brightened up the pics with PaintShop Pro since they seem darker in SS. So the lighting will look different ingame.. possibly brighter, possibly darker.

Terrorist Base

Entrance into tomb from T Base

One of the choke points

Same choke point, different angle

Another choke point

The beginning of the 2 story Bomb Point B
Looks good make sure to get a downloadable version of it up soon! Also the rooms seem a little bare even for a tomb.
I agree. I really want to fill up the rooms more, but I can't think of anything other than boxes. Maybe some of those straw baskets.. can you think of anything else?
I was trying to think of something but I can only see adding more architecture or splitting up the large rooms. I want a download .bsp or .vmt! To see what it plays like.
well, the rooms are actually really small. its just Bomb Point B that is really large, which is the room I'm working on.
Right now it doesn't play like much.. since there is no CT spawn :rolling:
Adding columns to the large open room would be cool and add piles of rubble where there are holes in the roof in screenshot 3.
you should add dust everywhere ya know tombs are dusty

oh and in that big b bomb site you should make it have to blow up a sarcoficus to steal the gold inside
good idea, I'll do that. maybe I'll make them breakable too, so when the bomb goes off, they all break... or would that be lame?

EDIT: I have a question. Is it acceptable to use HL2 skyboxes for CS maps? Cause I really need a dark sky, but the only on for CS is Office.. which isn't dark enough.
Well there are probably not many people who dont have half life files avaliable who play CS:S so I would think it would be fine. I would reccomend sky_day01_09 which is what I use on my night map. And ya breakable tombs would be cool and treasure or artifacts could be scattered around if you need to take up space.
Looking good! There's all kinds of stuff you can do with this theme, blowing a carcophagus would have been my suggestion. Don't forget to 'age' the place, with broken bricks or a blocked off cave-in to cap hallways would be neat too. Ever play rtcw? Good ideas in there.
Fill up the rooms with more columns, statues, rubble, archeological crew tools [or whatever], computers and miscellaneous technology that would be brought in to a newly discovered tomb. Put some fences/barricades/whatever that look like the dig team would put up to seal certain areas off-limit [let the CT/T teams go through though].

You need a lot more random tomb stuff - look at pictures of excavated ancient tombs and see what they have in there.

Bring in lights [powered through extension cords] to light important things around the tomb [that would be important to a proper archealogical team mind you].

For the bomb sites I would suggest having two separate bomb sites, on above the other. Make the teams go some distance to get to the other one, instead of just having a hole in the floor/roof. That kind of affair just doesn't work too well [in my eyes, anyway] - too much cover, defence and hiding spots for both CT and T. If you plant the bomb, it's never getting defused.

For what the bomb blows up, may I suggest a wall that leads to another smaller tomb with a lot more expensive artifacts?

Good luck with the map, don't forget to post more pictures, it looks good so far.
Many tombs in egypt were built on top of existing tombs. Perhaps blow a hole into a sub-tomb for additional map area? That could also add some balance to the map, a sub-tomb could have a different style of texturing or lighting than the upper tomb.
That's funny... i was just thinking about making a de_tomb a day or two ago. Anyways, really good start. Haha, yea, the crates seem a bit much (and a bit too half-life-ish). Some subtle details would do good. Also, you said you were trying to come up with ideas on how to add a little bit, here's what i was thinking:

With multiplayer maps, especially ones that will be hosting a lot of players, i think lots of details can bog down the performance of the machine, so, becuase of that, what if you put more details into your textures? For example, in screenshot #2 you could have an "pathway" area that was darker than the walls and ceiling that led into the tomb. In screen #3 you could add some same "pathway" type detail to the floor, where the pathway is darker than the everything else. You could also add some things on the ceiling and floor, like maybe blocks that are popping out, etc.

Anyways, keep it up. Hope it comes out good as the final product.
I like it, reminds me of Aliens VS Predator movie. And when if saw that movie, the only room that was really huge was the main one for the entrance. All the rest were relatively small and narrow hallways. Like one room where there was some battle, a predator was marking is forhead and there was an alien that just attacked him. The big tomb in that movie had those small rooms and it worked, it looked real nice and they didnt need a ton of props to fill up giant room. Err what I am saying, small rooms and narrow hallways would do nice for the majority of the rooms. Though you would probably have to scrap the whole map right? If you were to change to this idea. I just think it would work really well and would be easier on you, the map editor.
wow, thx for all your feedback guys. I'll take all of that into consideration, and add alot of that stuff. Keep those ideas coming, I love them!

FictiousWill -
I really like the idea of semi-complete rooms, with block lying around, and with caved in paths. And no, I've never played it, could you hit me with a link to some screens maybe?

eediot -
I agree, I do need more random archeological tool stuff. I have a strong feeling that I won't find any models of them, so they'll have to be brush work :S As for the lights, I like that too. I already have flood lights, as you can see in some of the pics. I have removed most from inside due to the fact that they create odd lighting on wall, props, and crates, maybe this could be fixed with cubemaps? As of now, the bomb point (last pic) has no cover. All the other pics are battle areas, thats why there is so much cover. Unfortunately I'm going to have to stick with the hole in the floor/roof because of poor map design.. yes, even I am willing to admit there are flaws.

FictiousWill -
I don't know if I'm going to be able to include the sub-tomb idea, as I already have a pretty good layout (or atleast I think so). I will try to think of some way to get it in if I can, great idea though.

wastingtape -
I'm not sure that I really follow what you mean about the paths.. do you mean just something like muddy footprints, or something along those lines, to direct people where to go? However, I do understand what you mean about blocks sticking out of the walls and add that authentic look, and I do like the idea. I'll probably also have missing blocks with rock/sand on the other side.

Dinky -
I have seen the movie, and I understand what you mean. My screens don't really do justice to the map, as I've heard alot of thing from everyone that I already have in the map. It is hard to tell, but I do have some long narrow hallways, and some small rooms. They probably seem bigger because I have so much stuff in them. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I will try to implement as many as your ideas as possible within the next few day, and I will keep you all updated with screens!
Haha, ok maybe that was too wierd to explain with words. This is why gaphics are great. :P Anyways, i just used the burn tool in photoshop to make this, but it illustrates what i'm talking about.

Notice in the picture the ground compared to the walls. In the original the walls and ground are the same, giving it a somewhat mono-tone look. I was suggesting darkening the "path" portion on the ground like shown in the image (though black is probably not a great choice, maybe dark brown or something... like i said, quick photoshop edit).

Hope that clears up what i was saying.
In the original the walls and ground are the same

I dunno if you mean they are the same texture(they actually are different, only the floor and the pillars are the same.. but now that I think about it.. the pillars should probably be the same texture as the walls), or just that they give off the same effect?

But I do agree that the floor should be darker. is there a way that I can just make that texture darker? or do I need to find a new texture? Or am I still misunderstanding you, and you only mean a portion of the floor should be darker, like down the middle, where people would walk? :o

EDIT: Sorry its late, and I need sleep. I will respond ASAP.
And keep those ideas coming people.
You have the basic idea of my suggestion: add visual variety w/o increasing the amount of visible surfaces (ie models, more brushes, etc.) I'll let you decided to do what you will with it. :P

As for choosing a texture, try doing the Paint Alpha thing on the displacement part of texturing. I haven't played around with it much but it may be what you're looking for (maybe... hopefully... )
Hey NoisyMonk, I like your map too :) . I think a possible idea for spicing up some areas, while still keeping with the theme would be to add some "sand" displacement map stuff, i.e. piled up in the corners of the rooms, or possibly some big stone slab pieces textured the same as the walls (as if they'vefallen from somwhere). Or, if you can find a texture artist, get them to make you some custom egyptian wall mural type textures. Anyways, it's looking kickass so far....keep it coming
its looking very nice. How about allowing some of the atmosphere of the outside coming through to the inside. Like a small collapse celling where there's broken wooden beams around it, its like they tried to support it but it still went through. It'll be nice constrast to see the blues of the outside where's its raining against the yellows of the interior. Can't wait to check out the final level.

ps. any traps? rolling boulders? Imagine a choke point where the side walls started to cave inwards upping the tension. (activated by triggers of course) Or even when your defusing the bomb!
Bleeder -
Good idea, I'll definitely do that.

Hick$ -
I like that idea of the holes in the roof. However, the outside is supposed to be dark and gloomy, but I think it will still work!
As for traps, no I don't have any. I was thinking about it, but I think that people will just abuse them and kill their own team and stuff like that.

Thanks alot for all your input guys, after I get all that stuff into the map, I think this map could turn out really well. Don't forget to give me some more ideas, I'll do my best to take into account everyones ideas!
films are a good source of inspiration, tomb raider, raiders of the lost ark, the mummy etc. You should pick up some more ideas from them.
well, I've done some work on the map. For starters, I took out ALL the boxes and crates. I did this to give me a fresh look at the map, and help me think of other things to fill it up with. I also started work on the CT spawn, no pics yet. I've also started to work on little details in the map like incomplete walls, with missing blocks. Here are 2 pics of the missing blocks, and also another pic of the T spawn to give you a better idea of what it looks like.

Sorry for the darkness, forgot to brighten them up :S


Looking really good. Great job with the extra wear and tear put into the walls. It looks like it is old now.
Yeah, I was starting to think that too. I just need to do a little research on what they look like first.
Would there possibly be a way for you to share your .vmf file? I saw your pics and this thread yesterday and it inspired me a great deal to start my third map...hopefully this one will be a keeper, if ya know what I mean :).

Anyway, I know how to do caves, layouts and that kind of thing, but I really wanted to see how you did your underground stuff....

...that is, if you don't mind sharing. If ya do, no big deal and the map looks great by the way!

Very cool.

Thx for the support. Right now I don't think that I'm going to share the .vmf
However, I do plan to give it to people that want it after I release the map to the public. or atleast until I'm very close to done.
That's cool :).

Could you tell me how you did your tunnels and arches then? Is that possible?

For instance, did you carve a tunnel through a block then displace the sides? Or make just a tunnel like brush, then displace it that way?

Also, the arches, how did you make those?

Sorry for all the questions :).

well you can either do brushwork or you can use xsi to make props

i suggest you try to do it with brishes first cause you would have to learn how to use xsi and it aint so easy
it was really quite simple. just make your squre hallway. then create a cylinder that is the same width and then just set your grid to about 2 or 4 and individually move all of the vertexes( on the top half) so that they are on the grid. then just use blocks and line them up with the vetexes of the cylinder..

or you could simply check this out...
How is the map comming along? There hasent been any updates in a long time and I heard your request for a WIP forum and it seems like a good idea. If you still check this thread post back.
nice to see that people still have abit of interest. After some problems with hammer, I lost all the lighing. I've also had to redo some areas of the map, to make it more equal. I assure you that I am still working on the map, and plan to get it finished soon. I will try to get some screens up really soon of the changes that I've made.

And I'd also REALLY like to see a WIP forum. I don't see any reason not to have one...
Just remember my suggestions! I'll also be looking forward to see how you can mix the lighting up a bit. And that horridly flat ceiling :P
to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes, I plan to make holes in the ceiling with flood lights pouring in from the outside. I also plan on adding just incomplete parts here and there.

Well, that is when Steam stopps being g4y and I can use Hammer.. :S
Here is a new shot. As you can see, there are alot less tourches now, but its still bright enough to play. There is also lots of those incomplete/broken walls around. And I also added the broken pillar.

Looking good. Any idea of a release date? Playtest? Beta? If you ever hold one I should be able to make it.Screens are ok but nothing compared to being there!
Here are 2 more shots. More lights and holes in the wall. Aswell as a hole in the roof with some flood lights.

NOTE: I haven't started to put in any objects into the map, like boxes, and graves or anything like that. Right now I'm focusing on the structure of the map, lighting and looks.

