De_Tomb (WIP)

They add the coolest effect in the game, well, along with sounds. If you've got killer lighting and sounds, thats instantly makes the map more appealing. And since my map is indoors, and there clearly wouldn't be lamps and ceiling lights, I need some way around it.
Almost ready for a release? I have been waiting and there hasent been any updates. A beta test would be nice or a link to download.
If you crush the cealing a bit at the broken pillar it'd look better. As in make it a displacement map and maybe let it hang down a bit or something to show that it's been affected in the (Assumed) blast that took out the pillar.
so 3 months and hundreds of hours of World Of Warcraft later...

and I've finally started to continue/rework this map. WoW just sucked me in, I couldn't stop playing. I haven't played CS in months either.. so I apologize. I'm feeling kind of noobish with hammer, still getting the feel of it back, and I have a question that I should know the answer to, but I just can't remember, so please be patient.

it has to do with lights... which kind of light do you use to light up the whole map?
I’m sure that I’ve done this before, but I can’t remember the name of the entity. I don't mean like a light entity that is really bright, just an ambient light that is everywhere... I'm only focusing on the inside part right now, so there is no skybox and I don't want full bright on either..? thx for your help?
Looks pretty good, but If you could possibly make everything less smooth, The smoothness takes away from its old look.
light_environment will do the job for ambient lighting, and best of luck with the map - I remember it from a while ago and am eager to play it.
really? I thought there had to be a skybox for light_environment to work?
Oh yeh, I remember what I was gonna say, USe different textures on the pillars! but besides that, cant wait to play it1
NoisyMonk said:
really? I thought there had to be a skybox for light_environment to work?

If you use the skybox texture it'll work
doesn't the light_environment emit light from the skybox? I don't have a skybox in my map yet... so I need a way to get a constant light throughout the whole lvl that isn't full bright.

edit: I will change the texture on the pillars. Do you think they should be the same texture as the walls?
They should be a slightly grungier version of the wall textures IMO
ya, I agree. they look kinda clean and pretty right now. good call
wait. are you talking about from the "newer" screens? those ones are the ones that I have now. check the first page and see if you like that texture better? the old texture is actually the same as the ground so they might not look right.

EDIT: don't forget about my lighting question
okay. I'll set it back to the old on then. thx for the input.
still looking for some input on the ambient light. light_environment was suggested, but that only emits light from a skybox. so the light wouldn't be inside..? I know its possible, I've done it before but I can't remember how.
Light_environment acts as the sun but it also has an option to light all of the map too. Its the Ambient keyvalue. Usually used to make shadows less harsh.
CUBEMAPS ! ... or are you planning to leave those for a later stage..?

edit: i mean the entity "env_cubmaps" for the reflections in the level, but you knew that right !?
yes dodo, I know about cubemaps, but I won't be putting them in until I get some real lighting.

limpet - alright, I'll check it out. thx for the help.

EDIT: :angry: argh.. I must be doing something wrong, cause the light_environment isn't working.. I turned up the ambient to 255 and still got nothing.. I put in a skybox and it only emitted light from it, but didn't light up the whole map. whats going on?!
You can set values higher than 255. Ive gotten 500 to work.
I don't think thats the problem. it didn't even vaguely light up the map.
I think you should have some REALLY dark areas, so we can actually use night vision....
will - you use light_environmets to light up your whole map? like even places where there is no skybox?

Marco - yes, I will have some pretty dark areas in the map, cause I think the nightvision is pretty cool, but there is never any reason to use it.
I dont know if your using it right then becuase I do seem to get results from when I changed from 100 to 255 to 500, that was with my brightness at 100
ya, but thats emitting from a skybox right? I have no skybox so light_environment doesn't work. oh well, guess I'll just work with full bright for now.
light_environment emits light from the point entity and light from the skybox surfaces, correct. There is no entity that creates a constant light value that I can recall.

If you just want a regular level of lighting, you count use 'light' entities with 'constant' or 'linear' set to 1, which creates a slower falloff then 'quadradic' lights.
hmm.. well I could have sworn that I was able to do it sometime ago. oh well thx for the help.
Just want to let you know that I am continuing to work on the map. I have started from scratch but have progressed extremely quickly. I have completed the terrorist spawn (the one outside) and most of the inside as well (structure wise anyways ). I will post pics once I get more done, since it looks fairly similar to the old right now. :)