Dead 6 Art - Need Comments and Critique For Modeler


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I posted this over in the Modifications forum, and in advance, sorry for double posting, I just know that regular people look over there, and artists look here, and quite honestly, we want input from both.

Well, with lots of working going on in the background, and about 3 months since we even poked our heads out, I thought for I would simply post the following...

Modeled & Textured by AgentGibson
GDI Basic Soldier
TODO: Rigging - Texture compression/consolidation.

C&C welcome (thats comments and critique for you non-knowers).

*Note - Yes, the ammo packs are supposed to be squared off, oddly, they still have ammo clips in them, which are... you guessed it, square.
looks cool.. but the legs feels alittle flat.. like just one cylinder.. maybe just the angel of the picture.. nice work..
Yeah, the angle is kinda finicky, and with the kneel lock position they do look a little flat, once rigged and animated they should fluff out a bit at the knee to look more realist, who stands that way anyway lol...

Thanks for the feedback !
Is the clothing supposed to be baggy or tight, cause if its tight, the muscle structure looks... well not quite right, needs to be a bit more emphasised. The gloves appear to be a bit too shiny, and the boots seem to leave too much to the texture.

Other than that, it looks pretty damn good, far better than I could do.
the texture for the uniform seems a bit sparse to me, but i like the model
theres really no point in posting this unless your trying to show it off because after the modeling > unwrapping and texturing is done editing the model in any way shape or form becomes a very tedious task.
but just coz u asked :D
1)the proportions look kind of weird maybe its becasue of the prspective of the render but it really looks like a little man in a big mech suit or something that could look better after rigging . apart form that hte modeling is good .
2) the texturing needs to be beefed up a little rightn ow everything looks a bit bland like stuff in battleifeld 2 ..all wasged out.