Dead Alien found in Siberia is finger lickin good


May 5, 2004
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It may just be an elaborate hoax, but a video has surfaced showing the body of an alien found dead in snow in Siberia.

The slender, badly damaged corpse was found lying on a bed of snow with its head to one side and mouth slightly open, the Daily Mail reported.

The video, posted on April 17 on YouTube, has already had over 100,000 views and showed the body of the unidentified "creature".

Irkutsk, Russia is apparently a known UFO hotspot, and UFO believers think the body was left behind by alien visitors after an accident, or was missed in a clean-up by the Russian government as part of some sort of alien cover-up.

not so fast there chippy

Siberian alien on YouTube revealed to be an edible fake made out of bread and chicken

Over the last several days, YouTube has gone absolutely bonkers over footage of an alien corpse found in the Russian village of Kamensk. Sadly, this body has more in common with a chicken nugget than ET.

hahah people are so goddam guilible!5793656/siberian-a...-an-edible-fake-made-out-of-bread-and-chicken
Maybe it is an alien made out of tasty chicken nuggets.
The tiny "dead alien" is just skin from chicken filled with bread

that sounds like a chicken nugget to me (in reverse)
mm chicken flavored alien. I hope they thaw it before they eat it.
It's in reverse though, so you have to inject the BBQ sauce directly into your anus.
Maybe it's a cover-up and it's not really a fake, just being reported as one to throw people off!?!

(I don't actually believe this at all)
Youtube comment:

All these people saying it's fake. Prove it. Reproduce this "effect". Lets see ****ing anyone pull this off with? "chicken skin and bread". **** you. That is clearly bone and meat hangin out. And that is a purely natural body position, would you be happier if he died walking like a zombie? Maybe then you could see all his limbs. Him being an alien is 100 times more believable than ALL of the stupid suggestions you dumb **** nay sayers come up with. get some common sense you idiots. I suppose y


It's real
I want it to be real. I was hoping it would move too. I was also hoping it would leap at the camera man and rip his throat out and he'd drop the camera and the alien would skimper off into the distance.

I have a sick sick mind :(
Seriously, people faking aliens need to stop coming out with the whole bulbous-headed, big-eyed, short and skinny look. Might be slightly more believable if it didn't look like every other fake alien ever made.

Seriously, people faking aliens need to stop coming out with the whole bulbous-headed, big-eyed, short and skinny look. Might be slightly more believable if it didn't look like every other fake alien ever made.


In most cases of 'sightings' this is how aliens are reported to be, so it would make sense to replicate that look.
If it were me, I'd make them look less like humans being as it would have to be a massive coincidence for intelligent life in other parts of the universe to look, oddly enough, a lot like us.
The Man and shit said:
The fellow who supposedly stumbled upon the alien confessed when the police came a-knocking.

Suuuuuuuuuure it's just chicken and bread.
Seriously, people faking aliens need to stop coming out with the whole bulbous-headed, big-eyed, short and skinny look. Might be slightly more believable if it didn't look like every other fake alien ever made.


But it's so perfectly creepy... seriously, that shit freaks me out. Ever watch a Discovery Channel special on the Alien Autopsy late at night? Good luck getting to sleep after that!
Can someone explain to me why people believe that the government would keep the existence of aliens a secret. I mean if they already know about them then there is no reason for mass panic. The economic argument doesn't seem to work since no matter how money is spent the government will end up taxing it.
I just don't understand why these people think there would be a conspiracy.
Can someone explain to me why people believe that the government would keep the existence of aliens a secret. I mean if they already know about them then there is no reason for mass panic. The economic argument doesn't seem to work since no matter how money is spent the government will end up taxing it.
I just don't understand why these people think there would be a conspiracy.

Well one version of the conspiracy theory is similar to the story in "the X-Files". The governement has already made contact with a hostile alien race, and have made an agreement with them. The aliens are free to perform whatever experiments they want, but do not go on a full scale assault of the planet. The idea according to this story is that, there would be global panic and anarchy if the public knew the truth that all the armed forces of the world are powerless to protect the population against this superior enemy.

Don't forget your tin foil hat!
This is what I think the aliens we have first contact with will look like. I hope you enjoy it:

That's what I would imagine a japanese design for a robotic vacuum cleaner would look like. LOL

Also it's worth mentioning that it's eyes are black.
Are we so short-sighted and so trapped by our own blinkers that we cannot imagine life without butts?

...well, I'm at a loss.
I don't think it is real, but in what way has it been proved that it is bread and chicken?
Are we so short-sighted and so trapped by our own blinkers that we cannot imagine life without butts?
We just don't want to imagine a life without butts. A life without butts, well... I don't want to know about it!
Maybe instead of one butt, they could have millions, constantly excreting waste across the entire surface of the body.
Aliens caked in poop? Now that is scary.
I wonder if The Nihilanth was made from chicken and bread, too.