Dead bodies in Xen from HL1


Sep 17, 2003
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I think that every dead body in Xen is Gordon Freeman from other dimensions. Since Gordon made that deal with the G-man he entered a different dimension to do his dirty work and is hopping all through time. In HL2 I speculate that Gordon betrayed the G-man as soon as possible then skipped into this dimension (city 17 ) which is in the future. Hence the dried up ocean with the rusted US submarine. He had to travle in time because think of how old Gordon would be if he didn't. There is a rusted sub in that one video, Gordon was allready about 34 from the looks of it.

Do we think that a 50 or even 60 year old man is still running around shooting things? He is back there to figure out what happened, Find the g-man, destroy the combine , uncover the plot, Then as a SICK twist of fate all his hard work will be for nothing. He will be transported back to black mesa back to when he first started and will try to figure out how to fix all this from happening.

The whole reason that you keep seeing the G-man in the first game is that he is checking back on you making sure you don't wreck his plans for the future and the plan for global domination. Why would the combine be supressing the people if he wasn't doing that to the whole world. The other nations tried to stop him but couldn't because he had alien technology that was far superior. And an endless army of aliens that don't care if they die. The only flaw in the G-mans' master plot is Gordon Freeman who he needed to make the resonance cascade and who he didn't suspect to survive.
that sounds really plausable, and come to think of it yeh, gabe did mension time travel, .. you must be right to some degree, or Gordon would look way older, :), good thinking! you should of put a 'possible spoilers' sign on this 1, :p
Gordon had to have traveled in time. And since I have no Dl'ed the Stolen game, This is all just speculation using all the clues we have. One thing is for sure though, he did travel ahead in time.
So, did Eli, Barney and Kliener just happen to travel with him?
I always just assumed that they were the members of the survey teams that were sent in to collect samples. They mentioned that before the boss.
You find some in blue shift around an old device from before gordon's joining BM, so I'm pretty sure that's it. Some of them could be alternate gordons though. Who knows?
Yeah I'm sure they were just the survey team that didnt make it on Xen.

Its possible that Freeman has been put in to stasis until the G-man needs him again. Any number of years could have passed but for poor Freeman it could have just been 2 minutes.

About time travel though. My idea I had on another thread was that maybe the G-man is Freeman from the future? He works for the 'company' for so long that when he can't weild a crowbar anymore they give him a suitcase and tell him to look after himself :/
G-man Gordan-man lol :p and he lost his bad ass beard
fishymumma said:
G-man Gordan-man lol :p and he lost his bad ass beard

I wouldn't doubt it... this reminds me of a Jet Li movie, with parallel universes, and there was a whole bunch of him.. Anyone know what it's called?
It was just the survey team.... hence that the scientist says before you go to Xen,

" The Survey team harvested quite some exelent specimens, before they started being harvested them selves."
Jhahn2k4 said:
I wouldn't doubt it... this reminds me of a Jet Li movie, with parallel universes, and there was a whole bunch of him.. Anyone know what it's called?

That was 'The One'. Not sure if it was made by the brothers that did The Matrix or not.
I just wanted to say something about the whole Gman = Gordon freeMAN thing. I think it is just a coincidence that it turned out this way. Rather, I think that Gordon's last name has some meaning though, no matter how simple it is. Freeman could just be what he is, what he fights for and wants to preserve in the world. Gordon's character obviously is this kind of hero and I wouldn't doubt it if they chose this last name. Lastly, the name Freeman was taken by numerous black slaves after being given their freedom during the Civil War.
The G-Man being Gordan freeman is very likely. 1 in 12 odds they would his the G with a G or F, so its a maybe, that would make a sick ass mind twist so dont rule it out (Even if they didnt plan it ;)).

As far as the combine soldiers, their obviously human, and i doubt their anything else. I dont remember any aliens running around with MP5's in HL1... Im a betting man so im gonna put my money on them being regular people fighting a war to keep your ass in City 17, hence the gas mask with obvious ode too origins of Jin-Roh. This specific city has been invaded by the same beings from Black Mesa and to keep the people from getting out, they have to hold the city to marshall law, curfew and all, why else have the compasion to keep the people in the city even alive? If they were aliens they would NOT know english! Its not a matter of learning your verbs, its a matter of being able to pronounce the words which a alien just cant do. Let alone have 5 fingers...HUMAN

Also, this time travel business? No. If you remember, the scientists from Black Mesa are still here, so your not doing too much time travel.
just a quick question, do they ever call him gman in the game, or is that just the name we got from his model?
He gets his label from his model.

There are references to an Agent Coomer and an Agent Sixteen in one of the Half Life files. (I think the file has been removed in the Steam version), so he might be one of those.
slicktick said:
just a quick question, do they ever call him gman in the game, or is that just the name we got from his model?

Yup, it's from the model name.
Also, he's refered to as a G-man by Aidrian Shephard in his journal (in the OP4 instructions).
That's the only place out of all the games where anyone actually says "G-man".
I don't think the bodies on Xen are bodies of Gordon Freeman. As someone stated above those corpses are just members of the survey team that travelled back an forth between Xen.

You have to realise that BMRF had been aware of the presence of Xen and had been collecting specimens from there for quite some time.

But your comment about the fact that a 50 year old man is still running around shooting stuff is a valid point. Time travell does seem to be a possibility.
Even if 15 years has passed, Gordon would only be 42, still young enough for running around and killing stuff.

I think it is more likely that he has been kept in suspended animation or something similar. After you are teleported out of Nihilanth's chamber enough time has passed for Xen to fall completely under human control, but apparently instantaneously. Maybe at the beginning of Half Life 2 it will also seem instantaneous to Gordon, even though the planet is infested with aliens.
He's still old, Old guys would bite the dust like a fat kid in cheese cake.


I think he would have died in BMRF. He's just a science geek.
Space Cowboy said:
I don't think the bodies on Xen are bodies of Gordon Freeman. As someone stated above those corpses are just members of the survey team that travelled back an forth between Xen.
Agreed. It's been made clear a number of times that the BMRF was performing teleportation experiments much before the beginning of HL.
Space Cowboy said:
But your comment about the fact that a 50 year old man is still running around shooting stuff is a valid point. Time travell does seem to be a possibility.
I don't think Valve is going to add something that's inherently implausible like time travel into HL2. Even "other dimensions" are somewhat plausible, if you consider the hypothesis that the teleportation crystals could create two parallel space-time warps when activated, which are naturally directed towards the world of Xen, and from Xen to the crystal.

It's just that time travel... It doesn't seem like Valve's style to use that sort of story mechanic. They'll probably make up something really cool, like: sometimes teleportation can lock you in a stasis dimension, effectively pausing your existence for a random amount of time. Now THAT would be cool :D

/me thinks for a second. *ouch* Thinking hurts...

Please note that my ideas are just what they are, ideas. In no way has the stolen beta influenced my ideas becasues I havent even looked at the beta and never intend to.

I happen to think that time travel is the only logical solution that would explain the beginnings of HL2. Lets take a look at the facts that we know about.

1. Gordon wakes up and doesn't know where he is or what is going on.
2. HL2 is supposed to take place a few years after the events at BMRF.
3. The last thing he remembers is his conversation the the G-Man just before stepping into the portal

Ok, so here's what I think happened.

When Gordon steps through the portal, he is transported somewhere between 4-7 years* into the future. Due to the extreme stresses of time travel, Gordon is knocked unconscious. He wakes up in a new time and place that is completely unfamiliar to him.** The reason he doesn't remember anything that happened during that 4-7 year span is because he never experienced them. And because he never experienced the events that happened during his short hop through time is also the reason why that last thing he remembers is his conversation with the G-Man. This theory of mine explains reasons 1, 2, and 3.***

The idea that Gordon is actually the G-Man is possible.... Give Gordon some contacts, shave the beard and moustache, recede the hairline, add wrinkles and pasty skin and viola! Freeman=Gman
IMO, the idea that Gordon and G-Man are the same person is a bit too outlandish for me...

What are the Combine? The Combine concept art kinda looks liek they are a mix of Human/Insect/Machine. Maybe some Alien race(not Xen) are trying to create the perfect soldier and found that Humans and insects found on Earth(or is it Earth?) make good soldiers that are easy to control when you 'combine' certain genes from the different species. A good example are the Hovering Manatee Gunships....

* I don't know where anyone got the idea that HL2 is 15 years after HL1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody from Valve ever mentioned that HL2 is specifically 15 after HL1. If you ask me, a fifteen year lapse in time seems like a little too much time between HL1 and HL2. It just feels like HL2 should take place no more than 10 years after HL1. Call it a hunch if you will...

** the waking up(being KO'd from the stresses of time travel) in a new place, City 17, and in a new time(IMO 4-7 years in the future).

*** The whole idea of Gordon being cryogenically frozen just seems a bit stupid to me. After all, Gordon does wake up after stepping through a portal, not after stepping into a human popsicle maker. Although, I could understand the theory of suspended animation if the portal takes Gordon into a dimension where there is no direction for time to flow/time moves slowly and the outside world moves at normal speed... Too many theories about what the portal could have been are floating around my brain....bleh
How old was Alex again? Or.. was she already alive in HL1?

Oh yea... the pic on the wall in HL1... guess that finishes that. ^^
Karis, are you not talking about the pic in Gordon Freemans locker of a little baby. If you look at the books in the locker, you can see novels written by Marc Laidlaw
stigmata said:
It's just that time travel... It doesn't seem like Valve's style to use that sort of story mechanic. They'll probably make up something really cool, like: sometimes teleportation can lock you in a stasis dimension, effectively pausing your existence for a random amount of time. Now THAT would be cool :D

Gabe already confirmed there will be time travel in HL2. Heh, trust me, it will be a major factor in the game...
Brian Damage said:
Where did he say that?

It was either an interview he had or it was in one of the emails he sent out (in the large thread of emails only from Valve). I don't remember where though. I'll have to search the forum for it...
Well I couldn't find the actual quote, but in this interview he hints about time travel. I think it's pretty obvious that the game involves time travel just from his description of the beginning, even if you haven't heard/seen anything from the leak. If I come across what he said (he had confirmed there was time travel at one point) I'll post it here.
Brian Damage said:
He could mean that Gordon's been frozen, or anything.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. If you read this quote:
Gabe Newell in the Gamespot Interview said:
At the beginning of the game, you're confused. The character is confused, and the player is confused. What's going on? What's happened to the passage of time? The last thing I remember is this other event, and now there's a fair amount of distance from that--spatially and temporally. I'm not in Black Mesa anymore--what happened?
it seems that there will not be time travel, just that nobody will know what's happened between HL1 and HL2.

I looked up spatial and temporal, and after finding the definitions that would apply best to HL2, it looks as if "spatial" just means you're far away from Black Mesa, and "temporal" means that there's been a passage of time between the two games.
I think the most logical explanation is that the portal gordon stepped through took him forward in time. I think somewhere between 5-10 years, othervise the other characters would look older. One thing, does the g-man look like he's aged? I can't tell.

As for the bodies on Xen, I think they are from previous save games. :)

Really I think their either researchers, or other heros (like freeman) that didn't make it. The alternate dimension theory sounds a little complex for me.
It's a good theory, but a pity that the bodies are probably (almost certainly) those of previous exploration teams. Oh well.
Karis, are you not talking about the pic in Gordon Freemans locker of a little baby. If you look at the books in the locker, you can see novels written by Marc Laidlaw

No no... Wasn't there like a pic of Alyx on one of those rotating pics somewhere before everything blows up? That pic I think is just like something the designer felt like putting in.

Sorry bout the delay in response. Job, life, 100 more excuses.
Zetahl2world said:
He don't know shit.

Heh, I can say for certain that HL2 will involve time travel. Anyway, I won't post about this anymore, you can be in denial all you want. You'll see when the game comes out... :cheese:
amneziac85 said:
If they were aliens they would NOT know english! Its not a matter of learning your verbs, its a matter of being able to pronounce the words which a alien just cant do.

The Vortigaunts (alian slave) in HL1 spoke a little english. So did the Nihilanth.

The Combine solders are human...... I know that for a fact. But to what extent they are human? Im not gonna say.

But don't say aliens can't talk. Since they did in hl1.
Heh, well if you ever saw the leak....i'll say no more.

the leak doesnt expose very much atall, it doesnt answer jack squat, i dont know what your hinting at here. It simply really doesnt spoil the story atall. but just gives a little insight.

I still dont have a bleedin clue about whats going on. :( . and peeps said the leak had major spoilers :rolling:

on a side note,.. so the Vortigaunts have been liberated by you when the Nihilanth was destroyed ?.. is that because he was controlling their minds through the controllers? .. cause that makes sense on the bit where I heard they where your allies in HL2 :D