Dead bodies in Xen from HL1

Brian Damage said:
You're kidding me... They actually put stuff inside the briefcase model?

Or are you really kidding me?

Nope, it's really there. In all its low-res textured glory. :)

Makes me kind of anxious for the SDK to come out so I can look inside the briefcase of the new G-Man model...
ok here is my theory...

After walking through the portal at the end of HL1 something went wrong... and gordon is suspended in time 'out of phase' for 30 years, and was not the Gman's original plan... Gordon re-animates 30 years later to find that the incident at black mesa(dimension cascade or whatever) had been much worse than originally thought and has in turn affected the whole planet with aliens now rife everywhere and are consuming far too much of the earths natural resources. While gordon is away, the governments fall and a biologically enchanced milta is formed to try and control and
irradicate the alien manace by violent and uncompassionate needs. This milita is led by the power mad administrator (who actually planned this from the beginning at black messa) who's secret aim is to not destroy but control the aliens to help him control what is left of the human population to do his bidding.

Gordon awakens to find a world in chaos and misery, and is swiftly carted off to a prison for 'rebels' of the milita or 'combine' cause.

Little does he know that some of his old freinds have been working against these Combine all these years, trying to find and alternative way to send the aliens back to there own dimension and reverse the affect of the cascade. With news that gordon is back, they plan a rescue to help rid the world of the alien menace and the powerful administrator and his evil army of combines... :)
Brian Damage said:
Is the briefcase designed to open, or is it just an easter egg?

The briefcase was actually a part of the G-Man model in HL1, believe it or not. And if I recall correctly, there were no "hinge" bones that would allow it to open. So yeah, easter egg territory.
Wow, some of these theories are really good. Maybe the twist at the end of HL2 is that gordon has to go back in time and kill himself before he causes the cascade! Naah, too corney. But still....
Another thing. I think the gman works for someone human, working for the interests of the species. The cascade was an accident, but the government thought they could turn it to their advantage. At the end of HL, the gman says:

'The border world, Xen, is now under our control, for the time being.'

There is a scene of human tanks and dead marines at the time. I think this shows that whoever he works for picked the time to launch an invasion of Xen.

The gman then puts gordon on ice until his 'special skills' are needed again. But the invasion of Xen doesn't go to plan, maybe a third party gets involved. Humans quickly backtrack and make an alliance with some of the lower Xen life-forms, like the slaves. Things still deteriorate, and soon battles begin for teleporter 'hotspots'. Places where teleportation (in or out) is possible for some reason (city17 is an example). These places are quickly abandoned due to massive alien attacks, both from the third party and the Xen aliens who refused to accept the truce, but some groups remain to try to fight the losing battle against the aliens. Then the gman remembers gordon, or maybe something big happens to prompt him to thaw gordon. He does, and gordon becomes a last-ditch effort to recapture one of the hotspots (city17), to let humanity launch a counterattack into the heart of alien territory.

Black mesa was a small hotspot, discovered early on. A research lab was set up there to explore the possibility of teleportation technology. Since the nuclear bombing, noone has set foot there. When humans needed a place to reestablish teleporters, black mesa was a possibility, but high levels of radiation and lingering aliens from the accident led the government (whats left of it) to rule out reestablishing black mesa.

Okay, so i've slipped into the realms of fanfic here, but thats my theory. Hope it makes entertaining reading! ;)
The only man who could survive the fallout radiation from BMRF, then, would be none other than the last man with an HEV Mk. 4 high-impact, reactive armor. :D

But Valve already said we won't be revisiting Black Mesa, I think. Which I actually don't mind; that place was too huge for its own good. Everytime you go back there as another character (a marine, a security guard, a janitor, a black op, etc.) there are a hundred new places to explore. I mean, really, how big was this place?!

Also, I just got a thought: it'd be nice if maybe at some point during the game, Gordon got his own little personal teleport machine. Maybe he could even get a Samsonite briefcase with it, so he could be G-Man stylin'. :E
Darkside55 said:
Also, I just got a thought: it'd be nice if maybe at some point during the game, Gordon got his own little personal teleport machine. Maybe he could even get a Samsonite briefcase with it, so he could be G-Man stylin'. :E

The experimental Op4 teleportation gun, perhaps?
I'd like to see it back. Perhaps in a refined form.
That thing would have been plenty great, were it not for the fact that it ate through ammo like nobody's buisiness.
Yeah, the Teleporter Gun was awesome... I love the effect when you use the primary fire. Very special.

Was that its real name though? And did anyone elso notice that you actually see posters and designs for the Teleporter Gun before you find the weapon itself?
The teleporter gun was very random, though. I never found it useful unless I needed to make a Xen run to grab some health/armor/ammo. G-Man obviously already had a refined, tiny PDA-sized version of it in his briefcase that allowed him to go anywhere he wanted. Or so people think. Wouldn't that be a trip if he just...walked the entire way through BMRF? He could, I bet. He had that pistol with him in case he needed it.

And no, I never noticed any posters. Heh, weapons R&D propaganda?
There's one on the wall somewhere, and there's a blueprint for it on the table in the boardroom with the Vortigaunts in it...

I think that the G-Man teleports out just after he presses the button that lets you through that area in OP4 where the room is filling up with toxic waste... there's no way he could have gotten out via the elevator that quickly...
Brian Damage said:
There's one on the wall somewhere, and there's a blueprint for it on the table in the boardroom with the Vortigaunts in it...

I think that the G-Man teleports out just after he presses the button that lets you through that area in OP4 where the room is filling up with toxic waste... there's no way he could have gotten out via the elevator that quickly...

The only way the gman could escape that quicly all the time was with teleporters. In HL you actually see him using one once. Come to think of it, I'll noclip after him next time, see what he really does.
omg, it's already been confirmed that time can be stopped, but they dont timetravel...

(ps: it's in the mags)
Xen is a border world... the bodies in Xen are the 1st teams that whent threw... when BM opened the portal the nith guy cross portal'd or something and now i think that portal dimechen is still open... even after the nith died... and what i think is the combine had thare own portal reserch and sorta cross portaled and opened up in C17... this is just my ideas... i mean im at the last part of hl now.. the guy sayed it was a supply depo for the 1st teams to go threw... ne ways me = off 2 play
Question: Surely since the bomb used at BMRF was a tactical thermonuclear warhead, there wouldn't be much fallout at all?

Actually now I come to think of it all the radioactive amterials in BMRF would cause a problem....
Could be, Sulkdodds... but then, if there were a choice, perhaps, between alien invasion(Or perhaps some huge governmental overthrowing when the public found out about Black Mesa) and a little nuclear pollution, which would you choose?
"Wisely done Mr. Freeman! I will see you up ahead..."

So The G-Man was planning on following Freeman.....

Administrator ISNT the G-Man, I think the G-Man is obviously working for some shadowy Government/Illiuminati type group. He obviously admires Gordon and even compares himself to him!

Doesnt HL just have the best video-game story ever!? Soo many interesting questions...