Dead Rising: almost worth buying an xbox360 for

Garfield_ said:
Found a neat trailer on the official website, but Im not sure if it's 100% ingame footage because there are reflections on the floors and the lightning looks so realistic compared to what I've seen on other trailers and screenshots.

Take a look!

You think there will be floor reflections like that? even if it's just a small detail it brings much realism to the game :D
Yea. Thats an old trailer. It will look better than that. By the way, floor reflections are pretty standard effects these days, and the reason it looks sharper is because it is direct recording with a small window. So, it's not an off-screen camera recording like the stuff from E3, and it's not a huge pixelated over-sized window.

This game reminds me of Capcom's Final Fight for SNES. That game was awesome.
I saw a tank in one of the screenshot.

Mowing zombies by charging at them with a tank... "drools".
DeusExMachina said:
But my point is with the game, they could cover the same exact stuff a book or comic series does. Resident Evil tries, but it falls into the camp area with its hilariously bad dialogue and over the top cheesy as hell villains.

...I just remembered Capcom is making Dead Rising...ironic.
I thought REmake, RE2, RE3 all had fairly decent 'villains' and dialogue.. But maybe thats just me..:|
But that's my opinion none the less..
There's a new preview+ton of screens on GameSpot, whilst I can't say the lighting is impressive, I do like the motionblur :p
Notice that there doesn't seem to be any difference in light on the guys standing in the shadow of that huge pillar..:)
But keep in mind, this games engine isn't focused on pretty lighting etc, rather, it can display up to 800 zombies on the screen at once, that's what matters imo, I'd take 800 zombies with 'crappy' lighting over 80 zombies with good lighting any day :D
While this looks fun, one single game isn;t enough to make me buy an X360. Maybe this paired with something better than MGS4 could do it, but I don;t see anything like that coming out on X360 in the near future.

And the camp aspect of this turns me off as well. Zombies are scary as shit if you really think about it. Give me a Silent Hill type game over this any day.
Outfits are sorta like in GTASA though afaik, you go to dressing stores yourself and 'rob'em' off clothes, you don't HAVE to wear other clothes from what I've uinderstood..
yeah ive had my eye on this game for a while now
its about time we had another great zombie game
too bad its 360 only
DeusExMachina said:
I probably won't change out of the regular clothes he starts out with.

Where's the fun in that?

I can't wait to slap on some tight fitting speedos and unleash hell with a hedge trimmer.
September 2006, same month that Rainbow Six: Vegas and Splinter Cell: Double Agent are ment to be released, I'd say september is going to be a great month =>
Whoa. Looks like Diablo meets Postal meets Resident Evil.

... I'll pass :)
Actually if anything it feels like State of Emergency meets RE, State of Emergency was chaos filled, tons of characters on screen, first part of the game was in a mall.:p

Btw, date's September 2006 for EUROPE, you US bastards get it in early August..
No, it feels like Dawn Of The Dead and Tony Hawk 3, where each zombie is a ramp and each weapon is a trick =>
I think it'll be the no. of zombies on screen and the amount of shear, brutal carnage that will set this apart from the rest. Screenshots and movies won't be able to do justice to actually playing the game - stuck in a huge mall filled with 1000's of the bastards, everywhere you run, slowly shuffling towards you :)
Warbie said:
I think it'll be the no. of zombies on screen and the amount of shear, brutal carnage that will set this apart from the rest. Screenshots and movies won't be able to do justice to actually playing the game - stuck in a huge mall filled with 1000's of the bastards, everywhere you run, slowly shuffling towards you :)
I liked the moves he was doing in the sumo outfit. :D

Did you see those crushing blows to the gut? Holy shit, that would cripple a bear. Then he ran at the wall, and sprung back to kick the the rotting face.
heh - yeh, the unarmed combat looked great :)
There's not 1000s, from what I've gathered the zombies is endless, so no matter how many you kill they'll constantly be replaced.:p*Pointdexter, giggles*
Hmm... the more I think about this the more it seems like it could be pretty cool... still skeptical about the longevity factor though. Let's hope pure variety of content and open-endedness outweighs it's apparent repetitiveness.

Still wanna see a well-done, serious zombie MMO though. And not just a typical grind-'n-loot MMORPG with zombies tacked on, a total survival horror experience. Where actions have real consequences, death is a real threat (as well as infection), and cooperation is key to survival.

Yeah, I'll keep dreaming :) (text/web-based versions notwithstanding... unless they're a little more... fleshy than those I've seen).
Ugh please no MMOs, I'd love a serious zombie MMO if people were FORCED to ROLEPLAY, otherwise I'd take a serious, well-done zombie sp RPG any day.:p
To each man his own I guess though, sorry!:)
Check out these new screenshots!

Megaman costume \o/


Death by frying pan :)


wtf are these guys?


mmmm, fat munch


SWAT to the rescue


The rest here, at the bottom -

I demand this game this instant!
love the megaman costume ...if this doesnt come to the pc I'm going to have either rent an xbox360 or kick some punks ass who has one and take it
CptStern said:
love the megaman costume ...if this doesnt come to the pc I'm going to have either rent an xbox360 or kick some punks ass who has one and take it[/B[

I vote the latter! Preferably dress up in a mega-man costume and pummel him with his own frying pan.

Anyone spot wally? :D

Actual in-game screenshot btw :D

I've already got a 360 so dead rising is just one of the games already on my wish list, alongside Forza 2, Test Drive Unlimited, Saints Row and GTA4. Seriously, if you ain't got a 360 now, what are you waiting for? :D
That's a great pic, Pobz. Imagine being able to throw some heavy object down the stairs - gibtastic.
this is the main reason i want a xbox360, that and Pro Evo 6, which isnt gona be on ps3 incidently. I need a next gen Pro Evo fix and its gona have to be on xbox360 rather than buying it on ps2.
There's a new preview out that has turned down my hype for this game...

From GameInformer online

"The main story moves along by completing cases. In the past, Capcom has maintained that these were a completely optional part of the game. But now they have decided to require the player to complete case files in order to progress past predetermined points. “You cannot, as previously stated, sit in a closet for the whole 72 hours,” Capcom said in a statement."

One of the appeals of the game was the fact that I could just run around doing WHATEVER I wanted for 72 ingame hours and get perhaps a crappy ending, I'm hoping that they've misinteprented Capcom because the game's supposed to have a ton of different endings.

It also feels pretty shitty that they didn't reveal this until now, a mere one month from release.. It seems like such a sudden switch in direction..

Edit: read that preview, it makes an interesting note about the zombies!

"The AI in the game is very interesting and is a great testament to the hard work of Capcom. Zombies will slowly become smarter as you progress. For instance, at first they are not able to climb objects, but as they watch you do it more and more, they will adapt and begin to figure it out. The same goes for weaponry. As the watch you use a Chainsaw on their fellow kind, the Zombies will start to stay away from anything along the lines of it. Not only this, but they will become faster as you flee from them, and eventually even start to try and use some of the weapons you use!"


Anyone notice the knife?;)
It's already been mentioned several times now, but after you complete the game you can unlock an infinite sandbox mode, where you can do what you like with no time limits. There's also a 'fourth day' mode, which follows on the basis that you didn't get picked up by the helicopter at the end of the 3rd day... I have no idea what difference this makes, however.
Maybe you have to try and escape in a vehicle or something on fourth day.

I like the Land of the Dead-esque features with zombies becoming smarter.
Sorry that it's already been mentioned :\

Anyway, infinite mode isn't really the same thing, I hope they have an undisclosed mode like the game was originally intended, i.e. there IS a timelimit, but it has all the 10+ endings and you can play it however you want.

Yet again, sorry for mentioning it again.
this comes out in august in US but september in Europe, and i think i heard something about xbox360 not having a region system. can someone confirm if this is the case, and if theres anything to stop me importing the US version to play on a European xbox360? (so i can get my zombie fix early)
Only certain games are region free on the 360, most aren't.
THere is a region system on the 360, although if you create a US live account, it will play US games... or something like that. I had to create an american live account to be able to run the US kiosk DVD that I downloaded and burned.