Dead Six interview and media

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
FPS Central have posted an interview with Dante, producer of the C&C-themed Dead Six mod for Half-Life 2, along with some concept art and renders.[br]You can read the interview here and here's a exclusive render from the mod:[br]
<span align="center"></span>​
[br]You can find out more information about Dead Six by clicking here.
its really nice to know that something like half life 2 which isn't out yet already has more mod support than doom3, and that modders are going beyond fps concepts, sort of makes you feel all warm inside.
king John I said:
its really nice to know that something like half life 2 which isn't out yet already has more mod support than doom3, and that modders are going beyond fps concepts, sort of makes you feel all warm inside.
Quoted for Emphasis!
There's a similar mod for UT2k4 too. Red Alert in Onslaught mode I believe. Sounds cool.
amazing. the hl2 source must be so flexable...obviously.
Just out of curiosity what building is that supposed to be anyway? It looks like a Nod war factory even though they used airfields.

I also have to say that so far this mod is one of the more promising looking ones. :thumbs:
'tis concept art.

Yes, I made it.
Haha, I thought at first that it was the Brotherhood of NOD building (were you train infantry).

Nice work btw.
Pureball said:
amazing. the hl2 source must be so flexable...obviously.

OP Flashpoint
Any quake 3 engine

Can all support a RTS mode.

albiet with differing ease and problems etc...

but its not a source only thing.
poofyfinger said:
no probs! :D

I love C&C Generals. Will this mod be only 2D?

C&C Generals isn't C&C.
Putting the C&C name infront of "Generals" was a EA's strategy for marketing the game.
"Oh! A new C&C! It must be really good!"

While in reality Generals has hardly anything to with elements (eg. Tiberium) that make a it a true C&C game.