Dead Space question


Mar 16, 2007
Reaction score
Why is the character on my left, should he not be on my right, and there seems to be no way to change this.
Do you have a problem with being on the right shoulder? Do you hate rights handed people? Can't you accept that in a world where right handed people dominate that our games will be tailor made for them?
That's where he is supposed to be.
I didnt even notice this wtf...
I think it probably has a something to do with the fact that he holds his gun in the right hand, just maybe...
I always wonder about this a little bit. To this day, the only third-person cover shooter I've played that allows you to switch shoulders is Ghost Recon: AW, and that was a 360 launch title.
And wasn't that just to give you a better angle? Either way, cool feature.
I always wonder about this a little bit. To this day, the only third-person cover shooter I've played that allows you to switch shoulders is Ghost Recon: AW, and that was a 360 launch title.
Err, it wasn't.

GRAW came out in March 2006, a whole 5 months after the release of the 360..

You need better sauces Bad^Hat.