
May 24, 2003
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A funny man once said he liked deadlines, because of the sound they make whent hey fly past. Unfortunately. I have a deadline tommorow...Not only will it not zip past me, but in fact it run me down, and reverse just to make sure I'm dead.

I have a lot of work I need to hand in, and its not done. Could this be the end of me? I feel like most of my creative thought goes into the morning before college when I think of ways around my problems...Not excuses, but I sort of make my problems vannish . However, this won't happen tommrow(Its an assesment of all my work...half of my work exits in potentia, but unfortunately I can't just say "Its ok, I can see my work in my head and it looks might fine to me"), even though my brain is telling me it will. Its telling me to sleep, and while I'm sleeping it will think of something...My brain is an idiot, and what makes it all worse is that, my brain is in fact me. Yet still its telling me to be calm and sleep like always...and you know I'm scared that when I wake up, I will once again have thought of something.

I'm tired of thinking my problems out of existence, I just want to do the work for once.

Just thought I'd share that with you...because for the next few hours I will be playing half-life 2, then I will work on my map, watch TV, read my book and magically my problems will have gone.

Do The Work and give yourself little presents of Half-life 2 or TV or whatever, and then Get Back To Working !!

just do it boy. Before i phone your Mother...

Edit : that reminds me, i have essays to do. whoops... ;(
I've slipped a lot with my work just this last week (wonder why that is :)) but normally I do try to do it and treat myself...but actaulyl this whole term of collge has been a drain on me. I just need some time off to cool down a little. Its like the preasure has been on since I went back. Its much worse than work, or school or college last year because now I'm just doing art and I have to do lots of 'original thinking'. Being creative just because someone told you to be isn't always easy :(

Anyway, after giving it some brain, has decided to sort out my time for the rest of the evening. I kno what I'm going to do and what I don't have time for. That at least frees me up to concentrate on less things. Most of what I can do tonight is relatively simple. I have had the problem recently of not being able to print anything off, so thats meant not being able to get some of my work on.
I believe that funny man was Douglas Adams, unless he stole the quote from elsewhere. :D
No it was him, I just didn't bother using his name in case someone else knew what I was talking about :D
Farrow, I feel you on that. Deadlines just aren't good (if you are no artist). I got all my articles crunched into the last week of November and I always start the night before. Although I know I should do it before :)
Deadlines are depressing.. Until you pull your thumbs out of your ass and get the job done.
Deadlines suck. I asked for an extension on a deadline and my professor graciously agreed. Yet, I am *this* close to breaking this new deadline.
I have a programming assignment in for Wednseday morning that I haven't started yet. Baaaaah.
Farrowlesparrow said:
...but actaulyl this whole term of collge has been a drain on me.
Oh, boy, I feel ya. This term has been crap for me too. I don't even havea tough schedule really, just everthing comin together at once and it's stressin me out. Oy. :sleep:
And for some reason it seems so much easier to pretend that I've already finnished with all that.. stuff. I'll regret it later probably. :rolleyes:
I know exactly how you feel :(
I'm contemplating jumpng off bridges lately, and I made a monologue similar to yours to someone just last week. ...hell, maybe I did the monologue to you. I don't remember :P

yeah, we're all screwed I think.
Deadlines act like roadblocks in my mind... I have a hard time thinking past them... sometimes even the small ones... everything is just... "let's get past that obstacle before we think of anything else"... why I think of myself as 'we' is a whole other issue I think...
i suck at deadlines :(
i wish i was better...i have tried different things to improve on it...but so far no improvements.
I had a deadline for 9am this morning and I hadn't read the plays properly and I still haven't been to bed (it's now 3pm) but I managed a 2-1 :) Go me!
Although I have a philosophy deadline for tomorrow that really isn't going to happen. Well, it might but I'm banking on my desperate plea for an extension being accepted. Either that or I lose 10% for being late. Ho hum.
If we hand in work late here, the maximum mark we can get is 40%.. only just a pass. I've still got them essays to do... bah humbug.
damn it El Chi, your avatar is getting to me...:eek:
oldagerocker said:
If we hand in work late here, the maximum mark we can get is 40%.. only just a pass. I've still got them essays to do... bah humbug.
damn it El Chi, your avatar is getting to me...:eek:
I aim to please.
Well actually I aim to dampen people's Christmas spirit and steal their souls. Muuwaahahahaa!
YEAH! Well, guess what! My Christmas spirit has already been sapped away, and my sould has been ground to dust by the hardships of life! :p HA HA! Nyaa nyaa nya.....
oh, wait a minute.


P.S. I had a deadline on a takehome math test (that I worked 4 1/2 hours on), it had to be turned in before class. But I missed my bus by less than 30 seconds, and got to school 20 minutes late; my teacher marked my test 'late' (-25%).

...But I talked to her after class and she said she'd make an exception! Yay! I'm happy now!
Heh...Well today went well. The teacher offered to look through my file and organise it for me, even before I'd said anything about not having the work done...Which I have to say was a nice surprise.

In life drawing as well, the teacher was telling people to take pointers from what I'd drawn because it was exactly how she wanted us to do it. Well, I'd used to mark making and technique she asked us to use at the start of the lesson...I was late as well, so I just guessed at what we were doing. That was also rather nice...

The funny thing is, I don't have any work to do at all tonight and I feel pretty good :) Its because she took my file, and all the other work I need to do is either not possible outside of college, or needs daylight (Something of a rarity at this time of year)
Yeah... shatup. You're supposed to be commiserating with all us stressed out folk, not posting about how wonderful everything is... :flame:

j/k. :p Good to see things are looking better 4 you. It seems as if indeed, your problems are magically gone. :E
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh...Well today went well. The teacher offered to look through my file and organise it for me, even before I'd said anything about not having the work done...Which I have to say was a nice surprise.

In life drawing as well, the teacher was telling people to take pointers from what I'd drawn because it was exactly how she wanted us to do it. Well, I'd used to mark making and technique she asked us to use at the start of the lesson...I was late as well, so I just guessed at what we were doing. That was also rather nice...

The funny thing is, I don't have any work to do at all tonight and I feel pretty good :) Its because she took my file, and all the other work I need to do is either not possible outside of college, or needs daylight (Something of a rarity at this time of year)
lol, damn you and your being the lord's favorite!
Well I've decided to start my own country, and I needed a fence obviously so I-

Oh, not those posts.

I don't know when I got all these ;( Look at The Dark Fenric, and he joined months after me :O
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well I've decided to start my own country, and I needed a fence obviously so I-

Oh, not those posts.

I don't know when I got all these ;( Look at The Dark Fenric, and he joined months after me :O
I'm going nuts for sure.

oh yeah, on topic, uhhhh deadlines suck!
hehe I heard first year involved doing no work and drinking :P Im glad thats not true else id be wasting my money going to university. Farrow work harder, less half life 2 :P