Death From Above 1979

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
A bit harder than what I usually listen to (British indierock mostly :) ) but very inventive and energetic :D

I think a lot of you would like them - sort of same vien as NIN I'd say..

Check out 'Romantic Rights' (numerous remixes on Romance Bloody Romance)

Heres hoping someone enjoys them :p
I'll listen to them every now again, but for some reason they just can't hold my attention for very long
I do really like the song Blood On Our Hands though
i saw them in concert this past November, they opened for NiN :D
it is a two member band (from Toronto ;) ) and i think because of this, their live performances suffer.
the drummer also does the vocals, which is unusual but they are pretty good.
i think they are a better studio band than live band...maybe if they had a third member doing the vocals the live performances would be better.

anyway yeah Romantic rights is a good tune :thumbs:
They're cool beans. Not in my top 20 or anything, but good stuff nonetheless.
I love 'em. Bought their studio album back in March, haven't really stopped listening to it since. I still love Going Steady and Black History Month.