death of a character

Oct 29, 2007
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I don't know if this was asked before, but have you ever played a game(besides half-life 2 episode 2 and portal) where a character's death made you feel really bad inside? Personally, I was sad in the Darkness, even though the game wasn't that good, when Jenny was capped.;( Another would be the swing king from hitman blood money. Who's death really affected you?
FF7 when Aeris died.

And dude, The Darkness RULED, don't diss that game.
The twins in FF 4 being turned to stone was a bit harsh.
Vivi in FFIX. It was never shown, but was heavily implied. God damnit I loved that little guy ;_;
some more were gaz from call of duty 4 and julie langford from bioshock(not actually sad, but she was one of the few good guys).
You actually became sad when a character in CoD4 died? Now you're starting to scare me.
I hated the characters in CoD4.

The only death I can think of is Gray Fox in MGS.
I shed thousands of tears whenever one of my units die in Starcraft.
Eli in Episode Two.

Admiral Gerard DuGalle in Starcraft. I felt kinda empty at the end. :(

And I think it's bullshit that I have to help some dipshit Budd Nedreck kill Zul'jin, the greatest troll hero of our times, who has been degraded to an instance that functions as nothing more than an epic farm.

Fuck you, Blizzard.
Sheogorath in ES4: Shivering Isles

Well, he didn't die, but he went away

He was cool :(
I don't know if this was asked before, but have you ever played a game(besides half-life 2 episode 2 and portal) where a character's death made you feel really bad inside? Personally, I was sad in the Darkness, even though the game wasn't that good, when Jenny was capped.;( Another would be the swing king from hitman blood money. Who's death really affected you?
Oh my god. I felt genuine remorse for Jackie after Jenny had her brains blown out by Paulie. Then the way he copes with it? Shit.
can't think of any in games right now, but Darth Vadar in the movie Star Wars? - one of those movies, I forget.

johnsons'death in Halo 3. Not so much the act of his death, but that it served no other purpose than "Final act=Mian character must die".
I never cried or had any favorite character in my past 20 years of gaming. I guess I just have a heart of coal. :|

The closest to any kind of remorse I had for any character though was probably Magma Dragoon from MegaManX4. He was the most awesome robot boss in any MegaMan ever.
Grey Fox in MGS
Andrew Ryan in Bioshock - such an awesome character
My fellow Blades in Oblivion
Another would be the swing king from hitman blood money.
I thought that was a great moment too. With the guy begging for his life and the depressingly sad atmosphere of the level, yet your whole purpose there is to kill him - and you have so many methods to choose from! I was disappointed that there wasn't more of this moral ambivalence throughout the rest of the game, as opposed to having to assassinate a bunch of pretty shallow figures who don't say or do much other than attack you or run away. As it was, that intro level was among the most memorable of the game for me.


I was upset about Yoshimo in Baldur's Gate 2; that surprised me a lot the first time round.

In Planescape what happens to your characters in the Fortress of Regrets is pretty sad especially if, on your first play through, you don't know about any other ways the final battle can play out apart from the suckiest way. Dak'kon and Morte are great NPCs ;( Even Nordom's little cut-scene in that part is surprisingly sad.

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, while they don't feature any big character deaths in the strictest sense, have moments which are kind of comparable to a character dying: in Ico, once you find Yorda again after getting separated from her for ages, that bit had me choked up, as did the weirded out fate of the main character at the end of SotC.
Liquid Snake - I had really come to admire him in mgs

James Sunderland - depending on what ending you get in SH2

Sky in Jade Empire - It's not a forced death, but I decided to try being evil at the end,
and did I feel sorry for him and the others who weren't willing to go with me.

I was also really distubed at the death of a woman in bioshock,
it was the one who fell in love with Fontaine,
you would find records of her praising him and truly believing in his cause,
and on the other hand, what a cold hearted manipulative bastard Fontaine is,
right up until he kills her.
I was a bit gutted when Price snuffed it in CoD4. When you see the medic trying to revive him and all that. :/

And I don't know why, but I wasn't too happy when Saren executed Nihlus in Mass Effect. I quite liked him.
Paulie in Mafia
Gaz and Price in Call of Duty 4
Pey'J in Beyond Good & Evil
Gruthar and the Deathclaws in Fallout 2
I was a bit gutted when Price snuffed it in CoD4. When you see the medic trying to revive him and all that. :/

And I don't know why, but I wasn't too happy when Saren executed Nihlus in Mass Effect. I quite liked him.

Oh yeah, that was a "Oh shit." moment for me.

Tbh, I never really played many games in which an important character dies.

Except for the Starcraft series and COD4.
Gaz and Price in Call of Duty 4.
Main character in Mafia, god damn that's a harsh ending.
Eli dying in Episode 2 :(
Cheshire Cat in American McGee's Alice.
I missed the final movie first time I've played Alice so I thought thay all are dead and Alice died too with the Queen of Hearts.
I played Alice only because of Cheshire Cat.He is so damn cool.It was a shock when he died.
So awesome. I don't know sea. i didn't really feel like it was intended to be understood. It was just a strange story. I just know the voice acting was so tight. I also liked killing those silver knights and the crystal shard things.

i'm going to see if Oblivion works. My video card is dying. I think it was caused by an electrical storm a few days ago, even though I spent a lot of money on 'the best evar' surge suppressor with the fastest reaction time and the highest surge protection rating available.
That ending still confuses the shit out of me.

So Sheogorath was Jyggalag, because he was cursed by the other Daedric Princes to become the one thing he hated (not insane) every 1,000 years... or, was it that Jyggalag was cursed to be Sheogorath for everything but every 1,000 years? And then you... become Sheogorath? I guess?

He was first Jyggalag and was cursed to be Sheogorath throughout the era, except at the end, when he turned back to his true self
Back when they were making Oblivion, I don't think they were thinking much about an expansion at that point. As for the Daedric Prince thing, I would think you would get the power, but since you are still a mortal, you have to play by the rules of being mortal ie. death. He wanted you to fill the space while he is gone and, although it is unclear, that might be your purpose still; just to hold on to the throne until he comes back. But yeah, that's confusing as well, since he said he would go to the void or something. Very strange, I thought it was pretty disappointing expansion. I never liked many of the missions and they could have done more. They should definately try an expansion like Bloodmoon for Morrowind, that was fun. I just hoped for an insane, epic boss battle at the end, but that was disappointing as well :(
Jyggalag actually was referenced before in lore, but a lot of people thought it was a mistake, he was Meridia or that he was a lesser daedra.
Please take note while reading "On Oblivion", a certain Daedric Prince named Meridia is not recorded in the book. On the other hand, the book mentioned name "Jyggalag" that cannot be found in other records. Scribe mistakes? Some speculate that Jyggalag is Meridia, but Mark Nelson (BlueDev) stated that: "Jyggalag is not Meridia. Meridia is Meridia. Who, exactly, Jyggalag is remains to be seen. It's something I've been thinking about a lot recently, and I'd certainly like to explore it in the future."
In fact, Jyggalag was used as a running gag on the official forums to explain strange happenings in Tamriel, similar to our Jew Lizards spewing scalar waves.

example: "Cyrodiil turned from a Roman jungle society to a Middle Earth society where no one knows how to use spears? Jyggalag did it."
Johnny 5 from Short Circuit 2, WHY DID THEY BEAT UP JOHNNY!!!! WAHH!!!!!
Was thinking if there were any others besides Ep. 2 and I remembered KOTOR.

I had Zaalbaar kill Mission;(
If there was anyone I truly felt sad for when they died it would be Chad or whatever his name is from deadrising (the security dude with the yellow shirt).

On the other hands I absolutely lol'd when the helicopter guy died, he got Franks name wrong for pete's sake.
One of GTAIV's endings left me feeling empty inside.

I'd put it in spoiler tags but everyone would read it anyway.

The spoiler tags... They do nothing!
I wouldn't man, DON'T DO IT PLEASE

I want to stay spoiler free for when it comes out for PC.
Sheogorath, Eli, and Alot of the deaths in Dead Rising were tragic. Brad's was in particular just heartbreaking.