Death sucks.


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
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Mods/admins, feel free to delete this but I just really have to write this on a forum to unwind.

God I hate death, even tho it's a part of life it still ****ing sucks when someone important to you die. **** you death. **** YOU.
I really hope there is a heaven, even tho I ain't religious, but it's just such an unpleasant thought to think that that special someone will just not exist anymore, although I know that he will always be with me in myself.
Sorry for the ramble I just needed to get this out of my system..
I'm afraid of death. It terrifies me. Even though I have my faith, the idea of leaving this world without experiencing everything I would realistically want to... its just terrifying.

When I think of people who have died, I think of their inability to do the things they once loved here on earth. I think about all their dreams and hopes that might have come to an abrupt end, or never happened anyways, and never will. I think about their friends and families, who mourn for their loss, who will never be able to refill that part of themselves that was taken away from them.
Quixoticism said:
Good news: There is a heaven!

Some inspirational thoughts.

P.S. to mods: I hope this isn't considered advertising...:borg: I'm not trying to sell anything

:upstare: but it is iritating least next time put in a disclaimer so I dont accidentily stumble upon it
Pfft. I think you'd want to take time out and fill that "Non-important-killing-quota" if you were Death too. He handles EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE DIES for crying out loud. He must get VERY bored of the same deaths all the time, having to tell people how they died, where they're going, etc.
i dont see what the big deal is.

after long nights (read: few minutes) of logical pondering, i have come to this conclusion; There are three scenarios that could happen after you die, and they are as follows:

Scenario A: You don't have a soul and thus your consciousness ceases to exist after you've died.

Scenario B: you go to some heaven/higher dimension and get to do whatever you like all day long. win/win situation. though, this is probably the scenario that potentially could get boring. unless god has a nice long lasting supply of hot chicks. :naughty:

Scenario C: you reincarnate. you get to experience life again and again in new and awesome ways. it'd not get repetitive because you wouldn't know.

I just can't imagine there being a hell. if there even is a god, he's responsible for all the bad things we do because he created us the way we are. all our functions derive from instincts from the stone age or somewhere around there.
also, if there is a hell, i dont think it'd be eternal. if you're punished for what you've done, there has to be an end to it.

then again there might be an everlasting hell if god is sadistic and/or drunk. :D

..without experiencing everything I would realistically want to... its just terrifying.
after you've experienced all that, what will be so particularly different in your life? is it really that important?

my motto in life is just to have fun while it lasts.. do what you like, set your own personal goals and try to do the best with what you have, dont think too much into things. In the words of the late bill hicks; It's just a ride.
I really don't want to grow old. Scares the hell out of me.

Death is sad but it's something we have to go through. I know it's comming... I could drop dead in 5 mins and that'd be it. What i'd be really scared/upset about is if there isn't an afterlife. I really don't want to lose my loved ones forever, it'd be nice to meet them after death... even if its just once... it'd be nice. :(

Sorry to hear about your loss. *hug*
Scenario B: you go to some heaven/higher dimension and get to do whatever you like all day long. win/win situation. though, this is probably the scenario that potentially could get boring. unless god has a nice long lasting supply of hot chicks.

God disables the boredom code when in heaven. :smoking: You could play tic tac toe for eternity if you wanted to and never be bored!
Raziaar said:
God disables the boredom code when in heaven. :smoking: You could play tic tac toe for eternity if you wanted to and never be bored!

So basically... you're high? :D
Gargantou if someone important in your life has passed away, I know exactly how it feels, unfortunately :rolleyes:
What pisses me off is that we have to go to school...and learn all this useless I gonna need this crap when I'm dead and gone
Zeus said:
What pisses me off is that we have to go to school...and learn all this useless I gonna need this crap when I'm dead and gone

Well, it could be 50-80 years before you die.

To improve your life during that time, that stuff helps.
Death is the best thing that can happen to you. It's the worst thing that can happen to someone you know.
Personally, I'm of the very bleak opinion that we die, and that's pretty much that. I sort of like the idea of an afterlife, but I'm not going to lie to myself. Besides, if the religious people are right, then it's either going to be eternal bliss (and let's face it, that'd get pretty repetitive and old - from eternal bliss to eternal familiar pleasentness) or it's eternal mind-bending agony (for some reason it's much easier to get bored of pleasure than it is of pain, and even if you did get used to it, it wouldn't be that much of a relief)

If you really want to live after death, inspire people. That may sound cheesy, but it's true.
Raziaar said:
Zeus said:
What pisses me off is that we have to go to school...and learn all this useless I gonna need this crap when I'm dead and gone
Well, it could be 50-80 years before you die.

To improve your life during that time, that stuff helps.
Sure, school might seem like a hindrence on your existence and your ability to seek experience, but it's simply setting you up for intellectual growth and, at its basic level how to get along from day-to-day with any kind of intelligence.
I'm not gonna say "Learning is fun!" because it isn't always, but it IS important. It WILL enhance your life.
School is not for everyone. But I wish someone had made me study harder at school, so I didn't have to make up for it now. But I suppose some people know from early on whether they are going to need all that knowledge from school or not.
you go to school not because you want to, but because you have to.. same thing with work and all things that you don't think are as fun as sitting home and playing computer games all day

i've had really really crappy discipline throughout my school days but i seemed to have shaped up by now.
TBH, death has never really bothered me. I mean, you're born, you live a good life, and then you end. You just end. It's that simple. This is probably going to be misinterpreted, but I might as well say it: I'm not a griever. Even when both my grandfathers died, sure, I was sad, but I'm glad that they're wherever they are, and I know they lived good lives. Death isn't bad, it's not good, it just is.
JNightshade said:
TBH, death has never really bothered me. I mean, you're born, you live a good life, and then you end. You just end. It's that simple. This is probably going to be misinterpreted, but I might as well say it: I'm not a griever. Even when both my grandfathers died, sure, I was sad, but I'm glad that they're wherever they are, and I know they lived good lives. Death isn't bad, it's not good, it just is.

What about the countless young people who die far too early?
Well, you shouldn't be angry at death in that case. You should be angry at the causes. I mean, don't get me wrong: I'm not saying death is a trivial matter. However, when someone is killed, you shouldn't just grieve for them, or hate death, you should focus your emotion toward the reason they died. Obviously, if someone you love dies in a car accident, you shouldn't hate cars; rather, you should accept that they're gone, and try to obtain some closure. But if there's a genocide going on somewhere, I'm not going to get angry at death- I'm gonna get angry at the f*ckers who're killing innocent people.
Yeah, but still thinking that they're gone... for good, permanently... makes me very sad.
That's very true. But I think what you'd be grieving about was the fact that you'll never see them again, not the fact that they're dead. It's selfish, and it's completely human. Nobody really grieves for the fact that they're actually dead. I mean... they're gone. There's no one to grieve for.

EDIT: Chi, your opinion doesn't sound bleak to me... it just sounds realistic.
CptStern said:
:upstare: but it is iritating least next time put in a disclaimer so I dont accidentily stumble upon it

Quit being an ass Stern, he was trying to comfort someone.
JNightshade said:
That's very true. But I think what you'd be grieving about was the fact that you'll never see them again, not the fact that they're dead. It's selfish, and it's completely human. Nobody really grieves for the fact that they're actually dead. I mean... they're gone. There's no one to grieve for.

That's your opinion, not mine... The person doesn't cease to exist just because they're dead. Not in the damn least. Only their mortal body has ceased functioning. Not the memories of the person or anything.
Gargantou said:
Mods/admins, feel free to delete this but I just really have to write this on a forum to unwind.

God I hate death, even tho it's a part of life it still ****ing sucks when someone important to you die. **** you death. **** YOU.
I really hope there is a heaven, even tho I ain't religious, but it's just such an unpleasant thought to think that that special someone will just not exist anymore, although I know that he will always be with me in myself.
Sorry for the ramble I just needed to get this out of my system..

Think of everyone as a single leaf on a tree. Even though the leaves fall off the tree, the tree will always stand.
I know what happens when people die.

*Kirovman locks dossier away in high security filing system
Alexferris said:
Think of everyone as a single leaf on a tree. Even though the leaves fall off the tree, the tree will always stand.

It's the individual leaves that hold the most beauty, in my opinion. And the greatest sorrow when they're gone.

I know what happens when people die.

*Kirovman locks dossier away in high security filing system

kirovman said:
I know what happens when people die.

*Kirovman locks dossier away in high security filing system

one day I'm going to find out everything you know trusty tools will see to that: hot pokers, pliers, car battery, feather, Celine Dion music ....
The Monkey said:
Who died?
My father, today, he had a severe hart attack.. He became 55 years old, and exactly one week and one day after his birthday.. And exactly one month and one day before mine..
I was hoping to get to celebrate my 18th birthday with him(It's my 16th coming up) and I'm guessing I can in a spiritual sense seeing as he's always be with me in my mind and soul.
But it just felt so unreal.. Getting to go to the hospital.. The doctor telling me "Your father is dead", seeing him lying there.. Totally still.. Cold as ice..
I'm glad I managed to go in to visit him in the hospital chapel atleast.. I touched his chin and kissed him goodbye..
But I still expect him to give me a phone call and tell me about a good TV-show that's on.(He always did that)
And it's always like shit like this has to happen to a person right when things start going good..
I have just this week finally started to be able focus properly on my schoolwork.. Yesterday I got 15% of the math for the entire schoolyear done.. So I was so proud and all, I got all answers right on the test.. And then this shit has to happen.. Lifes irony..

I know I might seem like an emo kid to some for writing this but I just really need to get it out of my system.
I really hope it's ok..
What I know...

mostly a bunch of formulas and junk.

And the password to the Pentagon!

edit: Sorry to hear that Gargantou :( Hope you can come to terms with you loss soon, it's not easy losing someone close to you. You got anyone close to you so you can talk to about it? Don't think that you're being emo, it's perfectly acceptable to come on here and get it out of your system. Hope we can help you feel better about things.
Gargantou said:
My father, today, he had a severe hart attack.. He became 55 years old, and exactly one week and one day after his birthday.. And exactly one month and one day before mine..
I was hoping to get to celebrate my 18th birthday with him(It's my 16th coming up) and I'm guessing I can in a spiritual sense seeing as he's always be with me in my mind and soul.
But it just felt so unreal.. Getting to go to the hospital.. The doctor telling me "Your father is dead", seeing him lying there.. Totally still.. Cold as ice..
I'm glad I managed to go in to visit him in the hospital chapel atleast.. I touched his chin and kissed him goodbye..
But I still expect him to give me a phone call and tell me about a good TV-show that's on.(He always did that)
And it's always like shit like this has to happen to a person right when things start going good..
I have just this week finally started to be able focus properly on my schoolwork.. Yesterday I got 15% of the math for the entire schoolyear done.. So I was so proud and all, I got all answers right on the test.. And then this shit has to happen.. Lifes irony..

I know I might seem like an emo kid to some for writing this but I just really need to get it out of my system.
I really hope it's ok..

Oh man... that really really sucks. I'm sorry to hear it bud. reading that kind of made my eyes water, because I relate to it so much. My dad hasn't died, but I think about what it might be like when he does. Me and him are VERY close, and I don't know how I'd handle losing him.
Gargantou said:
My father, today, he had a severe hart attack.. He became 55 years old, and exactly one week and one day after his birthday.. And exactly one month and one day before mine..
I was hoping to get to celebrate my 18th birthday with him(It's my 16th coming up) and I'm guessing I can in a spiritual sense seeing as he's always be with me in my mind and soul.
But it just felt so unreal.. Getting to go to the hospital.. The doctor telling me "Your father is dead", seeing him lying there.. Totally still.. Cold as ice..
I'm glad I managed to go in to visit him in the hospital chapel atleast.. I touched his chin and kissed him goodbye..
But I still expect him to give me a phone call and tell me about a good TV-show that's on.(He always did that)
And it's always like shit like this has to happen to a person right when things start going good..
I have just this week finally started to be able focus properly on my schoolwork.. Yesterday I got 15% of the math for the entire schoolyear done.. So I was so proud and all, I got all answers right on the test.. And then this shit has to happen.. Lifes irony..

I know I might seem like an emo kid to some for writing this but I just really need to get it out of my system.
I really hope it's ok..

Sharing helps. And I have been in your boat and I know it sucks.

But keep busy, do things to ocupy your mind if it helps. Go out with friends, they are allways supprisingly supportive in situations like this.
This is a sad reminds me of when my dog died 2 years ago..he was like a brother to me..
I have my brother, mother and my grandmother(My fathers mother) here.. So yeah I got people close to me to talk to..
It's hard to loose someone yes.. But I have double feelings.. I'm sort off happy he died, the doctors said he died without any pain most likely.. And he looked really peaceful when he lay there covered in white clothes with a white carpet over his body..
He wasn't living very healthely as of lately.. He had fallen back into heavy alcoholism.. Though I don't think he had drunk any lately..
I'm sort off pissed at off at the hospital though I don't have the right..
You see, yesterday, he went out to shop alcohol.. And he fell, broke his nose and severly cut his entire forehead.. He had with him 10 big strong beers..
But sadly, since the law only allows one to keep a person or addict under forced hospitalization if he's dangerous to OTHERS, they decided to let him go HOME on his OWN.. I can't help but wonder.. If he had gotten to stay at the hospital and been watched.. Would he survived?
I know I shouldn't think like that because I can't change it now.. But it's so hard not too.. I don't blame the hospital.. But I blame the laws.. One should be able to force a severe alcoholic whom obviously can't take care of himself to stay at the hospital..

I'm pleased with my good bye to him, I sang one of his favourite songs by a popular Swedish(Although most popular in Denmark) artist named Björn Afzelius, the song was called "Sång till friheten", "Song to freedom".

The hardest thing now is deciding on what to do with an autopsy..
I mean.. It's not a pleasant thought to have person cut into him.. But at the same time, otherwise I might go wondering my entire life.. WHY did he had an heart attack?

And yes I know it's important to have your friends there for you, so I'm gonna go to my school tomorrow so I can talk to'em personally..
Go with what makes you feel more at peace.

I think thats what your father would have wanted.

EDIT: Well I wouldnt know, but its a thought. Your coping well allready by the way.
If your father is anything like mine, all he would want is for his son to succeed. You'll find a goal in life, do not let anything else get in the way of that goal.
Yeah I know Alexferris, thanks..
I know that he will live on through me and my children and that he wanted nothing but the best of life for both me and my brother.
I mean, aslong as he's in my heart, he ain't dead.. Not for me..

Thanks to all you guys, it's really nice to get to talk to a sympathetic and understanding bunch like you.
Seriously, thanks.
Because of de-ja-vu (sp?), im a bit afraid of whats after death...

To be honest im terrified that I relive the same life again...Sounds sad and depressing but I really dont want to (worst only 19)

Im very sorry to hear about your loss...Stay strong and stick together with those you know. I hope you get on ok...