

Jul 5, 2003
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agh. Two weeks ago my girlfriend's father died (at age 50). Last weekend my grandmother died (at age 98), and last night by grandfather died(at 110).

I am so depressed.
Wow, sorry to hear that :(

But hey, at least your grandparents lived long lives. 110 years is amazing.

Death is a part of life. The last part, admittedly, but still ... you don't know when your number's going to be up. Immortality would be a curse.
98 and 110 is a hell of a good innings.
My aunt passed away two days before my 21st birthday. She was only 50.

-Angry Lawyer
We all were of no life before we were born. Life is only a gift for us. We lose nothing when we die. Death is just like returning to the nature, completing the circle. We can't disagree with this, the Providence. Sadness is common and understandable, yet our life shouldn't be affected by that.
My parents are both 50 D:

but you know what? It's a part of life. Sure, we miss them like hell, but think of all the good times you've had with them, and the lives they led. There's joy to be found in everything.
my mum's 57 and my dad's like 69 or something. They're both getting on a bit but still have a while left in them. I don't think I'll be mourning when they die, since they've both had their fair share of troubles (my dad has diabetes and dvt in one of his legs which always gives him grief, and my mum has some unkown thing wrong with her neck and upper back, which leaves her in pain a lot of the time). Like Nightshade said, it's better to be happy for the time you had with them, than sad for their deaths.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss otherguy - they say bad things come in 3's, so I hope things begin to get better for you in the near future.