DeathAdder benchmarks


Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Remember that site that benchmarked a bunch of mice? They did some benchmarking with the DeathAdder earlier this year.
It has a pretty high DPI for higher sensitivity players. But what really shines is the speed you can fling that mouse and it will still track which would be great for low sensitivity players. Ties the OCed MX500 at almost 4m/s which is actually pretty excessive. Better than the MX518 or Diamondback.

Here was the first review where they benchmarked the other mice and explained what they were looking for with the numbers.
Wow that's pretty crazy. I think I'm going to buy this one because I tried a Habu mouse in a shop and liked the shape. And I'm considering getting mousepad of a square meter and going.

fake edit: just ordered the deathadder and a corepad eyepad XL wewt
I get my Deathadder for $36 :O
can't wait for my next paycheck
Didn't you hate big mice.

Well ya but there's not much choice now is there. The only good mice are big. But as I said I'm going to try 'low-sens', for which the mouse shape doesn't really matter too much. On top of that I liked the shape of the Habu when I tried it in a shop, which is unique from the other mice I have.
Wasn't it designed similar to the Habu (or reverse)? Yet the MS mouse is really low on the benchmarks. hehe
I really like using low sensitivity. You really don't need high dpi for it either. I've been using my MX518 at medium (800dpi) and CSS sensitivity at 1.2. If I put it to 1600dpi then it is too fast. But I can always half my sensitivity to .6 in game then and it will feel the same speed.

The CSS server I've been recently playing on have stats and I have an average of 64% headshots/kill overall and 69% with the AK (that's percent of kills that end with a headshot). I'm bet using low sens instead of the default of 3 is helping.

But if you check out the 2nd page on the first review he does he mentions a good way to see how much DPI you could take advantage of. Take the width of your screen resolution and multiply it by 4 to get a 360 degree pixel count. Now DPI is dots per INCH. So divide the total pixels by the distance (in Inches) you have to move your mouse to do a 360 in game.
1280 resolution x4 = 5120
5120 / 18 inches (how far I would have to move my mouse for a 360) = 284
So just 284dpi would be optimal for my setup. I don't really need more.
If I had higher sensitivity and it only took me 6 inches to do a 360 then doing the math comes to 853. If I ran at a larger resolution then I would need more DPI as well.
But if you hate it. for how much would you sell it to me?
And how many other and what brand/type of mouses do you have.

And holy **** asus, I have my cs sensetivity of 7, with a mx510.
But if you hate it. for how much would you sell it to me?
And how many other and what brand/type of mouses do you have.

And holy **** asus, I have my cs sensetivity of 7, with a mx510.

Ehm.. let's just say it's not in a proper condition to be sold. Unless you like a heat blower-molten-reshaped-tape-glue-customized mouse. The grip is very different from an untouched mx518. I shaped it so it's comfortable for the highest sensitivity finger precision, for my hands.

I also have a razer copperhead lying around, and it's not in new shape either. I cut a part of the rubberplastic lightband thing that was in the way for my finger, put double sided tape with plastic foil on it for better grip, opened it to check the insides so I had to remove the teflon feet, so I put hyperglides on them on different spots. Well anyway, I might want to use the mx518 in the future, but you can have my copperhead if you want. It's a piece of crap.

I have two mx510 mice, but they are used on other computers here. All the other mice I've had I either sold again or gave em away, broke, whatever.
Got my gear today and it's truly awesome. I really love the shape and the positioning of the buttons and wheel. This mousepad has a good friction/speed combination, combined with this mouse it's a near perfect combo, except that the pickup height is a bit big. Not much of a problem though cause it's easy to pick up the mouse without moving the cursor too much.

Installing the drivers took me a while but I got it to work. This link was helpful with it.

Anyway I'm really glad I got this. I can recommend this mouse to everyone. This pad too btw. Killer combo.
Awesome! Is it the exact same shape as the Habu then? Might test it at the store. Although I don't think I'm going to actually buy a deathadder atm since I don't move my mouse faster than 2m/s with my MX518.