debit card?!?


May 12, 2004
Reaction score
im only 17 years of age and dont really wanna get a visa so is there anyway i can get dod:source with my debit card?:eek: :flame:
If your debit card has numbers on the front of it, yes. If it doesn't you could always get a visa giftcard with $25 on it, and buy it with that.
my debit card has numbers on the front of it :p but it always ask for the date of expiry and so forth but my debit card doesent have one :(
Then its a cash card. A cash card is simply for use at ATM's. Debit and credit cards are the ones you use to pay with, and always have expiry dates on them. Sounds like a visa gift card is the way to go for you.
Typically you have to be over 18 to have a debit or credit card. But yes, it sounds like you have a cash card.

Sorry fella. Perhaps a parent can get it and you can pay them back?
Cormeh said:
Typically you have to be over 18 to have a debit or credit card.

No I've had my debt card since I was 17, about 2 years now.
yeah i got a debit card last year , i dont think its a cash card because its says royal bank client card on it:p lol i tried it works but i had second thoughts about buying it cuz well is it wirth buying i never really got into day of defeat for hl1 and well my computer doesent really support hdr so is it worth getting?
If it has the logo for the credit card on front then you can use it. Mine has the mastercard logo on the bottom right, so websites and etc can take it as a mastercard, but its still treated as a debit.
I use a Visa check card for just about everything I buy, unless they don't take credit. I usually carry around $20... rarely more than $50. If someone steals my wallet I just call the bank and cancel the card. I'm out $20... big deal.
lol you guys dident awnser my other question?is it worth it:p

here are some of my specs lol:

ram: 512mb
cpu: 2.4
video card: nvidia gforce fx 5200
Dear Arman Abounourinejad (Steam account name: armanguy),

Recently, you submitted a purchase-request for Day of Defeat: Source through
We were not able to process this transaction because the card issuing bank has
identified use of this credit card as potentially fraudulent. We are doing
everything we can to protect our customers from credit card fraud and will
prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law.

Please confirm that the information you provided is correct.

Credit card type: Visa
Card holder name: Arman Abounourinejad
Card number: **** **** **** 4073
Billing address:
Post code: v3n2g3

If the above information is correct, please contact your credit card company.
Their customer-service telephone number is usually printed on the back of the

If the above information contains an error, please submit the corrected
information by initiating a new purchase request within Steam.

For additional help or product support, please visit or
email us at [email protected]


Valve and the Steam Support Team

wtf how am i supposed to play now:( i dont have a visa i just put that down as an option for my credit card? i only have a debit?whats going on?
Debit cards (that can be used as credit cards) usually have an issuing "company" like Visa, MasterCard, etc.

If should have a logo on the card itself of the company (if it is a check card). You can't just put Visa if it isn't a Visa card.

If it doesn't have a logo indicating a company that Valve has on the drop down list, you are probably going to have to ask your folks to buy it for you and pay them back.
DiSTuRbEd said:
No I've had my debt card since I was 17, about 2 years now.

Yeah, you can usually get debit cards at 17 as long as you have a parent sign like one sheet of paper at the bank to verify it. At least that's in the US, I dunno how Canada works with that. But when you get that card you'll feel a lot more mature and intelligent and you can buy all the stuff you ever wanted through the internet, like DoD posters from the Valve store!
armanguy, get another 512 ram stick; they dont cost that much, for the benefits you get.
ALso I dont have a visa, so I just used my parents card and paid them back with my debit card.
armanguy said:
lol you guys dident awnser my other question?is it worth it:p

here are some of my specs lol:

ram: 512mb
cpu: 2.4
video card: nvidia gforce fx 5200

That's basically what I use at work (I play during my lunch break). It plays quite 'acceptably' (if that's a word), as long as I'm running at 800x600, everything at low or off. Sure, it doesn't look that great, but it's still a brilliant game *asks manager for a new pc*

Also, I did what Cormeh said about getting someone else to buy it for you then paying them back - which also meant I didn't have to give out any of my details :)