Decent Zombie Games

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Being hard core zombie fans here at, I was wondering if any of you know any good zombie games. I heard about land of the dead game, wich of course, like the movies, is crap.

So any of you guys know any decent zombie games ?
I wouldn't say decent, but Dead Rising. It's more like a "**** YEAH!" zombie game.
Left 4 Dead will be immence once it comes out later this year.

Out now?
Well we have Dead Rising on the 360.
And the Resident Evil games fail to disapoint, especially the Gamecube versions with their sexy graphics.
Dead ****ing Rising ftmfw.

REmake and RE4 for the GC also kick ass, as do the HOTD games.
If I felt mean, I'd edit all your posts to say "Zombie Master"

-Angry Lawyer
I wouldn't say decent, but Dead Rising. It's more like a "**** YEAH!" zombie game.
And then "**** OFF!" once you reach a boss fight.

I was about to say Resident Evil 4, then I remembered it's not technically a zombie game.

Also, I'd play ZM if I could find some servers here =/
Don't worry, the spiders in your mouth and ears will surely scare off the zombies in your head.
Zombie Master, clearly.
Typing of the Dead

There are not really all that many great zombie games these days. Certainly not anything that really tries to tackle the conventions of the genre - scanvenging and survival in a post-apocalyptic world, squabbling between the survivors in the face of a viral menace, utter bleakness...we need a zombie game, something like a full-game Urban Dead, not just an bang-crash action game where the enemies are zombies.

Games with zombies in them but not zombie games:
Thief 1, 2 and 3
Timesplitters 1, 2 and 3
Fallout (I think? Anyway, it's post-apocalyptic which is half the appeal)
I played Resident Evil Survivor (PS1) yesterday. I didn't know RE had a first person game. I like it enough to play through it, despite the limited technology of the PS1. It's kind of slick playing RE in First person. It's fun, atmospheric and interesting.

Oblivion has zombies in the dungeons. I like sword fighting the skeletons most of all though.
It's kind of slick playing RE in First person. It's fun, atmospheric and interesting.

Just wait for Umbrella Chronicles on the Wii. Gun Survivor had its moments, but was pretty ropey at best. UC with the Wiimote could be awesome :)
Well, I don't really consider Umbrella Chronicles 'RE in First person', because you don't have direct control over your own movement, do you?
Fallout (I think? Anyway, it's post-apocalyptic which is half the appeal)

Fallout has horribly irradiated humans who look like zombies, but not zombies per se.