Decline of

I'm on half term, and none of my mates are on holiday, infact, I'm going down the pub tonight with loads of mates.... and I'm going out on thursday night... with a girl I really like ... wish me luck :)
yes i'll wish you luck, but beware it caries a curse, a most terrible curse of jealousy and envy, it will riun your life!!! muhahahaha

but hey if you dont get in with the girl its not my fault right? right?

although in a few days i'm going to the lake district with my friends so i wont be bored forever. Hurrah!!!

i just hit zombie staus!!!!!!!!
in 5 days!!!!!!
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its proberly becuse i dont update posts i just put another one on top, like this. call me a spammer or call me lazy, you decide

BadgerEDIT: Posts fused :hmph:
Hey... I won't be cursed, anyway, she's like my best mate, but I really like her... so I don't know if I'm even going to make a move.... anyway

Triple post :eek:

heh heh, best mate girl friends take it really funny (not har har funny)
at least for me she did but your older than me and you get to go to the pub:eek:

so it'll be a different story for you

P.S. i'm still friends with that girl we just arn't going out. I'm not very good with the ladies.
Heh... I'm not of legal drinking age, I just look it..... and this girl, we've known each other for 5 years odd, and are really close, I really like her, and sometimes I think she returns those feelings... What is funny is that I get bored of people quite easily... after a month or two, I get so bored I give up... my fave line is:

"It's not me it's you"

I know I'm a bastard sometimes... but I'm only bastardy to people who don't mean much to me, people I care for I don't hurt :)
mrBadger, word of advice: best mates who are women are the best shags ever. seriously. get a couple of pints down her neck and she'll be slobbering all over you. no need to make a move, let the alky do the legwork.

i liked all the buzz that was generated by the beta/alpha release. it's like having a massive group of hobos and gypsies turn up at your house and you fight with them and try and understand what the feck they're on about, but eventually you just sit there and laugh at them while they try and figure out how to work a toilet or summat. it's good they're gone, but mark my words they'll return. that's why i'm investing in some n00b repelant spray.

best of luck with the woman badger.
Thanks matey... :P

Haha I love that quote:
i liked all the buzz that was generated by the beta/alpha release. it's like having a massive group of hobos and gypsies turn up at your house and you fight with them and try and understand what the feck they're on about, but eventually you just sit there and laugh at them while they try and figure out how to work a toilet or summat.

I'm not going to get her drunk and take advantage mind, I'd never ever do something like that...
no no, not get her drunk, just give her a bit of dutch courage. she probably wants to shag your brains out but doesn't have the guts to ask. give it a helping hand eh...
well if it was that easy he wouldn't be here right now, at least i wouldn't (if i was older obviously)
it is pretty easy, if it's a best mate and you've got no worries about not being friends anymore then it's piss easy. but remember not to fart. always messes up your plans.
Hehe, actually John it is that easy sometimes, but only if people actually fancy you... alcohol takes away your inhibitions for example:

Me and my mate went to the fair in town, after going to the pub, arm in arm singing "I believe in a thing called love!"

:) Now you see, I wouldn't do that sober :P

I was in fact pleasently suprised that we didn't get stabbed \o/
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

man, i wish i have an easy love life in a few years *sigh*:rolleyes:

I'll do the same thing sober as drunk (yes i have been drunk) i'm just a crazy guy.
heres something funy: a while a go i was pretending to be a zombie to this kid and like walking at him slowing and making biting motions, well i got him and bit him (not hard) so he hit me with a metal bar (it really hurt!!!) somrtimes i'm just in a crazy mood.

also, i jumped of a roof onto grass for a chocolate bar (3-4m) and hurt my leg and got in detention!

Use biulder glue in the locks of peoples lockers, heh heh, didn't get caught too. although it seems a bit mean now i think about it.
king John sir are a madman...i like!!

wait till you get to university and you're living in's just one big beer fueled sex romp. all the nerds i knew at high school and all those weedy little girls i knew have completely changed. they're now self appointed sex machines and sex goddesses.

one crazy thing i did a while ago (whilel sober), i woke up in a girls room after a very drunken night and all her flatmates were in her room talking and smoking and stuff. i listened to their conversations and tried to see where by boxers had gone. eventually i got sick of them so i jumped out the window. 3 stories up. didn't even hurt, i used the old duck and roll technique.

need to get drunk more often.
Heh... stupidest thing I've done while sober is:

Wearing this girl's (the one I'm seeing tomorrow night) coat through the toughest area of town... and staring angrily at anyone who stared at me

Stupidest thing I've done while drunk is:

Me and a few mates broke into Levi's primary school, and ran around in front of CCTV cameras and Lights. Until the alarm went off, and I dropped my drink in the middle of the playgroud... and we all ran off
3 floors? was that like 3 small floors cos three floors i know would kill people me included, heh heh, nearly did it once for £50 but decided i'd rather live :cheese:
plenty of other stuff to do at school, i was just saying although alcohol makes me feel wierd people have said to me the odd thing is i dont behave any different.(dont know how they would notice if they were drunk too).
There was this dare for me to go up to some one and pretend i knew them(you know the dare) i declined at the time, so we had a few beers (i hate the taste of them, but once you pop you just cant stop:cheese: )and i felt completly the same(conscience wise) and still declined the dare and i know i was drunk becuase of that wierd feeling thing and the amount of alohol, and i had a small hangover(only drink when you staying at a friends house cos mum would go metal, i think she smells my bresth at night)
i'm not an early alcoholic because this only happens every fortnight or so
anyway...... :D
You'll grow to like the taste of beer. I like Guiness.. you can blame Zerimski for that. :P

My parents don't care that I drink, they know I do, and as long as I actually get home :cheese: (was a close run thing last time, cheers Guy :thumbs: :) )
king john, beer is the nectar of the gods.

guiness on the other hand is poop. ugh! i get the shits every time i have one of those. it does go down smoothly though, nice texture.

3 floors was a bit high, i reckon it was around 10-14 metres. i landed on grass so it wasn't that bad.

king john, if you don't like pints then try a snake bite or a cider and black. they add blackcurrent to the lager, tastes might fine.
Best night out i've had was when i finally took the leap of faith into going "up town". Not a shred of ID on me but we just waltzed into everywhere. Got to chat to some fit girls all because of my t-shirt - a man riding a dinosaur saying "To The Disco!" Told my ma i'll get the last bus home (11.15) and i rolled back home at about half 3. Up for school the next day at usual time. Awesome :D
I recommended in another thread a lime top to lager :)

Anyway... I love Guiness, theres nothing like popping down to the local at lunchtime, two quick pints of the black stuff, and then back to Sixth Form :)

Happy days
I love GB, 12 year old kids "poppin' down to the pub for a pint!".
Great Britian? Where you're from? I didn't want to exclude Ireland, Scotland and Whales, they like gettin' tanked at young ages too.
i'm afraid choice of beer just isn't mine, we go down to the park or to someones house and drink whatever the "beer man" brings (we get nomanated randomly to be the beer man) good thing is if you dont feel like drinking noone holds it against you, we have a few who wont go near it (pussies) but we still love them.
yeah we're all drunks here in the UK. heck, i can't sit through a lecture without at least two carlings in my tummy. and i'm not 12, i'm almost 20 (tomorrow!!!).

i suppose it's better being drunk then going round shooting everything and blaming games for it (sorry for the generalisation, i'm feeling sadistic)

king john, if not beer then what's your tipple?

mr Badger, have you tried caffrey's? mmm that stuff is smooth like guiness but tastes like a beer. good shit.
tipple? i really havn't tried that many brands and besides i forget what the were, i think we had giuness once, cant remember i liked it though, the time we had cider was nice, mmm.... apple flavour.
Caffrey's.. no, not yet, actually, I'll see if they have it tonight.

I'm not 12 either... I'm in Sixth Form (that's College to you) so there :P

Anyway... Don't knock the U of K :)
if alcohol consumption were an olympic sport we'd kick everyone's backside.

except russians. i got russian mates at uni who just refuse to pass out no matter how much they drink.
making new avatar back to talk about beer in a mo

(yes this IS a pointless post, i just like to have the last say in everything)
I swear I was raised in the wrong country. I don't consider guns a "household item," and I think of alcoholism as more of a "lifestyle choice" than a disease.
yes, i feel that guns shouldn't be kept in houses to, even though i dont live in america, look at what it deos to those wacko kids.
Hmmmm my thread about the decline of the site is now about acholhol consumption and Great Britain... Also, I have no qualms with guns being kept in homes they do not casue most deaths from guns... A nationwide ban on gun sale would help decrease crime but that's unconstitutional and I don't know if I would agree with that.
Originally posted by Dedalus
if alcohol consumption were an olympic sport we'd kick everyone's backside.

except russians. i got russian mates at uni who just refuse to pass out no matter how much they drink.

Don't forget us finns! were worse then the russians :P
That's what we go here, bunch of drunk brits :)
Hey, about Russians, I have a German friend, we are ALWAYS the last to pass out on the parties. It's in our blood, I tell you.