Decompiling maps.



Ive used 3 diferrent decompilers, I cant get bspview to work properly.
Matchstick doesnt do anything when i click decompile.
Winbspc v1.4 and v1.2, both crash when I try.

Im trying to decompile de_cpl_fire and de_cpl_strike so I can remake them for source, can somebody tell me why this wont work :( ive tried renaming, changing directory structure, output folder, fiddling with settings, nothing is working :( please, some kind soul, help me out.
never decompile something you havnt asked if your allowed to.. and btw none of those are good. vmex is the best one
Vmex can only cope with Source Engine (e.g. HL2, HL2DM, CS:S, VtMB) maps. It can't handle Half-Life engine maps (e.g. the original HL1, CS, DOD, etc.), since the format is rather different.

Bsptwomap seems to be the best-regarded HL1 decompiler.

Aren't those two maps from the CPL? If so, it'd be a bad idea even to remake them from scratch, let alone from a decompile. I've heard they can be quite litigious over remakes of their maps.
lol... maps arent Copyrighted, and if they get all pissy about it, its rather stupid imo, especially since PROFESSIONAL mappers for ut2k4, and the unreal series [which is a game known for notoriously good and balanced maps], actually encourage people to remake their maps if they can make them better :-/
Invincibility said:
lol... maps arent Copyrighted, and if they get all pissy about it, its rather stupid imo, especially since PROFESSIONAL mappers for ut2k4, and the unreal series [which is a game known for notoriously good and balanced maps], actually encourage people to remake their maps if they can make them better :-/
No they don't.

Make your own fecking maps.
Maps are copyrighted. Governments don't recognize copyrights that aren't registered, but anything I make, including but not limited to the text of this post, is copyrighted to me according to the law.
Remakes of other people's maps are OK so long as a) they're made for the same game (or for a game made by the same people, i.e. Black Mesa Source), and b) you acknowledge that they are remakes and give props to the original mapper/s. You don't need to decompile a map to make a remake of it unless you're just planning to rip them off brush for brush. Decompiling is only good for learning how something was done, that's all. I don't see why you'd need this for something as simple as an MP map.
Because I dont particularly know the map, I want to see what made it so good, and retexture and sourcify the map, im not the kind've guy to rip people off... I am really not, and I have more then enough experience in map editing to make my own map, but my friends really want DE_CPL_FIRE and I would like to do a port for them, but no one here will frecking help me -.-
I have all ready tried bspview, when I direct it into my valve/steam/steamapps, etc, etc. directory, it gives me an error.
Invincibility said:
I would like to do a port for them, but no one here will frecking help me -.-

I already gave you the name of another HL1 map decompiler:

Try that one.
problems due to a file size limit. Most likely a memmory cache setting. Originally those programs were never made to decompile maps over like 8Mb or around there. So its probably a max memmory setting within the programs source. sry about replying to such a old post but trust me this still drives people nuts.
You don't need to rip other peoples work to do a good remake, Black Mesa: Source have made all of our levels from scratch, you just need a good understanding of the original architecture and layout, and where you wish to go with your remake.
hey i wanted to do modeling for your black mesa source mod. No one ever replied to my application so i went ahead and joined the zombie mod "no more room in hell" Too bad you guys didnt reply. Coulda had one heck of a good skinner/modeler on your team.

Not that you're blowing your own trumpet or anything...
Not at all.. lol. Plus I only mentioned my modification in this topic because it was relevant to the posting subject, how we have remade our levels rather than ripping Valve's work and backwards engineering our own.
I was referring to rhodeder, not you. Silly :p
rhodeder said:
hey i wanted to do modeling for your black mesa source mod. No one ever replied to my application so i went ahead and joined the zombie mod "no more room in hell" Too bad you guys didnt reply. Coulda had one heck of a good skinner/modeler on your team.


You sound like the kind of person I wouldn't want on my team to begin with...
why, because i know zbrush and alias maya 7 really well. And because i know photoshop and alot more graphic designing programs up and down? And if you think im saying this like i have a ego im not. Im just stating the truth. Doesnt matter anyways i guess. Im only gonna accept a job now if its paying. I will be helping no more room in hell because i can use the zombie models. I planned on making a short computer animated film about a year ago about zombies so im making cgi characters at the same time. So its good. btw does anyone know a program to convert half-life 1 bsp's above 8MB to map files?
You realise you'll have to ask permission from the modification to use their materials, even if you made them, I'm guessing you signed a NDA.
Problem Solved!

Found a program that Actuall rocks for bsp to map. It doesnt have the stupid error when you convert cause i guess he set the max memmory cache setting higher. But here it is. No more fustration from the error you get when you convert a large MB map! This calls for a celebration!

Download Nemisis's BSP Viewer

Enjoy everyone!
Yeah, anyone using that program make sure you ask permission first!