Deddoshin Needs...


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Okies, hello.

I am here caling for a concept artist. The concept artist need to have skill in Character design and Enviroment design. Because the mod idea made by me and Pendragon has been floating around the forums for little under 1 month now I have decided to start getting visual perpectives on started. I have still not decided on both mine and Pendragons versions of the design document. But I can see us mixing them both together and making some changes. But to give you a basic perpective on things here are the design documents so far:

If your wondering what me and pendragon both do. Well I have been mapping for over 4 years and been modelling for coming on 1 year now.

Pendragon is actually just helping me out in the concept stages of the design and I must say he is a very talented indervidual who has helped me out loads. Loads of

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

goes to Pendragon :D

Anyway ye. If your intrested post in this thread or email me at [email protected]


Basic information about your self
Experiance in your field of work
Porfollio work

Thanks, hope I can find some people who are intrested.

Just to add, to show u that I am not another noob with no skills with a crappy idea. Here is some of my modelling work:

I was gonna apply, but it seems monsters and robots have been excised from the DD. :)
Still, this whole thing looks pretty cool. Here's to success!
Concept for maps?
If its like arenas, then something like a football stadium, with a course in the middle?
Looks cool in my head :D
I meant to ytou have any screenshots of your previous maps,, you mentioned you've been mapping for 4 years
ow ye sorry. This is one of the only images I have left. Since I stopped mapping for hl1 about 9months ago and moved onto max. Here it is anyway:

Anyone intrested. Well, the new design document is set to be released soon. Proberly by monday. Its got some nice suprising instore for anyone who is following my concept :D