Project Name: Second Threat
Brief Description:
The year is 2053. The cold war between China and the US is at its peak. Small skirmishes have been breaking out in various parts of the world. With increasing defenses worldwide, and a complex web of alliances begins to build, only a spark would be needed to start a world war. In January 2nd, 2053, a massive meteor of 20 miles in diameter appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the Milky Way. Scientists were dumbfounded at how it appeared unnoticed, but their confusion turned to fear when they realized that it had a trajectory set to impact directly onto Earth in approximately 5 months. The world attempted to destroy the meteor multiple times, these involving nuclear warheads, but though every warhead hit its target, the meteor stayed right on track, and in fact its trajectory did not vary in the slightest, the only result of their actions was the reduction in size of the meteor.
On June 5th, 2053, the meteor ripped through the sky, traveling through the earth's atmosphere for 2 minutes before impact. It super-heated the surrounding air as it traveled, leaving complete destruction and ruin in its wake. The areas it passed over were completely demolished and burned in scales worse than that of a nuclear weapon. The meteor also carried an incredible sonic boom that acted like an earthquake, shattering everything in its path. When it finally impacted, it smashed into Southern Congo, resulting in an explosion more powerful than several nuclear warheads. It left a crater of massive scale.
There were many large problems in the events that the world's leading scientists were at a loss for. For one, the meteorite had appeared out of nowhere; they reviewed previous images of the galaxy for days, but could not find the meteor anywhere, until it appeared out of nowhere 5 months previously. Another factor is that the meteor's course was entirely unaltered by the 15 nuclear warheads that were shot at it - and exploded on it. Furthermore, the curious nature of the remains of the meteorite had scientists at a loss. Satellite images showed the meteorite to be a perfect sphere, seemingly made of metal, half a mile in diameter. Many nations began speculating that it must have contained some incredibly durable new metal for this to be possible. As a result, just a day after the impact, China sent forces into the area around the crater in an attempt to secure it. The Americans got wind of this, and so sent in a counter-force.
The two armies clashed in the area surrounding the crater, and fought for control over it. Both sides slowly worked their way towards the crater, fighting along the way. When they reached the crater, a violent tremor filled the air. For 5 seconds, all electric equipment near the crater failed, jets stopped flying, vehicles shut down, flashlights turned off, and nanobots died. Nobody knew quite what happened, nor did they get a chance to wonder about it. Suddenly, gruesome aliens began pouring out of the crater. These aliens were not intelligent, but like animals, killing everything in their path. After fighting fruitlessly against the aliens and against eachother, both armies were given orders to retreat.
World War 3 breaks out. Within the first day of the battle, countries had already picked sides. The majority of Europe and South America, and a few isolated sections of Asia side with the US, and became The Alliance. Other nations either sided the the Chinese to form the Coalition, or remained neutral. It is the traditional world war with two major factions battling to destroy eachother, however this time, there is a third faction, an unexpected second threat to each side: aliens.
This is an 3D Online FPS game made as a Source total conversion mod that has been in development for over 8 months now. It focuses on new 3-way combat: Player vs Player vs NPC. This new method of gameplay brings a barrage of new exciting possibilities in gaming. We also have planned a revolutionary new sound system for gaming (which I can't disclose until you join the team).
Team Name: Ploronex Entertainment
Target Aim: A non-commercial total conversion mod for the Orange Box Source Engine
Compensation: The experience of collaborating in a large team and making a great game
Technology: 3ds Max, Blender, Zbrush, Source Engine, Hammer
Talent Needed: Texture artist capable of producing high-quality model texture and brush textures (tiling textures applied to solids such as walls and terrains) on demand. Dedication to the project is a must, and you should be able to provide at LEAST 2 hours of your time per week. Should be able to have a texture ready within 2 days of request, unless it is a particularly complex texture. Must be dedicated to the project and not someone who simply disappears after 2 weeks.
C++ Programmer (2 needed) with adequate knowledge of the Source engine. Should be able to work well with other programmers to accomplish a common goal, and also be able to do individual component projects. Must be able to provide at least 2 hours of work per week, preferred 5-7+. Must be dedicated to the project and not someone who simply disappears after 2 weeks.
Concept Artist capable of visualizing characters, scenes, and environments. Should be able to provide clear depictions, and 'davinci poses' for image plane references. Should also be able to provide dramatic images showing living environments and scenes for reference to the rest of the team. Must be able to provide 2 hours per week, preferred 5-7+. Must be dedicated to the project and not someone who simply disappears after 2 weeks.
If you think you meet these requirements and would like to join please EMAIL me (please don't PM me through these forums) with your portfolio, list of experiences, qualifications, how much times and dedication you are willing to provide, etc.
Team Structure: We currently have a team composed of nine members:
Andrew Yoon - Team Leader/Manager, Level Designer, modeler
Aristo Wibowanto - Modeler
Darknoodles - Modeler
Tanner - Webmaster
Trevor Lentz - Music Composer (see his works here)
Nick Tenhue - Character Modeler
Sam Dornan - Programmer
Website: Our website can be found at http://ploronex.com, the forum is just one click away from there.
Contacts: You can contact me by email at chwaga[at]gmail[dot]com, or by our forum at the website (linked to above).
Additional Info:
The game has a unique plot involving player on player on NPC action. This brings out new forms of gameplay never seen before in an online game.
We have a large library of over 70 props all made by our modelers:
(yes, these are out of scale, most of these are untextured)

And an alien I've been working on recently for the game (to give you an idea of what kind of graphics this game will have), these may (likely) be replaced in the future:

A close-up of the head:

And a close-up of the mouth

And lastly, a detail picture:

Another alien:

The game is over 8 months into development (though we recently made the decision to switch to Source and make it as a mod, bringing us back and forward a bit).