Deescribe your fellow forumnite MARK V.

Shens said:
I am not the Ice-Pick murderer of Wolverhampton

I am the sheep murderer of the Welsh Valley's :dozey:
Shamrock said:
Thanks for covering for me!

No worries :cheers:

Oh, don't we get some ZM info from Lawyer now? I did buy him the nice suit he wanted :eek:
evo maybe the sheep murderer but im the sheep shagger...i mean comon, we're renound for it.

Im new so theres prob nothing to say about me but all you guys here are cool. Always something interestin to say
I feel kind of nubbish posting in this thread, but the funny thing is thats I've been looking at these forums since august 2003, and decided to sign up october 2004, and I still didn't post much.

Also, I find Angry Lawyer's avatar strangely arousing
I'm actully Maxmon I got a new account. Strange isn't it?

OvA has the most horrendeously funny avatar ever.

Let's hope he never changes.
MiccyNarc said:
You know you suck at when you have >1500 posts and no one ever mentioned your name in this entire thread. :'(

Anyway, Raziaar pwns, Cpt.Stern is wrong but he still pwns, free Foxtrot, and Shens is(not) gay.

Razor=R.A.F ftw!! :D

xLostx=Some weird pirate lover(judging from his avatar!), cool guy though!