Def. not coming out before New Year's


Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
I posted the email at of Gabe replying to my yes/no question on a Christmas release, he said no

Feel free to start the, HEY NEWBIE YOU'RE FULL OF CRAP

just thought I'd let yas all know that we can all forget about seeing it this year yet

ya, has anyone ever noticed how almost every single software release date is missed? i've never seen a game make it on schedule, ever. And i recently found out halo 2 will be delayed till fall 04 >:/
We knew this two months ago :)
JonTheCanuck said:
ya, has anyone ever noticed how almost every single software release date is missed? i've never seen a game make it on schedule, ever. And i recently found out halo 2 will be delayed till fall 04 >:/

yeh I've noticed...only game in a while to hit release date is Max Payne 2. I think we need to get lives is what I think. I invest way too much time and money into this stuff.
I posted the email at of Gabe replying to my yes/no question on a Christmas release, he said no
Althought I'd love to believe that it was going to come out before New Year's Day, I knew all along that it'd never happen... the first thing I said when Valve gave a release date for HL2 was, "pfft... valve? release date? fogeddaboudit!"
i bet it comes out Q1 2004. that'd be my guess, but who knows. If CS:CZ doesn't come out soon, that doesn't look good.

PC Gamer reviewed CZ this month, but i spoke to someone who was at the "Launch Party" and he asked vivendi when he'd be able to buy the game, and they said it'd be on shelves Q1 2004.


I don't imagine we'll see HL2 before we see CZ, so i'd imagine Q1-Q2 2004.
"just thought I'd let yas all know that we can all forget about seeing it this year yet"

Repetitive, useless post. You told us about this a long time ago. The info has already been added to the Valve info thread in multiple emails. Thanks but we knew this already.
i dont care :)
A game comes out when it comes out, it's only when the people making the game lie about the release date, sure there are release dates that have been delayed but they dont say anything before hand like "we are 100% sure it will come out at this date" or "we promise" - then when its hard carkers they fail! That really shits me up the wall.
Id rather it being : Yes we are making the game, here some info and when its done, now stfu and go away. :)
If you think a release date has never been met then you haven't followed many games. In actual fact the majority or games hit their release dates, it's only in the last 2 or 3 years that dev teams have becom lazy/overly ambitious with their dates.
OFP came on time
CFS1,2,3 all came on time
Home world 2 came on time(i think)
BF1942 came on time
MOHAA came on time
IL-2 came on time
And the list goes on!
Well atleast this isn't a Duke Nukem Forever board.

They might as well drop that game and use whatever they have now to make a different game. They say we won't see it in 2004, does anybody even care about this game anymore?
DNF will come when i have grandparents and dont remember anything beyond where the bathroom is.
You don't have grandparents? How strange. Do you have a belly button?
I think he meant grandchildren...

Anyways, in celebration of the Half Life 2 April 2004 release date, let's all download the beta and play it!
Alot of game devs release their games on time. Lithtech is one who usaually meets their dealines.
You won't see HL2 until Nvidia releases a card capable of running it better than the cards initially showed. Take that to the bank.
Heleos said:
I think he meant grandchildren...

Anyways, in celebration of the Half Life 2 April 2004 release date, let's all download the beta and play it!

R O F L !
its a date. :p
Must. Hnngh! Resist. Sarcastic. Comments. Aaaahhhh!!!

Q1, let's hope eh?

ThorsHammer: What nVidia does has no effect on HL2's release as Valve have a deal with ATi
Guys, the game wont be out for months. Just calm down and play something else.
no! gabe is going to dress up like santa, come down my chimney and hand me a copy of halflife2. i dont care what you say!
Dagobert said:
Guys, the game wont be out for months. Just calm down and play something else.
Yes, and have a cup of tea. Milk and sugar, Dagobert?
el Chi said:
Must. Hnngh! Resist. Sarcastic. Comments. Aaaahhhh!!!

Q1, let's hope eh?

ThorsHammer: What nVidia does has no effect on HL2's release as Valve have a deal with ATi

Its not just about marketing, its about practicalityand making money in the end.Besides Intel(for its integrated GPU's)Nvidia still has the greatest share of the market overall. You really think they would release a game where almost 60% of your potential buyers cant run the game decently on the highend hardware they just bought? The backlash would be enormous.
Sorry i ment grandchildren i was er real tired when i wrote that.

Somehow i have trouble believing the date will be any time earlier than april.
3...2...1...Get over the delay for the sake of my sanity!
Where's Steelhed? He made me laugh!

Oh... I banned him didn't I? :LOL:

Hahahaha!! :LOL:
poseyjmac said:
no! gabe is going to dress up like santa, come down my chimney and hand me a copy of halflife2. i dont care what you say!

He already did that with me... oh no wait I did that, too bad I wasn't carrying HL2 and I didn't came down the chimney...... I crashed through Gabe's bedroom window, and it's a shame I didn't wear a Santa suit, well.... actually no clothes at all....
Now they won't let me near him again....

Steelhed.. You just hated him because he was a prophet! -_-

As for this thread's subject, where's that "Hello and welcome to last week" picture when you need it?
Chris_D said:
Where's Steelhed? He made me laugh!

Oh... I banned him didn't I? :LOL:

Hahahaha!! :LOL:

Haha ! good one Chris! :naughty:
Lavrik said:
DNF will come when i have grandparents and dont remember anything beyond where the bathroom is.
LOL, you people are hilarious. :D