Defcon videos


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Eurogamer have not one but FOUR Defcon trailers! Check 'em out here, here, here and here.

Hopefully Introversion will be able to hit the September release date they announced recently. I can't wait for this game.
Heh, Introversion hitting a release date, that's a good one.

Seriously though, looking very nice. I was wondering how it'd actually play, hard to learn much about the game play watching NPCs Nuke it out.
If it appears on my favorite digital distribution service I will buy it as soon as possible. If not, then meh.

This will such a fun game, and the option of real-time multiplayer will make it all the better.

EDIT: New video out today: Click me.
wasn't this supposed to come out in april?

Yeah, but they supposedly had problems with the multiplayer code. It was put back to September in May, and now, recently, they've said that they're confident to meet that date.
looks very confusing D:

someone mentioned realtime mp, so is sp going to be turn-based or what?
someone mentioned realtime mp, so is sp going to be turn-based or what?

I think he meant "real time" as in "it takes 7 hours for a missile to cross the pacific" :O

No, really. The real-time option means you can have a single match smouldering away in your taskbar all day long, while you're in and out the office. Just check back every hour or so to make sure you haven't been nuked yet :)
I think he meant "real time" as in "it takes 7 hours for a missile to cross the pacific" :O

No, really. The real-time option means you can have a single match smouldering away in your taskbar all day long, while you're in and out the office. Just check back every hour or so to make sure you haven't been nuked yet :)

Yep, where as you can also have up to 20x speed.
I can't wait to load it up, select my targets, go to school and come back and see what happened. that wouldn't work out so well :)
Man, I can't wait to get my hands on this title! I've been waiting for what feels like forever! It looks like it will be TONS of fun!