Definition for Terrorist: Liberal Democrat

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Jul 31, 2003
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Hey guys, if you want to keep arguing with me about Michael Moore and all those political things about terrorists, just talk in here so we can keep it to one thread... And mods plz dont ban me if this post gets out of control, just warn me or something and shut it down... thx

1. Gay marriages are gay
2. Capital punishment is good
3. Iraqis are terrorists
4. Michael Moore is not an American

Then only reason Michael Moore made that film, is that he was and is worried for the American people and their/his country. He isn't a big fan of the Bush adminstration, and their are plenty of logical reasons, not to be
Michael moore doesn't know what he is talking about seriously guys, look at him and look at his video... he should be kicked out of the usa imho

Sparta said:
Then only reason Michael Moore made that film, is that he was and is worried for the American people and their/his country. He isn't a big fan of the Bush adminstration, and their are plenty of logical reasons, not to be

No no no...he made the film because he's fat...and gay...
Dude, I'm usually really good at connecting the dots, but you are all over the map.

A terrorist is a liberal? You do realize liberals like peace and they want to reduce poverty in the US? They are such terrorists. I bet qckbeam is strapping him self with C4 as we speak right now.
no qckbeam is cool he is against gay marriages

So just to bring the subject up, describe to me why gay marriage or gays in general are wrong please, merc.
gay marriages are wrong because of a number of reasons:

1. they are gay
2. men + women = babies
3. men + men = swelling bunghole
4. gay marriage is wrong
5. gay marriage is gross
6. gay marriage should totally not be legal because a guy and a guy dont go together

lol my god merc..what have you unleashed

*tosses Merc flame shield*
merc said:
gay marriages are wrong because of a number of reasons:

1. they are gay
2. men + women = babies
3. men + men = swelling bunghole
4. gay marriage is wrong
5. gay marriage is gross
6. gay marriage should totally not be legal because a guy and a guy dont go together


Those aren't reasons. That's just your own prejudice . Those reasons are like saying black people are wrong because they have a different skin pigmentation.

Come on, you can do better than that. I need something that atleast deserves a response.

KidRock said:
lol my god merc..what have you unleashed

*tosses Merc flame shield*

Not that you probably care, but if you try to defend him in any way you lose any last respect that I had for you.
KidRock said:
lol my god merc..what have you unleashed

*tosses Merc flame shield*

hey thanks man, i might need that to protect from all these crazy liberals who like gay guys

my dad is here now i just had him register, he has a few things to say

Neutrino said:
Those aren't reasons. That's just your own prejudice . Those reasons are like saying black people are wrong because they have a different skin pigmentation.

are you racist? because i never said black people are wrong, i said gay people are wrong because they are

Merc, please get out of my political ideology. We dont want you.
Merc, I am so proud of you for defending family values and fighting against the Gay agenda. Between the gay agenda and the liberal democrats we are at war right here in America. By the way, Michael Moore is not an american he is a canadian profiting from his propaganda.
mercsdad said:
Merc, I am so proud of you for defending family values and fighting against the Gay agenda. Between the gay agenda and the liberal democrats we are at war right here in America. By the way, Michael Moore is not an american he is a canadian profiting from his propaganda.

thx dad

merc said:
are you racist? because i never said black people are wrong, i said gay people are wrong because they are


Christ, you're dense. No I'm not racist. I was saying that your arguments against gay people were equavilent to arguments once used against black people. They were wrong then and they are wrong now. Like I said, those are not arguements, they are just your own prejudice. You have to atleast give me a legitimate argument to respond to.
mercsdad said:
Merc, I am so proud of you for defending family values and fighting against the Gay agenda. Between the gay agenda and the liberal democrats we are at war right here in America. By the way, Michael Moore is not an american he is a canadian profiting from his propaganda.

Oh great, another one.

Maybe you can answer my question. Why are gays and/or gay marriage wrong? I want real arguments, not just statements of prejudice.
If Kerry wins, which he won't. America will become a 3rd world country and we will become extinct because of all the gays wanting to marry each other. How can you reproduce? God did not create man for a man or woman for a woman. It is unnatural. God intended marriage to be between a man and a woman and if you cannot understand that you are a terrorist against family values.
don't feed the trolls :\
c'mon neutrino, you're good at presenting your case and debate and all that, you needn't be found here. this is a waste of space, ignore the man and he'll go away, this goes for everyone.
Ok here is your answer.
If two men are in love, and want to declare their commitment, why should we keep them from marrying each other?"

"If two gays want to be married, aren't they upholding the institution of marriage rather than weakening it?"

"If a pair of homosexuals want to marry and provide a home for children who would otherwise be without a family, then how can that be wrong?"

In our current cultural conversation about homosexual marriage, questions like these are raised continually by pro-gay advocates. Unfortunately, it's becoming apparent that many evangelical Christians today lack the ability to clearly articulate their views on marriage. We may perceive instinctively that gay marriage threatens the "sanctity" of marriage, but what does that mean? We feel flustered with questions that challenge the way we've viewed marriage our entire lives.

If we want to defend the traditional marriage, perhaps we should start by recalling God's blueprints that we find in Scripture. When we speak of the "sanctity of marriage," we mean to say that marriage is a holy and sacred institution created not by man, but by God. That means it's not ours to tamper with or redefine.

Before laying out a defense for marriage we need to make two very important points:

First, we in the Christian community need to apologize for coming across as gay-bashers. As those who have been forgiven by God through Christ's sacrificial death on our behalf, we must exhibit the love of Christ to all men and women. We can stand for the truth and be loving at the same time. This we must do.

Second, our authority to speak to the needs of our nation today is the Scripture. The Scriptures teach that there are absolutes and that there is such a thing as right and wrong. Truth is never tolerant of a lie. The real battleground around this debate on homosexual marriage begins with the question: Who is your authority? We believe that the timeless truth of Holy Scripture gives us the authoritative blueprints for life. We respect those who wish to deny the truth of Scripture. We would ask for a mutual respect in return.

Mirroring God's Image

Two different passages in the first two chapters of Genesis tell of the purposes God set forth for marriage. The first is Genesis 1:26-28:

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
The first critical purpose for marriage described here is to mirror God's image. God made humanity to mirror His image on Planet Earth. The Hebrew word for "mirror" means to reflect God, to magnify, exalt and glorify Him. We are to be God's representatives to a world that desperately needs to see who He is.

For example, the union of a man and woman reflects the image of God by forming a picture of the intimate relationship between Jesus Christ and His followers. This is a theme that appears throughout the New Testament in passages such as Ephesians 5:22-33. A husband's love and sacrifice for his wife, for example, are pictures of Christ's love and sacrifice for the Church.

It's important to emphasize two things here. First, marriage is not about us; it's about God. From the beginning our purpose—as individuals and as couples in marriage—is to glorify God. We were created with the capacity to enjoy a relationship with God and to love and serve Him. As Jesus says in Matthew 22:37, the greatest commandment is, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind."

Second, God ties His image to human sexuality. Marking human beings as distinct from the rest of creation, Genesis 1 says "In the image of God He created him—male and female He created them." In other words, our gender differences as men and women are part of how we understand who God is.

Specifically, our gender differences reflect God as three persons with one essence. Glenn Stanton explains:

The members of the Trinity exist in community together at the most intimate level, for while they are Three, they are One. They love one another passionately. Their relationship is exclusive and permanent, i.e., from eternity; there have always been three members and they don't delete, exchange or add partners. Another important aspect of the Trinity's relationship is that of "distinguishable peculiarity." This means that while the members of the Trinity are of the same essence, they are peculiar and distinguishable from one another in their primary characters, much like males and females at the human level. This means that humanity is uniquely fashioned out of these characteristics of the Trinity (relationship, love, intimacy, relational exclusivity, permanence and distinguishable peculiarity) for these things. 1
Homosexuals have suggested for years that their practice is an acceptable alternative lifestyle. Many claim that their sexual appetite is something they were born with. Some have even suggested that God made them as homosexuals. Yet God makes it clear in Scripture that homosexuality is not part of His design.

The practice of homosexuality isn't a preference or an uncontrollable desire—it's actually a stark confirmation of a person's rebellion against the Designer. Romans 1:21-27 tells us that, as humans failed to honor God, their "foolish heart was darkened" and "they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ... For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error."

The issue of sexual behavior isn't a matter of simple preference. Our sexual choices and behavior reflect on the image and glory of God. Our stand against homosexuality is ultimately a stand for the wisdom and perfection of the created design and a choice to honor the Designer.

Multiplying a Godly Legacy

A second purpose for marriage is found in Genesis 1:28 when God commands Adam and Eve, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth..." The most obvious aspect of this command is that God designed male and female to join physically and reproduce children. Procreation is an integral part of God's design for marriage.

In addition, God set up the family as one of his primary institutions (the other being the Church) to tell each succeeding generation about who He is and how they can know Him. God's original plan called for the home to be a sort of greenhouse—a nurture center where children grow up to learn character, values, and integrity. Psalm 78 instructs parents to teach their children to "...put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments..."

This training in obedience is not only an essential responsibility of the family, but it also is designed to be an outgrowth of the marriage. Research studies make it clear that a stable family with both father and mother provides the best environment for children to thrive, mature, and become responsible citizens of any nation and culture.

Male-male or female-female relationships cannot produce children unless something extraordinary is done to assist them. While it is true that gay couples can raise children, and can adopt needy children, they will not, however, multiply a godly legacy when they are living in rebellion to God. In addition, gay couples cannot model what God designed for a child to experience growing up: a complete picture of a male and female completing one another in the marriage relationship. Children were made by God to be nurtured by the love of a mother and a father from birth.

Mutually Completing One Another

Another of God's purposes for marriage is found in Genesis 2:18-24:

Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.
This passage provides a vivid description of another one of God's purposes for a man and a woman to mutually complete one another in the marriage relationship. Adam was in his own state of isolation in the Garden of Eden, and so God created woman to eliminate his aloneness. In 1 Corinthians 11:11, the Apostle Paul echoes the teachings in Genesis 2 when he writes: "However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman."

In marriage, God brings together a man and woman of different temperaments, personalities, backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses, and makes them one. They are stronger together than they are alone. This oneness is symbolized and celebrated in sexual union—the act of becoming "one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). Sex is not just for procreation, but involves a bonding of two souls as they delight in each other.

These passages in Genesis 1 and 2 also make it clear that God not only created the institution of marriage, but He also is intimately involved in bringing a husband and wife together physically through the act of intercourse in marriage. He gave Adam a helper specifically designed for him. God designed a man and a woman to complete one another and He commanded them to become "one flesh." As Jesus said, just after quoting from Genesis 1:27, "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matthew 19:6).

Male and female were created to be complementary to one another in every way—from their emotional and spiritual needs to their anatomical structure. While gay couples may attempt to experience some aspects of this "completion," they nevertheless are maintaining a lifestyle built around a sexual rebellion against God. In most cases, this will lead to an inability to make the type of commitment God desires in marriage. Studies show, for example, that even when homosexual men commit themselves to a partner, they still regularly engage in sex with other men several times a year.

The physical act of a husband and wife becoming one within marriage is easily understood. They were designed by God for one another. However, two men or two women were not designed by God to become one flesh with one another. The physical joining of two men or two women is not a natural act.

Redefining Marriage

An unselfish commitment to God and to each other is the foundation of a godly home and the bedrock of a stable culture. The more we seek to redefine marriage, and chip away at God's original design for the home, the more we put our families and our nation at risk.

This debate about gay marriage is really just the latest outgrowth of a culture that for decades has been drifting from biblical standards of truth and morality. The sexual revolution, for example, sought to bring legitimacy to sex outside of marriage. The women's liberation movement worked to revolutionize the roles of men and women in marriage and in our society. Throw in a rising emphasis on materialism and personal happiness, and you end up with a dramatically new way of looking at marriage. In her book, The Divorce Culture, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead writes:
...Americans began to change their ideas about the individual's obligations to family and society. Broadly described, this change was away from an ethic of obligation to others and toward an obligation to self... This ethical shift had a profound impact on ideas about the nature and purpose of the family... People began to judge the strength and "health" of family bonds according to their capacity to promote individual fulfillment and personal growth. 2
When millions of Americans view marriage from the mindset of "What's in it for me?" concepts like responsibility, self-sacrifice, and lifelong commitment become secondary. Is it any wonder that our divorce rate is so high? Or that the number of children born outside of marriage continues to rise? Or that an increasing number of couples are opting to live together instead of marrying?

And now the push for gay marriage seeks to redefine marriage even further. From the moment God created marriage, it was designed with a man and woman in mind. God designed two sexes male and female—He did not create four sexes. Homosexual marriage cannot fulfill God's purposes for marriage.

What's At Stake?

We believe that the strength of a nation depends upon the strength of its families. We've already seen the results of redefining the concept of marriage over the last few decades; do we want to continue experimenting? Are we better off morally and spiritually as a nation? Are our children better off emotionally with the weakening of the family unit? Can our nation survive the social re-engineering of its most basic unit, marriage?

If you want to catch one glimpse of what could be our future, look no further than Scandanavia, where the concepts of marriage and family has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. As Stanley Kurtz writes in The Weekly Standard, "Marriage is slowly dying in Scandinavia. A majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Sixty percent of first-born children in Denmark have unmarried parents."

Each new generation of parents in those countries increasingly views marriage as optional. Sweden, for example, experienced many of the same cultural changes beginning in the 1960s as we saw in America—greater sexual freedom outside marriage, growing acceptance of divorce, increasing cohabitation, etc. As Kurtz explains, "The Swedes have simply drawn the final conclusion: If we've come so far without marriage, why marry at all? Our love is what matters, not a piece of paper. Why should children change that?"

Regarding gay marriage, Kurtz writes that new laws allowing homosexual civil unions and domestic partnerships have "further undermined" the institution of marriage. "Instead of encouraging a society-wide return to marriage, Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable."

One reason these social changes have occurred more quickly in these Scandinavian nations than here in America is that they are far more secular. The influence of the church has decreased dramatically over the last half-century. But our nation is headed in the same direction. Kurtz argues, "Who can deny that gay marriage will accustom us to a more Scandinavian-style separation of marriage and parenthood? And with our underclass, the social pathologies this produces in America are bound to be more severe than they already are in wealthy and socially homogenous Scandinavia." 3

This is not a bright future—and we are convinced that is where we are heading if we allow gay marriage to further undermine and redefine an institution God created. It's time to take a compassionate stand for the real thing.
shoot, my dad just busted out on you guys

hmmm guess the liberals have nothing to say, well i will talk about this more iwth you guys tomorrow, for now, i gotta finish some homework and stuff, lates homies!

haha.... hahahahaha. well done merc, my fellow inflammatory seattlite.
merc said:
shoot, my dad just busted out on you guys


Actually he didn't, he just threw a hogwash of religious rhetoric in our faces. Not everyone lives by such rhetoric, and it has no place in directly defining law in any secular democratic state. I do not believe my country has toppled one fundamentalist dictatorship only to install one here at home, nor would I ever stand for it.
What? you think everyone wants to be gay or something?? and if it was legal to marry, everyone in the country would be in a gay marriage and not procreate? thats a horrible argument.
lol I think I am going to sit the bench on this thread. this could be a fiesty one we have on our hands.
mercsdad said:
Do you want more. I have more.

I'm just going to take a wild guess here and say you have never heard of this little thing called the first amendment.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but your religion isn't the only one in this country.

But since you brought up the Bible, I'll post something on that a bit later.
man that's why i'm an independent...because capital punishment totally rocks my face off
I saw martial law is the best way to run a government..but thats just me.
KidRock said:
I saw marshall law is the best way to run a government..but thats just me.
Who's Marshall? okay, but only if he's not an asshole. (hee hee, martial law, silly!)
i say that muslims are bad because they are like suicide bombers the whole lot of them

merc said:
i say that muslims are bad because they are like suicide bombers the whole lot of them


HAHAHAHAHA...that was wonderful god lol that is the quote of the month.
If by now you haven't realized that merc is messing with you, you need serious mental help immediately.
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