The top five myths about the United States

The Liberal/Terrorist/Commie bastards thing is just a scapegoat for their own ineptitudes.

That's pretty much the same as Hitler did:

"Everyone to the left of me is a traitor LOL"
The problem with the news is that they tell you they are telling the truth or are free of political bias, but in fact are coming from an entire different direction.

Fox news and most radio talkshows are obviously right wing. You can smell right wing from a mile away.

Other major news channels like CNN and CBS and others are left wing or at least left biased, they are just more subtle.

So screw the news, if you want the truth, compare, contrast, and do some research. The internet is there for a reason
Oh please, if people would like to move to Norway, Finland, or Iceland for those stats, then go ahead. I'm a social liberal, a fiscal conservative, hate the war, love the businesses American and I say that we may not be the best, but we're certainly up there if you ask anyone in the world where you'd want to live.

It reminds me of all the people who said they'd move to Canada if Bush lost. I haven't the numbers that say they have. Sure I was peeved, and I'm a little disappointed in this country's government (ok, maybe alot), but I still love the country and if the right time comes would die for it.
Javert said:
Oh please, if people would like to move to Norway, Finland, or Iceland for those stats, then go ahead. I'm a social liberal, a fiscal conservative, hate the war, love the businesses American and I say that we may not be the best, but we're certainly up there if you ask anyone in the world where you'd want to live.

It reminds me of all the people who said they'd move to Canada if Bush lost. I haven't the numbers that say they have. Sure I was peeved, and I'm a little disappointed in this country's government (ok, maybe alot), but I still love the country and if the right time comes would die for it.
Shut your face javert!

On a serious note, no reason to die for a country or a bunch of old geezers who want more power. I guess I'm a selfish bastard.
The constitution not only doesn't mention God, but it explicitly forbade using the government to push religious points of view AND abolished religious tests for office. The religious right thus spent the next two centuries explicitly trying to pass an amendment declaring the US a Christian nation. They failed. The best they've been able to get are some booby prizes like CHANGING the national motto and the pledge (how patriotic is THAT, eh?).

The change in motto and pledge was done during the Cold War era, back when the nation was over 90% Christian, and our enemies the Russkies were teh evil communist atheists snowmen. It wasn't done 100% for making the U.S. more of a "Christian" nation, moreso as to seperate us from the U.S.S.R., and to make us appear to have a higher "moral" ground.

Truthfully, this list makes me sad. I should have known this list being in what subforum it was was going to be politic, but I was actually hoping for a good, make-you-laugh thread perhaps, about certain little myths of the American public, rather than just political ones (You know, cultural rather than political). Oh well, other than saying this post is a good bit biased in a sense (Although I agree with a good part), I'll just have to deal with it and look for more joking topic elsewhere.
It may be a biased post (the first one), but the statistics say it all.
evilsloth said:
I always think i'm lucky to live in Australia...

Nice email - learn something every day!

Oh, we are truely lucky to live here. Even if the government's a bit wonky, it's still mostly good. The best part is either the total lack of constant gunfire in the streets or maybe just the fact that we don't seem to be fed bullshit, or, if we are, we can at least distinguish it.
exactly. america still somehow just beats the shit out of every other country on earth.
Glo-Boy said:
exactly. america still somehow just beats the shit out of every other country on earth.
I'm not patriotic, but what makes you better than say the UK, or Irealand, or France or Germany.
I was writing an in depth response when I realized it might be easier to explain like this:

My last post came out pretty harsh. I do love other countries, especially in Europe. England and Scotland among my favorites. But if an alien fleet came to Earth, they'd be landing on the white house lawn. They'd be dealing with America first. I just don't see them touching down in Kenya and demanding to speak to the guy in charge over there, or in Lithuania, or Germany. In addition, America owns the moon. We also still somehow have more freedoms than anyone else even with all this G.W. nonsense.
Glo-Boy said:
I was writing an in depth response when I realized it might be easier to explain like this:

My last post came out pretty harsh. I do love other countries, especially in Europe. England and Scotland among my favorites. But if an alien fleet came to Earth, they'd be landing on the white house lawn. They'd be dealing with America first. I just don't see them touching down in Kenya and demanding to speak to the guy in charge over there, or in Lithuania, or Germany. In addition, America owns the moon. We also still somehow have more freedoms than anyone else even with all this G.W. nonsense.

yes but conversely were they to invade they would wipe you out first because you're the biggest threat's like fighting a group of people by yourself'll punch the biggest before you punch the smartest
Glo-Boy said:
We also still somehow have more freedoms than anyone else even with all this G.W. nonsense.

The thing is though, you really dont. You see, there's this place called Holland....
gick said:
The thing is though, you really dont. You see, theres this place called Holland....
Exactly what i was thinking.. lots of countries on top of holland are more free than the land of the freedom fry. pretty much all of europe, probably most of the world.
Reaktor4 said:
Exactly what i was thinking.. lots of countries on top of holland are more free than the land of the freedom fry. pretty much all of europe, probably most of the world.

This place is just as free as any other country in Europe. Drop the superiority act, I don't think America is better than any of your countries.
DeusExMachina said:
This place is just as free as any other country in Europe. Drop the superiority act, I don't think America is better than any of your countries.

Admittedly, it varies from state to state. Also, when we're talking about the developed, western world, who is more free is down to a lot of small things that in the long run aren't too important.

I think a major problem with many countries today is that people need to be able to recognise their own country's problems and be willing to learn from other nations.
Freedom is bullshit guys. No country is "free" or truely free.
I love it how finland is number one or two on almost all of those lists :D
Reaktor4 said:
Hows that relevant? You live in europe?

Uhh obviously not :|. But you obviously don't live here. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about. You don't know a thing about our country.
DeusExMachina said:
Uhh obviously not :|. But you obviously don't live here. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about. You don't know a thing about our country.
:laugh: ok... you have the intellect of a housefly.
Well, do you really believe that to know about something you have to experience it first hand? Is that what your argument boils down to?
In this situation, yes. You do not live in America, so you're talking out of your ass.
CptStern said:
"I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." - George H Bush ...hard to deny

Wow...I just did a google search to verify that...I can't believe he said that. That pisses me off. Apparently he is really against Atheists like they have no business being in the country. What an asshat.
If you were talking about the history or the politics of America, then that you could do since information for that is everywhere. Assuming to think we have less freedom than most of the world is a ridiculous statement, one you can't even back up with facts.
DeusExMachina said:
If you were talking about the history or the politics of America, then that you could do since information for that is everywhere. Assuming to think we have less freedom than most of the world is a ridiculous statement, one you can't even back up with facts.

Not necessarily. He only needs to look at the laws of the country. Whether somebody actually is more free or not is harder to discern, but its pretty easy to see who has the most legal freedom.
Yes, we have our Bill of Rights set forth by our founding fathers. Other countries have similar rights. Reaktor is trying to argue that we have less freedoms than most countries when anyone can clearly see we don't. Like you said, it may vary by state with some freedoms such as abortion or gay marriage, but that's about where it ends.
DeusExMachina said:
If you were talking about the history or the politics of America, then that you could do since information for that is everywhere. Assuming to think we have less freedom than most of the world is a ridiculous statement, one you can't even back up with facts.
So why did you say i dont know a thing about your country? Of couse i do.
Glo-boy made the original statement that america has more freedoms than any other country in the world. The burden of proof is really on him, but i dont see you americans jumping all over him.
You just have to look at the political policies of countries like holland and compare them to whats happening elsewhere.. and of course you should define freedom before arguing about it really. When i say freedom i am mainly thinking about personal privacy and liberty.
Fact is your freedoms are diminishing daily, in the name of fighting terrorism, currently (similar is happening in the uk). A lot of americans have woken up to this, but it sounds like you havent. It is happening. The people who are doing this are your enemies and yet you feel the need to defend them. I cant work out why.
Who the hell said I was defending wire tapping or bullshit wars? You're assuming again. I have personal privacy and liberty. Isn't that what everyone is talking about when they're talking about freedom? I do not approve of the current administration. And, I have the freedom and the right to do so and the government is not allowed to take that from any law abiding citizen.
DeusExMachina said:
Who the hell said I was defending wire tapping ... I have personal privacy
Not if theyre tapping your phone.
Coincidentally i just saw this from sterns superman thread..
You realize they don't actually listen in on the conversation right? They take the numbers you called. Do I appreciate it? No. But, the government's been doing it for a while, long before now. They're not directly interfering with my right to privacy. Phone numbers are available in the phone book so its no secret. I'm sure there's European countries who do the same.